A rare fatal car accident occurred on Monday (April 22). A black car driving at a high -speed dangerous driving was suspected of running a red light on a busy cross road in Tanbinni and hitting five cars, causing two cars to two cars, causing two carsThe two passengers died unfortunately.Although the specific situation remains to be investigated, public opinion has pointed the finger at the rigorous dangerous behavior of irresponsible drivers.

Singapore's fatal car accident and death toll last year set the highest in seven years. A total of 131 death accidents occurred. The number of deaths increased from 108 people in the previous year to 136.Occascular behavior is often the cause of car accidents.Although severe traffic accidents are rare, the irresponsible behavior of road users is staged every day, and small accidents often occur around us.From time to time, social media have been uploaded to the video of road users irresponsible, including do not comply with traffic rules, reckless driving, not allowing, and not paying attention to road conditions.These actions not only endangers their own safety, but also endangers the lives and property of others.

With the diverse transportation tools in Singapore, more and more people ride bicycles and use personal mobility tools, making the use of roads becoming more complicated.How to balance the use of various transportation and ensure road safety is an urgent problem.Everyone must realize that traffic safety is a common responsibility. It is not just a matter of law enforcement agencies or governments. Whether it is a driver or pedestrian, they must always abide by traffic rules, maintain vigilance, and drive civilized.If everyone knows their own responsibilities, they can reduce the incidence of traffic accidents.

Last week, a video was circulated on the Internet. A bus captain had a spoken corner with the other party because he was blocked by a bicycle knight, causing heated discussion among netizens.The netizen's message fell to the side of the bus, and condemned some bicycle knights' selfish cycling habits.Such bicycle knights and drivers occur from time to time due to road use rights.Basically, if the Cavaliers abide by the traffic rules and maintain a safe distance with the vehicle, everyone is fine.However, the reality is that the behavior of many bicycle knights lacks standards, bringing inconvenience and safety hazards to other road users.

Recently, there have been several videos related to the aisle of bicycle knight users.One of them was that when a car drove over an unmanned zebra crossing, a bicycle was going through. Fortunately, the driver and the Cavaliers had time to respond, which did not cause accidents.After the video is placed on the Internet, how should the bicycle knight use to use the pedestrian aisle correctly as the focus of discussion.It turned out that Singaporean law did not stipulate that the Cavaliers had to go down to a cart when they used the pedestrian aisle.Drivers have the responsibility to pay attention to whether there are pedestrians preparing to cross the road within one or two meters, but asking them to pay attention to the ten -meter range of the pedestrian aisle, pay attention to intending to quickly pass the road bicycle through the road, it seems unreasonable.Responsible bicycle knights should slow down, park and pay attention to vehicles before crossing the road.

The law needs to be advanced with the times. More and more people ride bicycles in Singapore. Riding is no longer just a leisure activity. It is more and more tools for many people to travel or even make a living.Part of the transportation system.If Singapore's space cannot allow us to have special lanes on the road like the Dutch bicycle kingdom, then we need to formulate clear regulations to ensure the safety of all road users.

Some readers recently voted for the newspaper exchange station, pointing out that the bicycle knight quickly crossed the dangerous behavior of the bus station when riding on the sidewalk. In addition to paying attention to the gap between the bus and the station when the bus was off the bus, it was necessary to pay attention to whether there was any any.Ride by bicycle.The sidewalk should be a safe space for pedestrians, but now walking on the sidewalk, pedestrians need to avoid bicycles and other personal travel tools.

Everyone has a responsibility and obligation to create a safe and orderly traffic environment.All road users maintain consciousness, not only to improve their own safety, but also protect the safety of others.Strengthening traffic safety education and publicity of the public is one of the important ways to reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents. You can cultivate the habit of compliance with traffic rules.However, if education cannot play, it is necessary to strengthen supervision and punishment.