(Guangzhou News) According to the current crown disease situation in China, Zhong Nanshan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, believes that wearing a mask can become a non -enriched measure. It is recommended that people do not wear masks under the condition of conditions permit after April this year.

According to the Southern Metropolis Daily, Zhong Nanshan pointed out at a seminar on Coronary Drugs in Guangzhou on Friday (March 31) that in the past three years, wearing masks is an effective measure to prevent viruses.But the epidemic has developed to the present stage, and wearing a mask can become a non -murmical measure.

Recently, subways including Shanghai, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Nanjing and other cities have not required passengers to wear masks.Some studies have also shown that China has two characteristics of "lag" and "high -level popularity" in the influenza season this winter and spring, all related to non -drug intervention measures such as "wearing masks".

In response to this statement, Zhong Nanshan believes that the crowd is exposed to pathogens such as influenza for a long time.Therefore, he suggested that in addition to a special environment such as hospitals, China can not wear masks without conditions permit after April.

According to the monitoring of the New American epidemic,

As for whether China will have a new wave of crown disease epidemic, Zhong Nanshan said that different scholars have made different predictions on this, and some say about May, because the vaccine protection time is half a year; some people say that after September.

Zhong Nanshan is judged by the surveillance of the epidemic in Singapore and the United States, and the peak of crown disease will occur in China in the future, but it will not be national, because the development of new drugs and vaccines will continue to be carried out and can be prepared.He did not predict when the next wave of epidemic will happen.

Zhong Nanshan introduced that in order to better cope with the peak of possible new waves of epidemic, China is developing a crown vaccine for new mutant strains and is expected to be available in a few months.