2024 will be a year when global leadership of Latin American countries will be tested.Brazil took the rotating chairman of the G20 (G20), and Peru served as the chairman of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization for the third time.

The two represents a multilateral organization with a considerable population and trade volume. Although the original idea is to provide a platform for coordination and promoting economic cooperation, in recent years, it has to face the disaster effects of geopolitical fluctuations on the global economy.To let many members negotiate in the joint bulletin, the wording of topics such as the Russia -Ukraine War and the conflict with Harbin, which depends on how the chairman's country is in the medium.

Brazil and Peru outline their key work matters for their respective chairmen.Brazilian President Lula said that the agenda will be promoted from three aspects during the term of office of the G20, including reducing hunger, poverty and inequality, promoting sustainable development, and reforming global economic governance.The focus of Peru's focus on the Asia -Pacific Economic Co -Organization includes helping the informal economy, and promoting the regular economic transformation of the North Korean North Korea through innovation and digitalization.

On the way to promote these agenda, Brazil, Peru, and even other Latin American countries have faced some unfavorable factors.For a long time, it has troubled the Latin American countries. Political instability and corruption.From 2003 to 2010, the government had burst out a ticket scandal.Lula himself was convicted of money laundering and corruption in controversial cases after his output, and was trapped.The court did not cancel the crime of being unconstitutional against him until 2021.

In international politics, Lula is familiar with faces. I believe he will strive for some actions during his term of office in the G20 round of chairmen in Brazil.In October this year, Brazil drafted a resolution at the UN Security Council with Harbin conflict, calling for a ceasefire.In terms of relations, Lula also publicly supported Xi Jinping, the Chinese President of the G20 Summit this year, and Russian President Putin attended the summit next year.Judging from these measures and the G20 agenda proposed by Brazil, Brazil shows his willingness to play a positive role in international political affairs.

Peru's President Bolu Ate, who came to power a year ago, was the sixth president of Peru's five years.Before her President Castili faced a series of charges of corruption, she was impeached by Congress this month.Some Latin American countries, including Mexico and Colombia, are only willing to admit that the Castle's election government has allowed the Boalt administration to encounter resistance in diplomacy.

In the country, factors such as political turmoil and soaring unemployment have led to the loss of confidence in the government in the Government.Economically, the Peruvian central bank has recently predicted that after 1998 and 2020, Peru will have a economic recession this year.In terms of diplomacy, Chinese -funded enterprises have gradually controlled infrastructure such as power supply and large ports in Peru, which has also aroused the United States to express their attention to the secret recipe.This once again highlights the challenges facing small and medium -sized countries in the contest of big powers.

Under such a situation, whether the Peruvian government can successfully execute the chairman's work and will determine the progress of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Members in 2024 to promote economic cooperation.On the other hand, the Peruvian government can also take the Organization of the Asia -Pacific Economic and Combined Summit as an opportunity to add points to domestic and international.

In addition to these two countries that shoulder the chairman's position, another Latin American country Argentina also struggled out of the quagmire from the state treasury, high debt, and ultra -high inflation.Mirley, known as "Trump, Argentina", was elected president last month. In the next day, whether the economic shock therapy he advocated can work, it will also affect the nerves of Latin American regional economy.

If it comes to geographical location, Latin America is far away on the other side of the earth.But in an era of global economy, what happened on the other end of the world may not be as far as we imagined.In 2024, we should pay more attention to the political and economic trends of the Latin America, and to find leadership in Brazil and Peru to find new impetus for global economic cooperation.