Singapore cannot copy the happy scriptures of the small European country, but their happiness increases our understanding of life value.

Three days ago, after Christmas, I took the Dharma capital of the capital of the world in the world's happiest country in the world's happiest country in the world.

In the National Ranking of the World Happy Report in 2023, Finnish six consecutive championships, and several Nordic countries are also among the best.Participating in the tour group hurriedly walked through Norway, Sweden, and Finland, the "extreme night" and the constant snowy snowfall, the three small countries made people feel the friendliness and warmth of the local people.Northern light, the soul has some unspeakable satisfaction.

On the rankings such as global integrity countries and wealthy countries, Singapore, which competes with the top five in the Nordic countries, is obviously behind in the Happy List, only ranked 25th, which is the second in Asia. It is the No. 1 in Asia.First, it is "unsatisfactory."

Singapore's happiness is not as good as Northern Europe, there are inevitable and accidental factors.There is a certain connection between material life and spiritual life, and there is no surprise that the happy countries are developed countries.Israel, which ranks fourth in the Middle East country this year, is in the psychological state of preparing for the war. Where does their happiness come from?It is a topic worthy of discussion of experts and scholars.

In 2023, the worst social problem in Singapore may be that more and more people are not happy, and the younger the younger.A student of a Singapore National University recently interpreted in the new generation of the United Zaobao that a poster recently posted on the CUHK campus pointed out that some surveys showed that three people in each four people had depression per person.risks of.This is a health alert issued by the university to students. The official university official should have a targeted follow -up operation.

The National Population Health Survey announced in October this year shows that more people in Singapore are facing mental health problems. The poor psychological health ratio increased from 13.4%in 2020 to 17%in 2022.Among them, young people aged 18 to 29 accounted for the highest proportion, reaching 25.3%.Among women participating in the investigation in 2022, 18.6%have mental health problems, and men account for 15.2%.

At the same time, more people are willing to support the network for help from relatives and friends such as psychological problems.The survey pointed out that among the local residents, the ratio of willingness to ask for help from informal support network increases from 69.1%of 2021 to 79.7%in 2022.

At the 7th Singapore Mental Health Conference on October 4, Minister of Health Wang Yikang revealed that in the next two years, the official will formulate a psychological health plan to incorporate support and preventing psychological health in health SG.The plan has become part of the scope of practice of general doctors.More than 400 general doctors have been trained and cooperated with community support teams and hospitals; officials will gradually allow more general doctors to train.This announcement means that the government officially declared war on the serious psychological health of the Chinese people.

On December 27th, I took a 45 -minute English documentaries to discuss Finland's 45 -minute English documentaries from Herbinye to Dorha to a flight.Workers and parents in many fields have been visited in the film. Their talks focus on the development of children's mental health since childhood. The consensus of society has no exams. Only mathematics teachers occasionally test their children to find out their mathematical level.The school pays special attention to students to rest in get out of class every 45 minutes. During this time, children are free to move. They think that this can restore students' attention to learning.

One of the interviewed educators said, "Every school is a good school." We sound familiar with this sentence.It seems easier to understand in the mouth.

For adults, Finnish society emphasizes the balance of daily life, and each employee enjoys a five -week vacation every year.Finnish people cherish personal freedom and the transparency of government policies, and have a high degree of trust in the efficiency and services of public facilities.

In the 10 days before and after (excluding two days of flight), walking on the streets of the three Nordic countries in the Three Kingdoms of Northern Europe, getting a common impression is that the horn of the car can not hear on the road.The sound of the car flute is at a intersection of Helsinki.Nordic drivers are highly polite and maintaining a happy driving mood. They will take the initiative to stop people crossing the road.

In the past few days, Singapore is in the festive atmosphere of Christmas and welcome the New Year, and the public's participation in street parties is unprecedentedly enthusiastic.In contrast, northern Finland town, on the edge of the Arctic, the festive atmosphere of Santa's hometown of Rovaniemi is relatively calm, with lighting, but not particularly dazzling and charming.Ping An Night I live in the famous Levi ski resort resort. I thought that the resort must have a noisy that night, but the outdoor seemed to be extraordinarily silent.Locals eat at home, and most of the restaurants are entertaining tourists.Western tourists give gifts to their children with Santa's hands, which is a key program at the dinner party.

Look at the safe night carnival on Wujie Road, Singapore, is simply a collective excitement.

It is impossible for Singapore to copy the happy scriptures of the small nations, but their happiness increases our understanding of life value.

The happiness of the country is based on material life and the physical and mental health of the people. People are named for profit.Therefore, it is not surprising that Singapore is at the forefront of the richest country, but there is no share of the country.

When we welcome the arrival of the new year with high confidence, after the carnival, we must not be stunned by the "happiness" that deliberately created.The implicitness of Finland Christmas, but can't hide the peace and tranquility in people's hearts, is the real happiness!