Source: China News Agency

Reporter: Ying Ni

"Most of the books I have read later have forgotten, what is the significance of reading?" This is a problem written on the message wall of the reader on the message wall of the Ningbo Library in Zhejiang Province.

On the day of reading on the world, such a question may be even more meaningful.

On the evening of April 22, the writer Mo Yan picked up the book in his personal social account and put down the anxiety. "Every time you brush the short video, he will criticize himself.More boring things. "This remark immediately caused heated discussion and received the approval of many people.

Needless to doubt that short videos, short dramas, and various social APPs often occupy a lot of time for adults. After brushing, people can't help but sigh for light deficiency and feel anxious.Big data will also push more related content, which in turn forms information cocoon rooms, allowing people to enter the self -closed information environment.

A few days ago, "Can reading to relieve anxiety" once rushed to the hot search."Anxiety" is a mantra that many people hang on their mouths.Stress, feel confused, self -doubt ... are all kinds of anxiety.More and more netizens agree that the best way to fight anxiety is to pick up a book: both escape and immersement, both relax and nourish, temporarily forget external disturbances and pressure, find a moment of tranquility in a busy life in a busy lifeEssenceReading can be said to be the lowest cost, but the most effective way to heal anxiety.

World Reading Day aims to encourage people to discover the fun of reading.In China, the emphasis on reading can be described as the consensus of the whole -since 2014, "Reading of the People" has been written into the Chinese government's work report 11 times in a row. Public library, urban study, bookstores and other diversified public reading service facilities in various places are townResidents provide convenient reading.

If you say, read a paper book, like a ritual in life; then digital reading will win the favor of more readers conveniently and quickly.The 21st China National Reading Survey announced on April 23 mainly found this. Digital reading has become the main growth point of China's adult national reading rate in 2023.In 2023, nearly 80 % of adult citizens have been loved by more and more people's mobile reading, listening books and video lectures.

Ningbo Library launched the new "Daily Reading" reading short video on January 1 this year. It is the frequency of "day change" in the form of "short video+in -depth reading" in the form of "short video+deep reading"., Make reading a daily lifestyle.Xu Yibo, the curator of Ningbo Library, said that since readers like to use mobile phones to brush short videos, we also provide for what they need and use the form of reading short videos to attract more people to pay attention to reading.

Back to the beginning of the question, some people answered under the question: "The world is unfolding in the pages -the meaning of reading is probably the only mountain."Ben. "