"Fate" indicates a limit, and all life has the end after all.Those who have lived for half a century, if they were not harsh, they would inevitably realize the limitations of life.

The theory of "Thirty End" is often cited, and even "forty but not confused" and the realization of life in each 10 years, many people may be familiar with it.But what is not well known is the first sentence that this paragraph recorded in the Confucius and the government: "I have five and five and they are studying."This is the basis of Confucius' learning realm at all stages of life.

Confucius is a great man with a prophet, and he has made volunteers at the age of 15 to pursue life knowledge.The way he does learning is first of all, "sensitivity and easy to learn, and shamelessly ask" (the Analects of Confucius), and then come to work hard.Editor Three "Historical Records · Confucius Family).The pursuit of his life is that he hopes to restore the rule of ritual and music to allow the people to live and work in peace, and the world is peaceful; although he has not been able to do so during his lifetime, the academic knowledge has affected Chinese culture for more than 2000 years.

Therefore, "thirty standing" does not say unconditionally, people automatically obtain personality independence at the age of 30.To achieve this kind of achievement, we must experience up to 15 years of uninterrupted learning and reflection.If modern people are studying in universities, they will be in their early 20s when they enter the workplace. At the age of 30, they should have accumulated several years of work experience, and may also encounter some personnel setbacks.Due to people.

This personal understanding of "thirty" is bound to be biased, but it is still a staple view of the life stage of "knowing the destiny".Although the lack of the spirit and investment of Confucius's good learning, after all, it has been hit hard for decades.Looking back at the 10 years at the age of 40, "not confused" should refer to the right or wrong of the matter. There is a bottom in my heart. Even for various reasons, I can't do the right thing for a while, but my heart compromises and mistakes.Still bright and ashamed.

Although I dare not think that I have "knowing the destiny", I still have their own understanding in concept."Life" indicates a limit, and all life has the end after all.Those who have lived for half a century, if they were not harsh, they would inevitably realize the limitations of life.Just as Hong Kong singer Xu Guanjie sang in the voice of the prodigal son in 1976: "Sometimes there must be / life in the life."Most of those who are over half a year have got rid of the blind movement of youth, and learn not to be difficult before the timing and the situation mature.This is not a pessimistic attitude attitude, but aware of the limitations of individuals, and learn to accept the cards sent to themselves.Mencius said: "A gentleman has something to do, and he does something." Here is another moral significance.

Another understanding of

"Fate" is that the ability and conditions of individuals are different. After more experience in life, understand the boundaries.Just like Jin Yong's novel Yitian Tu Long Ji Zhang Wuji, after practicing Jiuyang Shen Gong and Qian Kun's two powerful kung fu, when watching Yin Tianzheng and Song Yuanqiao in Guangming, the more he watched the more.There are more flaws.Because he is responsible for Jiuyang, although he can win, he is not more refined than Yin Song, and ordinary people cannot do it.The novel explains: "Just as birds fight underground lions and tigers, they can't help but think: 'Why don't you fly high, can you win?' I do n’t know that the lions and tigers are the most fierce among the hundred beasts.It is not what you can. "Zhifu may be the conviction of" the power cannot ".

This is of course for ordinary people.For extraordinary people, they are usually not willing to bow their heads towards fate, but will be based on the strength of Yu Gong to move the mountain, like Taiwanese singer Li Zongsheng ridiculed by himself in the hills: "The teasing of love / the left and right of fate / the power of fate <"Fangxiu".Those who can achieve a big business are probably with this courage and persistence that is different from ordinary people.People know that they are mortals or warriors. After 50 years of age, there should be no answer.

At this stage, the realm of "sixty and ears" should be an open -minded mentality. Letting go of obsession and prejudice, and no more misunderstandings such as the increasing trouble of "the speechless person, the listener intentionally".For gossip, at this time, you must learn to spoil and be humiliated, just like Zhang Wuji recite Jiuyang Zhen Scriptures: "He is strong at him, the breeze is blewed;Evil, I am really angry. "This is a mentality of upholding the greatest kindness to others. It is not blind innocence, but to be beyond the kindness of the world; the control of self -emotion is mature and stable.People really cultivated in this realm, it is really six or six Dasun, and it is not good.

Confucius said that he was "seventy and did not have more torque from his heart", and it seemed to have reached an extraordinary situation.I still remember the explanation of the classroom teacher at that time. At this stage of life, Confucius naturally conforms to rituals and laws. He did not feel that he was bound by any external restraint, so he could "from the heart".There is no place where there is a slightest.Applying modern western concepts may be a true state of freedom in morality and spirit.

Different cultivation results at these life stages must first meet the tireless learning conditions that Confucius began at the age of 15.Without this basic skill, it may not be able to form an independent personality at the age of 30. In the following years, it would not be able to go on the way.In any case, the trip to the thousands of miles starts under the foot, no matter what life stage, as long as you are interested in learning, and you learn it on weekdays, there will always be a day when you enter the room.The New Year is approaching, and we will encourage the monarchs.