The student came with an article, so he felt that he had a sense of feeling and extended this essay.

First of all, let me extract a little original text: "There is a beautiful word in mathematics, called Total; there is a regrettable word called no solution;Yes (one and only one); there is a sad word called infinite approach but never intersect (asymptote).The word is called infinitely recurring.

Think of one: The addition, subtraction and multiplication of mathematics is the addition, subtraction and multiplication of a person's life!Everyone starts from scratch, and finally everyone ended in zero!It depends on how everyone is between two zeros, fill in various numbers and mathematics symbols!For example, 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 ... At first glance, it is just a set of continuous increasing numbers.But look closely, starting from the third number, each number is the sum of its first two digits.

It appeared as early as 200 BC, and it was named after 1202 with the name of the Italian mathematician Fibonacci (also translated Fipo more).Fibonacci Sequence (also translated Fishi and golden segmentation), including computer engine search technology, data structure and other computer algorithms.They also appear in nature, such as the branches of trees, the arrangement of the leaves on the stems, the fruit buds of yellow pear ... and so on.

For example: The mother plant with closed sheathing seems to be an excellent designer. The growth points of each leaf ensure that they can be bathed under the sun, and the arrangement of these growth points is fully in line with the number of Fibona.Is it magical?How do I live in my life?Let life be interesting and amazing?Happy or sad?Wonderful or bland?Optimistic or pessimistic?Smile scolding by others or by yourself?It is not easy to really understand!If it really penetrates, there will be no quarrel between people, and there will be no war between the country. How good this world should be!

Think of two: Mathematics talks about logical thinking.If you fill in a lot of numbers behind the decimal point, for example: 12.30 yuan, 12.300,000 yuan ... the result is no desire?Nothing?If you fill in a lot of zero after negative counting, what should the result?So zero must be filled in behind any positive integer, so that this digital appreciates!For example: 999 yuan, 999000000,000 yuan ... This huge sum of money can be used to do many good things?Will life be more beautiful?More satisfied?

Thinking three: The two straight lines in mathematics intersect at one point, and the parallel line will never intersect.Elephant and complicated straight lines or curves can be prepared into a network.The life of the two people intertwined and intertwined, organized into a family, and the descendants stretched into a huge network.It is not related to each other. People who do not collide with each other are like parallel lines and never meet.Therefore, as the saying goes, it has been repaired for a century.Cherish the person in front of you, cherish the fate.

Do you think about four: a mathematical question, the answer is correct?Is there a solution or no solution or more solution?Relying on the understanding and mastery of knowledge."No solution"!In junior high school mathematics, there are many algebraic equations, such as: x+2 = x+5, 8 (x+1) = 8x+10, x+3y = 7 ... and so on.There are still many unsolved mathematics problems in the world, such as: Goldbatch Conjection (theory), Hodge Conjection (algebra (algebra), Riemann Hypothesis (prime).

"Multi -solution"!There is only one answer in general mathematics questions.But there are exceptions. Example 1: 50+50 = 1 must be a wrong form, but you only need to add the appropriate unit to let the formula be established. 50 years+50 years = 1 century, 50 points+50 points =1 Yuan.Example 2: 1+1 = 4 What about 4?1 month+1 quarter = 4 months.Open artificial intelligence (Openai) can not give another answer!Readers can challenge themselves to see if there are other answers.Why not life?In encountering difficulties, there are different solutions, different answers.Want to live a simple and happy life, or a complex and changeable life?Self -University, complacent, inferiority, persistence, greed ... still modesty, love, good deeds, gratitude ... it depends on personal cultivation.

Mathematics can fully interpret the meaning of life.Zero, 1,000, tens of thousands, infinite ... Life is finally zero!Still treat yourself kindly, take a look at it.

The author is a retired teacher in middle school, the author of the middle school mathematics textbook and the primary school Olympic number book author