From the perspective of history and reality, we focus on discussing the "three major strange circles" that often appear in the second situation, because if these strange circle traps are not specially guarded against prevention, it often leads to continuing things to continue to continue.Worsening, sliding to fallacy, failure and even collapse.The first is called "Lushan Conference Strange Circle", the second is called "the Soviet Monster Circle of the Cold War", and the third is called the "Russian and Ukraine Monster Circle".

China is facing the challenge of sustainable domestic development in China. It has contends to the United States internationally, and has encountered many difficult problems in geopolitics.Regarding the current countermeasures and future prospects, the author thinks that the most important thing is whether China itself is in the right track and direction, and it is not afraid of shadow oblique.This is nothing more than three situations: the track and the direction are correct or correct; the track and direction are chaotic or ambiguous; the track and direction are wrong or faint.

If the situation belongs to the first situation, it will be good, but it will be great; if in the second situation, you must make timely and critical adjustments and corrections, and at least strictly prevent the free falling body.EssenceFrom the perspective of history and reality, we focus on discussing the "three major strange circles" that often appear in the second situation, because if these strange circle traps are not specially taken precautions, it often leads to continuous deterioration and slipping to fallacy.Failure or even collapse.

The first is called the "Lushan Conference Strange Circle", which is based on the Lushan Conference of the Mainland Government held in the summer of 1959.The original intention of the meeting was originally aimed at the excessive fire and extreme practices that appeared in the Great Leap Forward at that time, and made certain adjustments and amendments.But at the end of the meeting, Peng Dehuai, then the Minister of Defense and Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council, believed that the meeting had nothing to do with itching, and did not really solve the serious economic difficulties and people's sufferings facing Chinese society at that time.Peng Dehuai wrote a letter to Mao Zedong, the leader of the mainland government at the time to express his views.Unexpectedly, the Lushan Conference was originally intended to correct the left, but in the end, it became an anti -rightist struggle and led to a comprehensive disaster in the economy and society.

One of the laws is that when the overall policy direction is difficult to change, the general means and operational level adjustment often cup the salary and hard work.The "strange circle" is that when there is a real trial to correct the left correction, China's affairs may become more left and more extreme, resulting in the situation where the situation is difficult to clean up.One of the opposite examples in this regard was that in 1978, China resolutely bid farewell to the ignorance of the Cultural Revolution and started the reform and opening up. The strategic turning point of the Da policeware policy finally allowed the national nation to go out of the mountains and waters, and ushered in the dark flowers.

The second type called "Soviet Monster Circle of the Cold War", that is, at the beginning of the Cold War of the United States and Soviet Group, which began in 1945, both sides were highly nervous and alert. They both caught spy in the country.Congress.However, the United States is aware of the most powerful weapons that the United States is aware of the most powerful weapon that it competes with the Soviet Group. In fact, it is the maintenance and respect for human rights in democracy, freedom, the rule of law and human rights.The Soviet Union was obsessed and believed that there were hostile forces abroad, and there were many lurking fifth column in China.Vitality, culture of humanity, and national confidence.

In the long run, the development of Soviet society has become increasingly unsustainable, but the United States and the West have gradually entered a bright and beautiful way to win.By the late 1980s, the Soviet Union's rule had entered the endgame. At that time, it was not that Russia was "no one was a man", but the man ran to the opposite side of the Soviet Union until the collapse of the Soviet Union's collapse at the end of 1991.

One of the major laws revealed in it is that because the Soviet Union could not overcome the "self -obstacles", the advantages and victory were sent to the United States and the West."Self -disorder" refers to the inherent, difficult thinking, policies and behavioral consequences in ideological and social systems.One of the major self -employed obstacles of the Soviet Union is the state -owned planned economic system. It is a monopoly, huge, bloated, lack of competitive vitality and innovation mechanism, and it is difficult to discover and cultivate talents.

But Stalin -style socialism requires to maintain and consolidate such a backward economic system. Those who are in power believe that they will die if they do not keep it.Such a rigid system cannot compete with the Western free market economy. As a result, a strange circle is formed: the more the Soviet Union is trying to strengthen the consolidation of the state -owned planned economy system, it is increasingly lacking in competitiveness with the Western economy.It is not safe, caught in such a trap and cannot extricate itself until the end of the disintegration.

The third type is called "Russian and Ukrainian War Queen".At the recent video conference of the 20th G20 (G20), Russian President Putin once again faced the strong requirements of the international community and immediately stopped the naked aggression against Ukraine.For this reason, Russia and Putin have been unreasonable for nearly two years, and let their countries and Ukraine pay a huge price for this, but they can never change the basic facts and common sense of Russia as an invaders and the anti -aggression against justice in Ukraine.The ultimate fate of aggression is destined to fail.The only problem now is how Russia will fail and how to end.

The Russian and Ukraine War once again proved the iron law of "getting more help and losing the way".Russia originally thought it was huge and fierce, and it was easy to win Ukraine, a neighbor, Ukraine.Unexpectedly, not only did they not take it down, they also lost the support of the international mainstream society and the world justice, and made themselves condemn, isolation, and sanctions.

This shows that under the framework of modern civilization and international order, small countries may not be a weak country, and it is difficult to do it when a large country encounters a joint group.The strange circle that the great country is caught at this time is the dilemma of retreat and is at a loss.If you do n’t fight, you do n’t have a face -to -face; do n’t have the win of winning, but let morality and support go to the small country.For example, recently, the Philippines has more defense partners in the South China Sea. The United States, Australia, Japan, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, etc. all require joint maritime patrols with the Philippines.

Some people will say that we just need to challenge the current international order and create new order.The reason is very simple. Please show the so -called "new order" to let everyone see if it is reasonable and favorable?Wearing new shoes is not counted, and new bottles of old wine are not used.If the so -called new order, it is just a packaging and replica of some old systems in the current era, it is difficult to achieve advantages and victory.The charm of civilization is not bragging about it, and the prestige of civilization is practiced by the real chapter.Want to judge civilization and choose to be free.

It is not difficult to find that the common characteristics of the above three monster circles are that once these strange circles are made, they will enter the vicious spiral.From the general tactical level, it is difficult to get rid of such a strange circle.Achieving strategic turning and transcendence is the only correct choice and way out.

(The author is an expert in international cultural strategy in the United States)