This year marks the 45th anniversary of China's reform and opening up. Chinese President Xi Jinping emphasized again at the first meeting of the 20th Central Comprehensive Deepening Reform Commission of the Mainland Government on April 21 that the comprehensive deepening reform should be used as a modern Chinese -style modernization.Fundamental motivation.This not only deeply understands the historical inevitability and practical importance of changing the opening, but also has important guiding significance for some shakes and doubts that appear around the change.

The author has been in clumsy theory (April 15, 2021 Lianhe Morning Post Speech Edition) Kai Zongmingyi pointed out: "Reform and opening up is the first great attempt and breakthrough in China for thousands of years to surpass the Shangyang reform.It is also because of this that not only truly achieves the growth of total social wealth, but also allows the Chinese to gain unprecedented -whether it is regional, household registration, occupation, or great liberation of mental thoughts. "Therefore, the author has repeatedly reiterated: the forty years have been changed, more than 4,000 years.

But why is it the only real reform in China?I asked for 30 years up and down, but I dare not say it easily. It is "endlessly involved, and the spirit of one person is limited.Linguist Liu Dianjue).However, for the scholars we grew up in our generation, when enjoying the many freedom and prosperity brought by the change, we must understand where it comes from?Where will it lead to?What is the difference between the essence of Chinese traditional farming civilization?

To explore this problem, you must follow the source of the two major civilizations and sort out its ideological texture, so as to examine the different types and fundamental differences between the two major civilizations.

Zhang Guangzhi, a famous archeologist Zhang Guangzhi, studied in depth of the universe religious view of ancient Chinese, and pointed out that the ancient Chinese divided the world into different levels of heaven, earth, gods, and people, and through the concept of witchcraft communication, forming ancient times to form ancient times, to form ancient times, to form ancient times, to form ancient times, to form ancient times, to form ancient times, to form ancient times, to form ancient times,The extremely important heaven and man in civilization.American scholar Mu Fuli (F. Mote) also said: "The real Chinese universe origin theory is a whole of organic matter. At the same time, they are all acting as participants and have a role in spontaneous life procedures." Therefore, Du Weiming will be the willThe most prominent features and important tones in ancient Chinese ideology and philosophy are defined as the "" consequences of continuity 'on the body ", that is," one of the tone of Chinese philosophy, is to bring no biological, plants, animals, humans, and soul soulsIt is regarded as a entity that is closely related to the giant flow of the universe. "

This "existing continuity" ontology view is fundamentally different from the belief of the West "to create all things with 'Gods', and cutting 'existence of boundaries' into a metaphysical dictation." Based on this, based on this, based on this, based on this,Zhang Guang directly pointed out: The non -Western method represented by China is characterized by "continuity", "that is, from the savage society to the many cultural and social ingredients of a civilized society.The relationship with nature ".In this form of civilization, the transformation from prehistoric to civilization will not bring technical breakthroughs; in this emerging class society, it is still through religious ritual behaviors to master and determine political behavior; the text is completely in the ceremony, Politics and calendar; the relative system, clan or clan system is also closely combined with the country and the city.

From identity to contract change

Ancient Western civilization is "a breakthrough, that is, in the relationship between man and natural environment, it has caused a breakthrough in the constraints of natural ecosystems through new factors such as technology and trade." In other words, Western civilizationIt is formed in a new environment of technology and trading economy, and it is in line with a mass disguise in the evolution of Western culture observed by Leslie White, which is based on the personal relationship and status of the relative system.Based on regional property relations and changes in contract society.This confirms that the famous British legal scientist Henry Sumner Maine in ancient laws, in ancient law, the classic assertion given by Western rule of law: "We can say that so far, all the processes of reform -oriented society, the process of all reform -oriented society,They are all moves from identity to contract. "

The focus of this famous saying is not only one of the laws of Merin discovered the evolution of Western law. Judge Carleton Kemp Allen even believes that this assertion is "the most famous in all British legal literature",And also in Mein soberly, this law is only used for progressive society, that is, reform -oriented society, not suitable for a static or stagnant society. That is to sayAncient China.

In addition, Zhang Guang also pointed out that the Chinese civilization represented by the "continuity" civilization is actually the mainstream of most ancient civilizations in the world, and it is more like a "universal civilization". On the contrary, the mutant civilization in the WestIt is the niche, accidental, unexpected product.Coincidentally, Mein also said: "In human nation, the static state is routine, and progress is precisely a rare exception." But it is precisely this "rare exception".world.

Obviously, the static or stagnant society here is what Du Weiming and Zhang Guangzhi and others are considered "continuous" civilization.In a word, only by understanding China's continuity civilization (or static or stagnant civilization) and the very different parts of the Western breakthrough civilization (reform or progressive civilization), can we grasp the heterogeneous civilization of east and west heterogeneous civilization from the rootLife door, following this idea (or mastering this key), can do a fundamental interpretation and understanding of many problems that happened in the history of the east to west.

In other words, it is very different from all the characteristics of all progressive society in the development of movement. It is a static society represented by ancient China.The system is constantly being strengthened.Under the blood relationship between the law, in addition to adherence to the identity of the legal relationship, it is impossible to move towards the contract or even anti -contract except to adhere to the identity.This explains from the evolution of law and society, why can the identity politics under ancient Chinese farming civilization be so stubborn and endless, and why industrial and commercial industries have always belonged to the power -based power -based power and dominated it?It also explains why Chinese law has never had real substances for thousands of years, and all reforms are concentrated around the height of power, and there is no real social change.

On the basis of this comparison, we have sufficient reasons to say that in the history of Chinese history, only the progress of industrial and commercial civilization has been changed.Static society under traditional farming civilization brings a transforming society under the leadership of industrial and commercial civilization, which eventually allows China to gradually get rid of the shackles of identity and gradually enter the process of rule of law civilization.The famous confusion of the family fee Zhengqing: "Why can't the ancient Chinese businessmen class be relied on the dependence on the officialdom and establish an independent force of an industry or business enterprise?"

Therefore, from this perspective, the reform and opening up 40 years ago was a well -deserved great reform, and it was also the only true reform in Chinese history.

Understand this, we deeply understand that there is only one way of progress in front of the Chinese people, that is, to continue to deepen reform and opening up without hesitation, to promote globalization and actively develop industrial and commercial civilization.Only in this way, China may enter the reform -based society (become a breakthrough textMing), Fang may truly from identity to contracts, and enters the modern civilization stage of rule of law from human beings!Just as Octavio Paz, the Nobel Prize winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1991, lamented that Mexico was "fate modernization". For the Chinese, only the rule of law civilization order.

The author is Kennedy College of Harvard University

Researcher of Ash Democratic Governance and Innovation Center