Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Li Jinliang

2023 is about to end, and the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs suddenly sent a message on the evening of the 20th to release major information on the tension of the South China Sea for nearly a year: Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Mainland Government, should appointTell the Philippine Foreign Minister Manaro.

It is worth noting that this is the Chinese side "appointment", and the Philippines actively calls.It seems that the press release time to publish a press release on the website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs seems to be suddenly.

Deputy Dean of the School of International Relations of China Jinan University and director of the Philippine Research Center, Dai Fan analyzed the Hong Kong News Agency on the 21st that China -Philippine Relations has been twists and turns this year.Come and be tense.Therefore, the Philippines invited China to call the phone at this time, which is obviously aware of the seriousness of the problem.

Looking at the Chinese press release, Wang Yi has a few words.He said that the current China -Philippine relations are facing serious difficulties. The root cause is that the Philippines has changed its policy position so far, abandoned the promise made by themselves, constantly provoking trouble at sea, and harming the legitimate rights of China.

Wang Yi also warned that China -Philippine relations have stood at the crossroads. Wherever they face, the Philippines must act carefully.He also advised the Philippines not to go down in the wrong direction, but should return to the right path as soon as possible.The priority is to properly handle and control the current situation at sea.If the Philippines misjudge the situation, it is lonely, and even with the unsatisfactory external forces, and continue to be chaotic, China will defend their rights according to law and resolutely respond.

From Manaro's words, it can be seen that the Philippines softened on the South China Sea issue.He introduced the Philippine Fang's views on the issue of Renai Reef (the Philippines called Ayunjin Reef), and expressed his hope that he hoped to control the differences in the form of acceptance of both parties, promote the tension to cool down and prevent conflicts.I hope to strengthen dialogue with China in sincerity, give full play to the role of the two countries' maritime issues communication mechanisms, and seek solutions to solve problems.

The two parties reached a consensus and agreed to hold a meeting of bilateral negotiation mechanisms for the South China Sea issue as soon as possible and actively created conditions for this.It is worth noting that the "bilateral consultation" is mentioned here, that is, the intervention of other countries is excluded, which can be said to be a major breakthrough on the South China Sea issue.

Daofan analysis said that although the attitude of the Philippines has changed, it is another matter if it changes the position of the South China Sea.Judging from the current situation, the Philippines has become more and more close to the United States in terms of security policy and military, and may not be able to fully lead its external and security policies.Therefore, the Philippines is likely to continue to support the United States and confront China in the South China Sea.

Not long ago, the Philippine President Marcos talked in an interview that diplomatic efforts of the Philippines and China are moving towards the "bad direction", so they should seek a "paradigm change" on the South China Sea issue.On behalf of Fan, this "paradigm change" means that the Philippines is likely to continue to follow the United States, and the United States allies fight against China on the South China Sea issue.

Therefore, from the perspective of Daisan, the Philippines is not actively conducting bilateral dialogue with China, and its purpose may only ease regional tensions.In addition, after a period of time, the Philippines may be reflected to a certain extent, because the recent situation may be too fierce, resulting in damage to Sino -Philippine relations."Compared to China, the Philippines is a small country after all. It is actually very unwise to adopt a series of provocations on the South China Sea issue, so it may have realized the seriousness of the problem at present.

So, is there a turning point in the situation in the South China Sea?Dai Fan's judgment is that the Philippines really hopes to cool down the South China Sea, but it is still not observed how it can be done.