Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Wenxiong visited Washington, North Carolina, and other places in April, held a summit with US President Biden, and delivered speeches in Congress.Japan -US summit also issued a joint statement entitled by the future -oriented global partnership, which is considered to consider the content of upgrading the Japanese -American alliance in time and space.Regarding time, it is manifested in the part of "Future".In the short term, regardless of the results of the US election in November this year, it means that the Japanese and American alliance relations will not change in the long run, but to create an alliance relationship in a firm way.In terms of space, this means to create a relationship between "Japan and the United States+", or not only Aukus, AUKUS, but also to explore various cooperation platforms including cooperation with NATO.In addition, the statement also includes the imagination of the space space and other diversified cooperation areas.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated the content of the Japanese and American summits, joint statements, and Kishida's speech in the U.S. Congress, which strongly protested.In particular, dissatisfaction with the related parts of the Taiwan, South China Sea, and nuclear weapons are becoming more and more strong.In addition, it also expressed strong opposition to cooperation frameworks such as Japan, the United States, South Korea, Japan, and the United States, saying that it was creating a "small circle against China".

Japan -US joint statement stated that "we emphasize that the basic positions of the two countries have not changed about Taiwan", and at the same time, "once again shows that as an indispensable element of world security and prosperity, maintaining the importance of peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.Concentrate on cross -strait relations "and so on.These discussions are not much different from the discussion of Taiwan's part of the statement between Japan and the United States and the Hiroshima Summit.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China to protest: "A Chinese is a historical facts and international consensus. The issue of Taiwan is purely Chinese internal affairs and cannot interfere with any external forces.Japan also has a serious historical blame for Taiwan's aggression and colonial rule. In particular, we should pay attention to the promise and be cautious.

However, the Chinese protest wording is also a combination of wording that has been used to date, and there is no innovation.

Regarding the South China Sea, Japan -US joint statement said: "Recently China has promoted the claim of the illegal marine rights and interests in the South China Sea, the danger upgrade actions and attempts that hinder the development of marine resources in other countries, violated the United Nations Convention on Marine Law of the United Nations Marine Law ConventionWait for international law. "Regarding this, the head of the Hiroshima Summit stated: "China’ s expansion of marine rights and interests in the South China Sea has no legal basis, and we oppose China ’s military activities in the region.Nature, reiterate the important role of the United Nations Convention on the Marine Law on the legal framework of all activities of the marine activities.

In contrast, this discussion is even higher.This is probably aware of the recent problems between China and the Philippines.In this regard, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: "China’ s activities in the East China Sea and the South (China) Sea are completely in line with international law and it is invisible. ... China has arbitrary sovereignty over the South China Islands and its nearby waters.Continue to properly handle the parties related to the parties through dialogue negotiations, and jointly maintain the stability of the South (China) Sea and Ping.

China has opposed the point of view of Japan and the United States that China does not have the basis of international law.Not only that, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China condemned Japan and the United States to interfere in the internal affairs and violate the basic criteria for international relations.

The confrontation between Japan and the United States and China is basically the same as before.However, the China side has rarely mentioned the part of the joint statement in the United States and the United States that attaches importance to the relationship with China.For example, the statement mentioned in the statement, "We particularly emphasize the importance of frank communication with China, including the head level, and the willingness to cooperate with China under the areas of common concern", etc.Mention.Both Japan and the United States attach great importance to communication with China. In possible cases, cooperation is an established policy, and it also emphasizes this again.

However, China ’s evaluation of the attitude of Japan and the United States has also eased to a certain extent.On April 12, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned senior officials of the Japanese Embassy to protest. The protest was Liu Jinsong, the director of the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and was summoned by the chief envoy of the Japanese Embassy.

On the occasion of the Hiroshima Summit in May 2023, the Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sun Weidong, summoned the Japanese ambassador to protest. Therefore, the level of the protest can be said to be reduced.In this sense, before Japan, China, and South Korea's summit meetings, although the temperature of Japan -China relations is very low, it can be considered that it is relatively heating up.

The author is a professor at the University of Tokyo