The Thai government has recently launched an international bidding event for the proposed land bridge plan.Minister of Transportation Suria told investors in Tokyo that the bidding consortium will obtain 50 years of franchise rights, including ports, freight routes, logistics, industrial investment management and real estate.According to reports, for this land plan between the Lalang Mansion in the Lindan Mandan Sea in the west of Thailand and the Chun Pengfu in the east, the Thai government intends to launch the construction project in 2025, which is promoted in four stages. It is expected to be 2040. 2040Complete year.Suria revealed that investors are expected to achieve a balance of income and expenditure within 24 years.In addition to Japan, since Social Germany has been the Prime Minister, he has introduced the potential investors in the United States, China, and the Middle East to introduce this giant project with an expected investment of nearly S $ 40 billion.Compared with the past few decades, the canal or land bridge plan, which has the leadership of private enterprises from time to time. This time, the social morality of his government has personally urged, and it is no longer a rumor and may be implemented.

The great career of the Gorge of Thailand to penetrate the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean has been in the minds of Thai political and economic leaders since the three centuries.Even today, there are many opposition voices in Thailand, including permanent damage and population migration of Thai ecological environment.Compared with the canal, the Land Bridge has less doubts about the "splitting" Thai Muslim minority. It is acceptable to more people in Thailand.The social morality government is anxious to put this plan for 300 years of planning, one main reason is to give the Thai economy a brand new and strong motivation to get out of the middle income trap.

Once the plan is implemented, the geographical economy of this region will change, and the shipping of the Malacca Strait will inevitably be affected, but the degree of impact may not be huge.First, the Malacca Strait is actually very crowded. A quarter of the world ’s shipping trade and nearly half of the oil tankers have passed here, approaching saturation. About 800 kilometers long channels are regarded as high risks by the international sea transportation industry because there are many pirates.Because of the great demand, Singapore's Dasan and Port in Malaysia are actively expanding, looking forward to meeting the future market.Therefore, the implementation of Luqiao in South Thailand is not necessarily a blow to the New Horse, and it may also increase the overall carrying capacity of the shipping in the region and make the cake bigger.

However, the choice of shipping companies must eventually be in business talks. The journey that Tao Kradi can save is only about 2,000 kilometers. It is very different from the tens of thousands of kilometers in the Panama Canal and the Suez Canal.One week, and the number of goods that must be experienced during the period, it involves the efficiency and cost of local ports. Therefore, some analysts believe that shipping companies must not be diverted.According to the estimation of Thailand, whether international consortiums are willing to invest in an era when international political and economic development is more uncertain, it is unknown to invest in a 24 -year investment in balance.

Earlier last month, Xu Fangda, the Minister of Communication and Minister of Finance of the Ministry of Finance, pointed out the key in Congress that Singapore will continue to work hard to improve the connection, productivity and competitiveness of the port, including using technology to improve the efficiency of Hong Kong and cooperate with the industry to cooperate with the industry., Promote the development and supply of cleaning fuel.The development of Da Shigang will also make Singapore more capable of dealing with super large container vessels, providing the necessary capacity and connectivity to the shipping company. These are major projects to strengthen the strength of Singapore's port.Measures.

Luqiao has a huge economic benefits in Thailand, long -term contributions to GDP and employment, and have profound political significance.Once Luqiao is opened, geopolitics will also change. Thailand will become another country that defends the two major ocean transportation. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that a consortium is considering investment in construction from the perspective of business.

In any case, if this plan is determined, it will still take one or two years if it is determined to be implemented.Singapore's sea industry is about 6 billion yuan today, with a population of 100,000, accounting for about 7%of the GDP. It is difficult to evaluate the impact after 20 years.But the most important thing is that Singapore's economic structure is diversified. In the sea industry has more than half a century of international competitive experience and decision -making, it has not stopped self -excellence.Essence