About five months ago, when I wrote Gaza in this column, I mentioned a conjecture: removing Hamas is not Israel's first goal, and it is not even more than the hostage home.Broken Gaza, cut off all the supplies required for survival, and forced residents into the Sinai Peninsula!For Israel, this "big design" is the optimal solution. After all, killing more than 33,000 people will consume a lot of ammunition, which is worse.

The body can be thin, but courage can be extremely powerful.

This is an interview with the "early character" of the reporter and the battlefield doctor Hong Ruizheng last Sunday. My first impression.Less than 1.5 meters, she and those Lebanese or Palestinian children stood one by one, not half a head.But since she was young, she showed the spirit of rebellion.This kind of decision is probably only the disordered people of the previous generation.

In the years of Beirut and Gaza's beacon, the thin figure has not retreated, and he is dealing with the death of death every day. First of all, it is the death of others, and then you are not sure if you are not sure.

And, she is orthopedic, not cured by cure.There was a video of her young, and the little boy's calves in the bed were crooked!I can endure the blurred picture of flesh and blood, but the bone of the living person is broken. I really can't see it. The first reaction is that the fast progress is skipped, but at that moment, what should I want to deal with and treat it ...

The tall and thin body of the body, whether it is compassionate with a person, or how much humanitarian glory can be distributed, it is even more impossible to have a positive relationship.

She rescued the Palestinians and had been running for this nation for nearly half a century.As early as 20 years old, when Fenghua was in full swing, he joined this career. Not only was it hard, but he also came with many sacrifices. Various highlights and dark moments came along the way. You can find reports to taste carefully.I just want to say that this column has written a lot of people around us, and there are many people who "family affairs and national affairs, close to my fart", but Dr. Hong is not.In the humanity spectrum, her position is definitely the other end that the farthest and few people can reach.

For more than a week after the interview, the global focus has been in the battle and game of Israel and Iran.But people's sight should not be transferred because of this, because Gaza's humanitarian crisis has not been lifted, but it is still worse.

You know, between Israeli, it is the weapon's gambling of weapons, and the two sides are not very different on the conventional arsenal (except for the 90 nuclear warheads in Israel, which makes Iran's sleeping and food difficult, and it is obviously excellent).But in Gaza, it is a strangling of flesh and blood on the killing weapon.It is human knife, and the fish has no chance at all.

Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu recently showed "the date of attacking La Fa".It is conceivable that La Fa is a city of horror.For those who stay, I do n’t know which moment, and suddenly he and his family will be swallowed by war.When choosing to escape, with the decrease in the political resistance of the population and the Israeli army, the attack will probably be more advanced. This is a paradox.In fact, the situation of the escape will not be good.Because the entire Gaza has nowhere to be able to accommodate, and the supplies are becoming more and more scarce.

Someone often asks, is Genocide suffering?

In January of this year, South Africa sued Israel for racial extinction in the international court. The judges agreed to issue temporary measures, including requiring Israel to prevent racial extinction and allow humanitarian assistance to enter.It must be said that the moral courage of South Africa has admired many people in the world. Perhaps the collective memory of this nation has also had a long racial isolation and oppression, so that it made it determined to stand up and fight.

Entering April, that is, at the sixth month of the Gaza Battle, more and more vocals. Almost all subordinate institutions of the United Nations, and the heads of the International Red Cross, all exactly the most in different words to Israel.Strict condemnation; of them, the identification of racial extinction seems to be a basic consensus.

However, the real world is not always black and white.US Defense Secretary Austin showed that "no evidence showed that Israel was performed racial extinction in Gaza."His boss, while he called for a ceasefire, and was anxious to authorize the transportation of weapons and ammunition, he never mentioned "racial extinction".Of course, San Mo's mouth only involved Israel because of crimes.When he signed a bill a few years ago to punish the Chinese government's impact on the Xinjiang Uighurs, this G-Word is not a taboo.Perhaps for hypocrites, the dual standards are OK.The righteous righteousness of the past has become pale and weak now, and it is not embarrassing.

In human history, racial extinction is difficult to book.However, it was clarified and determined to clarify its concepts, and eventually passed the racial conventions at the UN General Assembly.During the process, the largest credit is the Polish international law scholar and lawyer Raphael Lemkin. He is a integrated and promoter. The word Genocide was thought of.

His definition, in vernacular, is to destroy the basic conditions that you depend on the survival of a nation, human race, religion, etc. when you have a long -term, planned, and overall place, including destroying its culture, system, and economy, deprived of its land, Food, water ...In other words, of course, the extinction methods include the most direct use of musket cannon missiles or biochemical weapons, and instantly end the lives of the people's civilians, but also include chronic, lagging effects, and the damage may be suffered by the descendants and the descendants of the descendants.Yangmou may not have to die immediately, but in the case of fake, your population will shrink, become weak, or be driven away and slowly wither the quantity, and the purpose of evil will be achieved.

In Gaza, there are no differences that kill women and children and even rescue staff, attack refugee camps and hospitals, and can be used as a flat and naked crime of directly, naked.When you see large and small corpses wrapped in white cloth, or the sand of the Sand Skyrim, it is like the surreal world doomsday photos generated by the artificial intelligence software Sora, and many people will probably be angry, pointing out that this is the ethnic extinction.But the latter category is often not easy to identify.

