The U.S. cognition and response to the rise of China and its rise seems to be diverse and moved, and there are many negligence and ignorance of ignoring, contempt, and wishful thinking.In fact, there is still a relatively continuous basic judgment in the United States: Sino -US is fundamentally not matched in terms of institutional, value, and worldview.

The field of competition between China and the United States is increasingly extensive today, and its impact is extremely far -reaching.The United States intends to maintain its current world order, that is, the Westparia international relations system after World War II.In private, this is a common country in international relations to maintain the domineering status, which is understandable; Yu Gong, as a world order, this international relations system is the most bad than other options, such as the world empire and disorderly jungle, should be the worst., More desirable.

China has been in the past 30 years, and has benefited from the competition and economic rise from the major powers under international relations.Due to the unique national system of internal organizational structure, Beijing can concentrate and use huge resources far exceeding the proportion, which is rich and strong on the international stage, seeking more right to speak and leadership.For private, this is also a natural country that belongs to the natural country in international relations, and it is understandable; Yu Gong, the political system and value concept of value different from the United States / Western China, the situation will specify and lead the behavior of various countries, which will inevitably produce world order to the world order.Systemic influence.

This impact seems to have two possibilities: New World leader China may change and improve that is the most bad current international relations system, but it is basically maintaining its own set; it may alsoIt will revive the world's order inheritance of the world inheritance in the Chinese world, and establish a single sovereign politics to reorganize the entire world order.

Two possibilities, go to the United States, the West, and the world, including the Chinese people, are all meaningful.If China is a great country of value specifications and the world (mainly the West) basic group, and has a better update ability, why not replace the United States to lead and improve the world?This kind of competition between China and the United States is basically non -zero -sum, and it can be completely harmonious.Many American students said to the author very much that if China is not only similar to the United States, it is also better. "It can also lead the world.Americans are immigrants from all over the world.

If the strong rise of China adheres to the unique institutional concept, value orientation and worldview of the West, with Li Yishu, it will continue to win on the international stage, replace the US leadership, reduce the relative interests and strengths of the West, systemic systemic, systemicity, systemicity, systemicityGround changes world order, the entire American and Western lifestyle will face a challenge of existential.The United States takes natural competition in China and the United States, and is a zero -sum game with unparalleled gambling.If you do not go all out and compete in full, in private, Washington is both irresponsible and obviously stupid.

Who will define national interests

A country's foreign policy is usually defined and driven by so -called national interests.There are many components of national interests, from independence sovereignty, land and life security, various interests and needs of the people, to the party's party and personal political interests, and so on.They often coincide, but they often separate and even oppose.In foreign policies, these different interests are often seen to get different weighted focusing on, differentiated, taking into account, or choiring.Generally speaking, the interests of the state and the nation should be higher than the political interests of the governors; however, in actual diplomacy, in order to one person, one party and one party's political interests, and ignore and even sacrifice the interests of the country and the people.

Since 1949, Beijing has consistently and clearly regarded the relationship between Sino -US relations. It is the top priority of foreign relations. It belongs to a big game with zero -sum or approximation of zero and zero.The "I" here should be China's unique political system and value specifications, not China, because few Americans have to destroy China, let alone slaughter the Chinese.The friendliness and exchanges with the West are always critical to China's security, development and wealth, and it is by no means zero sum.To a large extent, it has become a reality.However, the main line of China's diplomacy over the United States for more than 70 years has always been defended, confrontable and replaced by the United States under the leadership of political interests.The specific practices and strength depends on the calculations of its balance between international, especially the balance between China and the United States.

In the past 10 years, the first is that after the great growth of national strength, I feel that there is no need to endure the burden of humiliation and keep the light.As Chinese President Xi Jinping said in 2014: "If our party is weakened, scattered, and collapsed, what is the meaning of other political achievements?"Beijing thus fully launched a global struggle with the United States, strengthened the original discouragement with the United States, and established various circle of friends with the enemy of the United States; although China's income and technology are mainly from the United States, the main direction of Chinese people to foreign immigrants is still the United States.EssenceTo learn and overtake the West in economics and technology, we must reject those systems and cultures that create and standardize these "western use".

The United States' cognition and response to China's rise and its rise seems to be diverse and moved, and there are many negligence and ignorance ignoring, contempt, and wishful thinking.In fact, the United States still has a relatively persistent basic judgment: It is fundamentally not matched in terms of institutional, value, and worldview between China and the United States.

At the end of the 1940s, the former President Kennedy of Congress, and General MacArthur, who had not yet "hidden", believed that China changed from allies to a long -lasting "scourge" and challenge.The subsequent Korean War has caused the United States to have more than 20 years of blocking and peaceful evolution.George Kennan, known for its "curb strategy", has always suggested that they pay attention to but areolate Beijing, oppose the President of Knickson, and subsequent contact policies.

In order to deal with the more important rivals Soviet Union, Nixon successfully opened the so -called realist diplomacy to China.But he and several successors seemed to quickly lose the strategy of "two -handed" in China that he had called in 1967, that is, contact and promotion.President Carter, who established diplomatic relations with China, is famous for human rights diplomacy, but he eventually recruited Beijing's disgusting remarks, mostly after he left the White House.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the huge profits of investing in China and trade in China, coupled with the so -called "Chinese Fantasy" that will automatically promote peaceful evolution through various exchanges, dominate the US policy of China,Give a lot of good opportunities in China, which has worked hard to "make a fortune".Although President Clinton claims that Beijing stations in the "wrong party of history", it has promoted China to join the World Trade Organization and bring a leap in the Chinese economy, especially foreign trade.

Is the author's aforementioned Sino -US competition a zero -sum game?(Lianhe Zaobao's remarks on February 13), the United States did not gradually return to the original intention of competition in China and China and the United States until the Bush administration, and a comprehensive competitive mentality of "both must and".In 2011, President Obama told Chinese President Hu Jintao that the United States welcomes China's peaceful rise because it is beneficial to the world and the United States, but must ensure international norms.In 2023, President Biden told Chinese President Xi Jinping that the United States will continue to work with allies and partners around the world to compete with China for the interests and values ​​of the United States.To cooperate.

As a result, China and the United States have become consistent with the awareness of the competition between China and the United States: there are both the basic attributes of zero sum of games, many non -zero -harmony of "required", and the potential of transformation into basic positive and game gamesEssence

The author is a professor at the School of International Affairs of Georgia Institute of Technology in the United States