Source: Huaxi Metropolis Daily

In early September this year, only 9.9 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 1.85) or 16.8 yuan can play the adult version of the adult version of "Cat Grab Mouse" game in major cities across the country.According to incomplete statistics, more than 40 cities including Rongyu, Chongqing, and Suzhou, Guangshen, Guangzhou, and other cities, the corresponding "hiding cats" communities and offline activities appeared.

After a month, the popularity of the "Hiding Cat" game seems to usher in a calm period.Relevant platform data shows that the number of people in the current "hiding cats" game every night has fallen from an average of 40 to about 10.

"Hiding Cats" is actually an upgraded version of hiding and hiding in childhood, but the "Hiding Cat" game now uses the Beidou satellite navigation system to have social and sports attributes.Why can "hiding cats" quickly become popular?Is this new game just a flash?On October 23, the Huaxi Metropolis Daily and cover reporters talked the sponsors, participants and relevant experts of the game.

A game over 100 people participated in "Hiding Cats" hoty over 40 cities

A few days ago, media from all over the country were reporting the game of "sharing locations", but where the game originated from, it is difficult to verify.Huaxi Metropolis Daily, cover reporters inquired on platforms such as Douyin, Xiaohongshu, and B Station, and found that this game appeared on campus at the beginning of the year.

In February this year, a student of a university in Hubei organized a live -action version of "Hiding Cats", and released a video about the shared location "Hiding Cat" on the Internet. The participants hid in the sewer, causing heated discussion among netizens.

At the beginning of September, the new "hiding cat" game became popular in the circle of young people.The reporter sorted out the information of the Internet platform and found that more than 40 cities including Rongyu, Yu Suzhou, Guangshen, Guangshen, Guangshen, Guangshen, Guangshen, and such as "hiding cats" communities and offline activities appeared.

Ah Chen is the in charge of the Chengdu's "Chasing Wind Tribe" game community. In mid -September this year, he organized a "hiding cat" game. "The first game was involved in 50 people, and then developed to everyThere were 4 games on Zhou, and there were more than 100 players when there were many gamers. "A Chen said.

The reporter learned that there are two main types of "hiding cats" game registration: one is to register through the online friends community, and the other is to register the club through the applet.

A comprehensive platform called a rough gate is one of them. Click to enter the homepage of the platform to see the relevant information of the "Hiding Cat" game.On October 23, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Xi'an, Chengdu and other cities have released dozens of "hiding cats" games, and more than 20 players have registered game players.At present, this game covers all parts of the country.

"According to platform data, as of now, a total of 3202 clubs in the country are doing the" hiding cat "game activity. From September to October 23, a total of 16,000 'Hom and Cats' has been released.Game activities, time concentrated between 19:00 and 22:00, the unit price is between 9.9 yuan and 19.9 yuan, "said the relevant person in charge of the rough gate platform.

Spend 16 yuan to participate in a game sports and social attributes to attract multiple people to participate

James first knew that "hiding cat" was seen in Xiaohongshu.One night during the National Day holiday this year, he and his friends came to the eastern suburbs of Chengdu to remember. It spent 16 yuan to participate in a offline "hiding cat". 16 yuan mainly includes two fluorescent bracelets and a bottle of mineral water.James said that there were nearly 50 people participating that night. Before the game, the organizers will explain the rules of the game. Everyone will enter a group sharing location on a group on the Gaode Map.start.

"We have 10 minutes of hiding time. After being caught, we have to hand over a fluorescent bracelet, and it also becomes' cat '. In the end, the" cat "with the most bracelets can become the' Elvis of Elvis'. "James said that there were two games in the" Hiding Cat "game that night, about 1 hour in each game, and it was possible to run 3-5 kilometers in one game.

A simple game, why suddenly burst into fire?Game organizers and players have their own opinions.

"Our projects include flying disks, camping, hiking, and now there is another 'hiding cat" game. "In Afei," hiding cats "suddenly became popular, mainly because this is both a one with both items.Games and social attribute games.He said that compared with the football and waist flag football, the "hiding cat" game itself is not competitive. In the process of "cat catching mice", players of the two groups will discuss tactics and slowly become familiar.Essence

Ashheng is a enthusiast of the "Hiding Cat" game. Since September, he has participated in more than 20 games."This is an addictive game." He said, "The original intention of playing the game is to exercise and know friends by the way. Compared with running in the gym, I am more willing to complete running in the form of a game." In his opinion, no matter what it is"Cat" is still a "mouse", and discuss tactics with his companions to win the victory. In addition to gaining achievements, there are friendship.

"The organizational cost of‘ hiding cat ’is low, so explosive growth has occurred." The relevant person in charge of the rough gate platform said.

or will usher in a "calm period" that will give birth to more similar games.

How long can the "Hiding Cat" game that is popular in the country?Is this new social game just a flash?The reporter sorted out and found that the current number of people in Beijing, Guangzhou, and Chengdu registering the "hiding cat" games every night has fallen from an average of 40 to about 10 people. The popularity of this game may have ushered in a "calm period".

"Entering mid -October, our community participating in the" Hiding Cat "game has significantly less, at least there are only seven or eight people." A Chen said.

When talking about such changes, A Chen has his own opinion.He said that many people participated in the "hiding cat" game for nostalgia and looking for childhood fun, but this game process was simple and did not want to participate again several times."Recently we are also trying a way to try to upgrade the game, such as adding some new elements to enrich the game."

"Do not rule out the spring and summer seasons of next year, this game may be re -circled with the image after iterative upgrades." The relevant person in charge of the rough gate platform said.

Wang Nan, an associate researcher at the Institute of Sociology, Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences, believes that the "Hiding Cat" game is a game that young people have spawned from emotional needs and social needs.Because the connection between participants will not have a deep connection like a child "hiding cat" game, which means that the participants of the game are gathered and scattered quickly.

Wang Nan believes that with the development of the times, the demand of young people is more diversified, so it will also give birth to more games similar to "hiding cats".