Chinese students can not be a teaching assistant after entering the American college, and they are also worried that it is difficult to work in the United States after graduation.Many Chinese who have obtained a degree and employment in the United States have changed their runways because they are unsafe.Ma Yingyi, a sociologist in Sherong City University in the United States, warned that in the past, China was worried about the loss of talents. Now it is the United States to worry about not being able to attract good talents. She emphasizes that "competition in the United States and China is talent competition."

The Xi -worship meeting held in San Francisco in November this year, the heads of state of the United States and China reached a consensus, and will expand the exchange of humanities projects such as education, students, youth, culture.Xi Jinping also announced that China will invite 50,000 American teenagers to come to China to exchange and learn in the next five years.

China's strict mobile control under the crown disease, coupled with the deterioration of US -China relations, has reduced the number of international students between the two countries.The Chinese students studying in the United States have reduced from the peak of 15,000 people to the current 350 people. In the past 15 years, foreign students in the United States have been from China at most, but according to the statistics of the US Department of Homeland Security in September this year, the student visa issued by the United States (F-F-1 Visa), the top of the list has been replaced by India.Now that the epidemic is far away, coupled with the consensus of the leaders of the United States and China to strengthen educational and cultural exchanges, Chinese students seem to be able to enter the American campus next year.Unexpectedly, just when the end of 2023, more than 300 teachers at the University of Florida issued a joint letter to the principal, which concerned about the new law in Florida will affect the recruitment of Chinese students.This incident also impacted the campus in the United States.

In May of this year, the Florida Council passed a new law in July. It is clearly banned from the seven entities of "the country" of seven "receiving countries" from China, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Syria, and Venezuela.Get funds or cooperate with them, and at the same time are prohibited from providing research contracts from the people in this list, unless they obtain exemption from the highest education authority in Florida.12 public universities in Florida have been regulated by this legal norm, and the most impact on Chinese students.Taking the leading University of Florida in Florida as an example, the number of Chinese students is more than 1,000.Although this method has not been banned from recruiting Chinese students, most students who study doctoral classes are relying on scholarships, assistants, and teaching assistants. This decree may make them unable to obtain these tasks.

Legislative purpose is to prevent the above -mentioned "attracting attention" from expanding their influence on American colleges and preventing them from stealing patents or advanced technology secrets. Of course, it is most mainly aimed at China.In October, the Council of the State University System Council formulated the norms that the public universities followed, including the appointment of administrative, academic, research supervisors or research scholars, and should be agreed with the consent of the council to exchange with the above -mentioned countries.After this method was implemented in December, Chinese students began to panic, and college faculty members also discussed uneasily. Whether or not to apply for admission to enrolled students in the seven countries.

Fozhou University Faculty Commissioning to retain excellent students

So some faculty members of the University of Florida initiated the above -mentioned co -deployment, advocating to continue to hire the best talents, no matter which country.The university currently hires 350 graduate students from these seven nations as assistants. In addition, there are 200 post -doctoral posts, of which the Chinese are the most.This method not only affects these 550 people, but also allows scholars who originally intended to apply.At this moment, it is the application season for the enrollment of freshmen in the next school year. The joint book calls on the school to lose the outstanding students if they do not take action quickly, and the loss will be irreversible.

China has shown a downward trend in the United States in the United States in the past three years.As far as the number of student visas issued by the United States is concerned, China is overtaken by India; according to the statistics of another student registration of Open Doors, Chinese students are still slightly higher than India.And 268923.However, compared with the previous year, Chinese students fell by 0.2%slightly, and Indian students increased sharply by 35%.In recent years, Chinese students have reduced their studies in the United States. In addition to the epidemic factors, there are two main reasons.

First of all, the safety and employment considerations caused by the tight relations between the United States and China.When Trump was in power, the Ministry of Justice launched the "China Initiative" in 2018, aiming at Chinese spy to steal American technology, and academic research units became the main goal -the Trump administration believes that Chinese researchers and students steal the United StatesCutting -edge technology.

However, the "China Initiative" has poor results. Some Chinese scholars in the college have been investigated by the Federal Investigation Bureau (FBI), but most of them are just because they have research planning with Chinese institutions or participating in the "Thousand Talents Plan"The plan for overseas high -level talents) rarely found cases with real spy behavior.According to the World News of University World News in September 2021, at that time, the US prosecutors sued 28 cases in accordance with the "China Initiative", of which only eight were convicted or pleaded. Of the more than ten Chinese or Chinese professors, only four were guilty.And no one was convicted for economic spies or stolen commercial secrets and smart property rights.

Rory Truex, a professor at the University of Political Science, Princeton University, criticized the "Chinese initiative" in a report in 2020 and was not efficient: "About 107,000 Chinese citizens in American universities read in the Science and Technology (STEM)Institute (or above), the current allegations of (Ministry of Justice) means that the crime rate of this population is 0.0000934, less than one tenth. "

Students from members of China C9 Alliance Decline

This plan that is inefficient and full of ethnic bias has been announced by the Bayeng government in 2022.However, Trump signed an administrative order No. 10043 in 2020 (Proclamation 10043) to prohibit students from Chinese universities from studying in the United States.The U.S. government claims that these universities are related to the Chinese military, but the list has not been made public.The Biden government is still executing this administrative order.According to officials in the United States, a total of about 3,000 people who have not received a visa affected by the ban, but according to estimates of the Security and Emerging Technology Center (CSET) of Georgetown University in the United States, 3,000 to 5,000 people are affected each year.

"China Initiative" and President No. 10043 have announced that they have caused young Chinese students to have a chilling effect -they feel the hostility of American society, and it will be difficult to develop in the United States in the future.This also reduces the willingness of Chinese students to study in the United States.

Tsinghua, Peking University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Nanjing University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, and the University of Science and Technology of China are all members of the "C9 Alliance" -nine top universities to imitate the alliance of the American Changchun Teng League.The number of university departments from these six universities have declined year by year from 2018 to 2021.Tsinghua University has dropped from 26%to 13%in the past four years, and Peking University has fallen from 30%to 18%. Tsinghua graduates choose to study in the United States from 11%in 2018 to 3%in 2021.

Chinese students can not be a teaching assistant after entering the American college, and they are worried that it is difficult to work in the United States after graduation.Many Chinese who have obtained a degree and employment in the United States have changed their runways because they are unsafe.According to statistics from the Asian American Scholas forum (Asian American Scholar Forum), more than 1,400 Chinese scientists trained in the United States in 2021 gave up their positions in American academic units or companies to return to China.This number increased by 22%over the previous year.

Syracuse University Social Social Socialist Yingyi MA is a case where she graduated from Chinese universities and went to the United States after graduating from Chinese universities.Asian students.She returned to China this year to visit Tsinghua, and felt the teachers and students of the teachers and students to the United States.hostility.She warned that the number of papers published and cited in the global influential journal in 2023 surpassed the United States for the first time.This also attracted the return of outstanding Chinese scholars in top universities in the United States. For example, Harvard's highly respected mathematician Qiu Chengtong left Harvard and returned to Qinghua in 2022.Ma Yingyi warned: "If the U.S. hawks of China have driven away China's top talents, universities in China have effectively attracted these talents." She said that in the past, China was worried about the loss of talents.To good talents.She emphasized that "the competition in the United States is talent competition."

Can the United States' anti -blocking policy for China ensure that advanced technology is not copied by China or "pirates"?Chinese young people do not leave the United States, only stay in China to study, can they help China "super" the United States and Europe?These are still unbeatable. It is certain that young people in China have no way to avoid the big pattern of the US -China hegemony and restrict their life development.

The author is a columnist in Taiwan