The neighbors did not have to choose, but the slaughter of the people should not be the fate of the small country, and the national defense was given to other countries.

"All claims to use unconditions to ensure our safety, they betrayed us."

I interviewed a war survivor in Odessa, a city in southern Ukraine at the end of November, and asked if he thought that it was a mistake in Ukraine when he abandoned nuclear weapons in 1994, and he answered.

The anonymous uncle was originally a leader of a community in Hermuson. When he entered the village, he was arrested when he rejected.He was held in a single cell for nearly four months. No one talked to him a word. He kept his mind 15 times a day by praying.

Uncle said that he was very afraid of the frozen war of Russia and Ukraine to the "New Three Eight Line", and he couldn't imagine how to get along with "crazy neighbors".He told a Korean reporter present, "On the quantity and crazy level, Russia is not the same as your side." Russia has more resources than North Korea.

Listening to the interview itinerary organizer -Ukraine Non -Government Organization Public Welfare News Laboratory (Pijl) founder Gumen York's translation, the heavier I feel.

The "New Three Eight Line" frozen war that uncle is afraid of.He was angry with the current situation of Ukraine's aggression in the betrayal of the great power, but in fact, Ukraine signed the Budapest Security Memorandum to abandon nuclear weapons, and only the security guarantee for the signing of Russia, the United States, and the United Kingdom.


Agreement does not attach a treaty with legal binding power. It only provides security guarantees, not security guarantees -that is, to make specific guarantee commitments for specific conditions such as invasion.

As a visitor from the small projectile of Singapore, my unfortunate encounter from the Ukrainian people saw a lot of inspiration to wake up the small country.

Ukraine is not small, and the land area is second only to Russia in Europe.The geographical fate of the small country in Ukraine is that it is lying next to the great power of the nucleus and embrace the dream of the empire.The European map is spread from west to east. Ukraine is a forefront with Russia after Poland.Disposal between NATO and Russia, Ukraine has become a strategic buffer belt of the two major camps, and it has also become a victim of the game.

Neighbors did not have to choose, but the slaughter of the people should not be the fate of the small country, and the country's defense was given to other countries.Ukraine signed Budapest's Security Memorandum, which was equivalent to losing the huge deterrent power.Looking back at history, none of the nuclear nationals were fully invaded. Even if it was regarded by the West as North Korea, no one dared to use the sweat.

Without safety, there is no development.In the early days of the founding of Singapore, Singapore laid a very solid foundation for the country. It was committed to the development of national defense and economy. There were sophisticated armed forces to ensure national security.

The "poison shrimp theory" proposed by Founding Prime Minister Li Guangyao in 1966 vividly reflects international political reality.That is, in the world where big fish eat small fish and small fish eat shrimp, Singapore must become poisonous shrimp.Li Guangyao has repeatedly reminded Singaporeans to be in peace: "We have friendly neighbors? Mature!"

Singaporeans have been instilled in the concept of being safe in national education since childhood. I often treat this idiom as negligible clichés.However, when the building was blown up with a body of war, the survivors recalled the terrorist experience of the enemy's break in.

The biggest lesson for the Russian and Ukraine War to the small country is that national defense must rely on itself, and must not be fake.Ukraine abandoned nuclear has not been included in the official protection umbrella of NATO. It is equivalent to relying on people to support the enemy, which is equivalent to relying on people's life. There is no guarantee at all.

After Ukraine from the Soviet Union's independence in 1991, it originally inherited a huge army of about 780,000 soldiers, 6,500 tanks, and 1100 fighters.However, the military structure and personnel were streamlined due to the economic crisis, and nuclear weapons were abandoned under international persuasion.

In 2014, Russia occupied Crimea, the armed conflict of the Donbass region deteriorated, and the awareness of crisis prompted Ukraine to launch military reform. In addition, the "dignity revolution" in the same year has driven civil society to grow, and it has become the supervision of national institutions and military reforms.For strength, Ukrainian military power began to rise.

However, oligopoly politics, politicians have become spokesperson for interest groups, and corruption is difficult to curb. In addition, insufficient funds and modernization management are not in place, and various factors have become a bond of reform.

The war is stuck now, and the long -term war is not good for Ukraine, which has less resources and population.During the conversation with the people of Ukraine, I repeatedly heard that "unfairness" and "Western weapons did not have timely in place" and other lament, all reflecting the helplessness that the country could not control its own destiny.

As a small country, he is unwilling to see the war of wars divided by the Ukrainian territory, because this means that international law has become a waste paper and cannot protect the security of small countries.One country argued that the independence of another country was caused by "historical errors and crazy decisions", and sent troops to snatch land and consolidate the scope of forces. Such acts will only accelerate the world back to the barbaric jungle law era.