The evil of modern "racial extinction" began in the desert test of the Germans

Rymuck's understanding of the evil of "racial extinction" comes from his observations and research on the "Higher Jamilian Plan" of the Emperor William Emperor and Iron Blood Prime Minister Bismarck.

One of the cases occurred in Southwest African colonies in Germany from 1904 to 1907, today's Namibia.The German police officers will detain the local indigenous people in a concentration camp, conduct human experiments, and force them to the edge of the desert, so that they will die in the desperate state of water and food. Those who want to run back will be shot.This should be the first hungry extinction test in the 20th century. After a few years, the Nazis will be "improved" to continue to expand the reclamation area, while the indigenous population has dropped rapidly. For exampleTo 10,000 people.Almost at the same time, hundreds of thousands of Heleiro and Nama people were also rushed into the desert, and then became extinct statistics.

I deliberately wrote a little bit of the past. I want everyone to have a comparison. Is it the same as that of the Gaza people today?

The "desert trap" of the Gaza people is on the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt.About five months ago, when I wrote Gaza in this column, I mentioned a conjecture: Clearing Hamas is not the first goal of Israel, and it is not to take the hostages home.The supplies required for survival will force the residents into the Sinai Peninsula!That is to clear or reduce the population as much as possible.For Israel, this "big design" is the optimal solution, after all, killMore than 33,000 people have to consume a lot of ammunition, which is worse.Or, like the slowdowning model on the West Bank, in order to increase several hectares of reclamation areas, it is too strenuous and too hard to get violent conflict.

Why doesn't Egypt die open the border?This country is on the verge of financial collapse, which is one of them.What makes it even more scared is to let millions of people come in, which is always negative.Because Israel will not let them go back.This has embarked on the same destiny as the previous one or two generations and millions of people: flowing in all parts of the Middle East and becoming non -national refugees. From then on, they cannot get rid of poverty, no dignity, and no chance to turn around.

Yes, let me repeat these keywords: I may not have to die immediately ... But let you wither slowly in the quantity, and the purpose of evil has been achieved.

In Dr. Hong's interview, "hunger" is the word she has always mentioned.In fact, hunger, as a weapon, is not something that happened in these six months.

After all, this is a land that has been blocked by sea, land and air for more than 10 years. From food, food, medicine, fuel to electricity, etc., each is like being controlled by the enemy.Handle.Because of the blockade and crowded, Gaza was almost unable to produce food, making hunger is the norm of life.

Gaza is facing the Mediterranean, but fisheries, which were originally small, including ships, were systematically destroyed by Israel more than 10 years ago, and at the same time, it was not allowed to go to the sea.Of course, fishing cannot solve the problem of eating, but this example shows the implementation of human hunger.Dr. Hong talked about the Freedom Flotilla that he joined the Mediterranean in 2018. He tried to break through the Bashes of the Israeli Navy and transported materials to Gaza, but was intercepted and imprisoned for three days.I forget it, she was 70 years old that year.

Why are Gaza authentic everywhere?In addition to military purposes, it can be used to resist bombing, mainly to allow supplies to enter.But if it wasn't for the last resort, who would be willing to hide the cave all day and live like a mouse?When Western media reported the hole system, it always implied hidden dirt in it, as if discovering the abyss or evidence of sin, is it ulterior motive or confusing?

Before death, a skeleton boy Aisan became a symbol of hunger

What is hunger?We are usually hungry because we are busy and missing one or two meals, but this will only make the next meals more delicious.We will never realize how painful the Gaza people have nothing to eat for several days.Of course, more people can't wait for the day when they are starving, because of long -term malnutrition, they can easily take away their lives by other diseases; there is dehydration, which will end life faster.Yes, Gaza also held his neck firmly by Israel in the water.

Looking at the photos of the children of Gaza, the most is holding the empty plate in the hand, receiving food in the team, and the eyes are always anxious and helpless.Of course, you don't see obesity problems in them.Sometimes watch too much, it's easy to numb.But the story of Yazan Kafarneh last month shocked many people.

A 10 -year -old Aisan suffers from cerebral palsy, and is diagnosed with malnutrition and respiratory infection. When he died in the hospital, he was thin and skinny.Bad and dehydrated.Soon, the photos of the Hollywood aliens before his death were passed down on various platforms and became a symbol of hunger.

But there are still some places. There is no controversy about whether there are racial extinction.Everyone can see it without seeing it, or it is considered a taboo, it feels difficult to enlighten.

I asked reporters to ask Dr. Hong directly.She first said: "My personal point of view is not worthy.

"Or should I ask what Gaza people think. Ask the 1.9 million homelessness, the house is destroyed, and to stay under the plastic tent, what do you want to wash the residents of Gaza; ask those orphans without family members;Those who were shot and killed by those people who tried to pick up their stomachs because of the famine caused by Israel's deliberate flaws; asked those who were killed by the hospital, the doctors and nurse were killed, and the drugs were exhausted due to the blockade.Thinking of people with injuries "

But in the end, she still confirmed by cutting off the iron interception: "If we do everything that can protect them, then we are the same conspiracy of racial extinction!"

In this issue, I decided to let go of other topics and write again to add Shasha. It was really a head -of -headed drink, forcing her guilt, blocking her chest, and not being uncomfortable.

The author is the deputy editor -in -chief of United Zaobao