Source: Economic Daily

With the acceleration of population aging, the elderly demand for elderly groups is showing a diversified trend.There are thousands of households in the "sunset career". In order to allow the elderly to live a quality life, the new pension models have been explored in various places to provide richer and more diverse pension services and vigorously develop the pension industry.At present, Ningxia is widely promoting the "embedded" pension model and is welcomed by the masses.What is the uniqueness of "embedded" pension?How to achieve "keeping the elderly"?How to make the pension more temperature?

In recent years, China's per capita life span has continued to increase. It is estimated that by 2035, the elderly population in China will account for about 30%of the total population.The huge elderly group also accelerates the pace of aging, and the elderly's demand for pension is more diverse, which brings a series of challenges to the Chinese pension industry.

How to build a scientific pension model?Among the three forms of institutional -type pension, community pension, and home care, the pension models of the community and families are the most common.In 2018, Ningxia began to explore the establishment of pension institutions in commercial houses. This "embedded" pension model adhering to the service concept of "a bowl of hot soup and temperature with temperature".Three product lines: Type Pension), Happiness (Community Pension) and Happy Home (Home Pension).At present, the "embedded" pension model is being promoted in Ningxia.

Fighting demand

In the Xingli Lishi Center in the Xixi Yuntai Community, Yinchuan Ningxia, 54 -year -old Mu Bing told reporters that his mother lived in the community pension institution here. "alright".

In recent years, there are more and more pension institutions in the Yinchuan community. The "embedded" pension model explored by Ningxia Zhonghe Group has been recognized by many elderly people.

"As a real estate developer and service provider, we hope to provide the owner with a full life cycle service and bring a new lifestyle to the community residentFang Lu, chairman of the group.In his opinion, the pension industry is the Chaoyang industry. It is also the long -term consideration of the group's future development in the future.

"In the Northwest, which kind of pension form is more suitable for local conditions, there are currently no mature cases to refer to it." Liu Ling, general manager of Ningxia Zhongfang Pension Company, introduced that in 2013, the company's management came to many countries in many countries.Investigating, "After investigation and investigation, the elderly team believes that the elderly in China not only need intimate care, but also the warmth of the family.The concept of pension should also advance with the times. It is necessary to combine the emotional needs of the elderly with the needs of professional care to explore the elderly mode that is truly suitable for the elderly in China.

"Out of such thinking, we proposed the" community embedded pension "concept, embed the elderly facilities into the community where the elderly live, and bring the old -age service to their familiar living environment, so that the elderly and the social relationship network are closely.Connect. "Fang Lu said.

Multiple Services

In the Happiness Lili Center in Ningxia Zhongfang, Yinchuan City, at 9 am, the reporter saw that in front of the community health service station next to the Kangyang Center, many elderly people were in line."I have to measure blood pressure and measure blood sugar here every week. Today I came to do an ECG test." Wu Fangqin, an old man 72 -year -old, said.

Guo Li, the head of the community health service station, told reporters that the community pension service center here is very popular with surrounding residents.In 2020, the service station established a close cooperative relationship with the Kangli Agency in Happiness, which can provide inspection and trauma bandage services for electrocardiogram, blood routine, blood sugar and other items.Survational treatment in time.The service station radiates the Xiyongtai Community and the surrounding communities to provide professional pension services for more than 300 elderly people.

When the reporter entered the main hall of the Kangyang Center in Happiness, a life science lecture was just over.Huang Shifeng, an 84 -year -old man, said: "Here are often lectures here. Today is what you need to pay attention to in the autumn diet, which is very practical."

By the door of Huang Shifeng's room, a display card reads the details of three meals and snacks a day. "What to eat every day will solicit my opinion in advance, and the service is intimate."

On the top of the building, Huang Shifeng also showed reporters the vegetables she planted by himself. "In order to encourage us to work, we opened the 'Happy Farm' in happiness.The institutional kitchen can also receive 'Happy Coins', and use the "Happiness Coin" to exchange daily necessities on the "market' on the first floor of the institution.

Liu Ling introduced that there are 30 beds and 50 beds in the Xiyintai Community's Happiness Lili Care Center. The infrastructure is complete and the service standards are high.For the elderly residents who cannot stay in the Kangyang Center but have difficulty living in the autonomous life, a health steward -door service has been launched in happiness.This "happy" service model is also one of the product lines of Ningxia's "embedded" pension model.

Shen Li, the person in charge of Zhongfang Health Butler, introduced that there are more than 600 elderly people over the age of 60 in Xiyintai Community. There are dozens of elderly people registered in the book.Provide on -site service with calls.

Providing diversified services based on the actual situation of the elderly is a major feature of "embedded" pension.Entering the Happiness Huiyu Center of the Midanuta Park Community of Yinchuan Ningxia, the singing and flute sound came into the ears.62 -year -old dance player Gu Yingqin said, "In 2018, a music center was built. After retiring, I became the first group of players."Enjoy".Resident Peng Yulan also realized this. "Happiness has made me fall in love with retirement. There are many entertainment activities here, and they can eat more and more delicious meals in the community cafeteria."" ".

"Ningxia Zhongfang provided a commercial house of 1,200 square meters for Xiyintai Happiness Huiyuyang Center, and invested more than 2 million yuan for decoration and renovation.Elderly groups in many communities in the surrounding areas. "Liu Ling said.

Accelerate promotion

Late autumn, in the comprehensive pension service center of Chaoyang Street, Dawukou District, Shizuishan City, several elderly people in the physiotherapy in the recreational room are doing physical therapy. Two elderly people in the chess room are playing chess, dance class and folk music class.Performance show ...

"Since last year, Ningxia began to promote the" embedded 'community pension experience of Zhongfang Group. This model was welcomed by the elderly in our streets. "According to the information, we introduced to reporters that there are 68,000 residents in Chaoyang Street, of which more than 10,000 elderly people over 60 years old.In order to build a 15 -minute living circle in the community, the street integrates 1 million yuan of funds in multiple projects, and builds a street pension service center with an area of 2563 square meters.The institution, organized a number of service teams such as day care, bathing, and social workers.

Does the "Embedded" pension mode have the feasibility of replication and promotion?"The answer is yes. The successful practice of Shizuishan Chaoyang community is a good example." Jiang Wenting, director of the Civil Affairs Department of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, said that in the face of the reality of accelerating the arrival of aging society, providing pension services and doing a good job of pension industry is the government.The department's incredible responsibility.According to Jiang Wenting, as of the end of 2022, there were 1.036 million elderly people over the age of 60 in Ningxia. Among them, 113,000 disabled elderly people, accounting for 10.9%of the elderly groups.

The "Embedded" pension mode focuses on the pension needs of the elderly in the new era and meet the traditional culture and living habits of the Chinese.The industry provides a reference.Practice has proved that the pension service industry is not a "unicorn", and it requires the government, society, and market forces to cooperate and complement each other. Only by playing "combined fist" can we achieve high -quality and sustainable development.

"The pension industry must conduct innovative exploration with problem orientation, but also to implement successful experience in time." Jiang Wenting said that Ningxia will accelerate the extensive promotion of "embedded" pension models, improve institutional systems, improve institutional systems, innovative industriesThe system and the shortcomings of the basic pension services are to actively promote the innovation and development of the brand of pension service series of "enjoying the Ningxia".