Source: Beijing Business Daily

Author: Zhang Xuwang

The National Health and Health Commission of China released the statistical bulletin of the development of Singapore's health care industry in 2022 on October 12, revealing the data related to the population of China's population.The above proportion is 15%.

The birth of

9.56 million people has been presented in the data of the National Bureau of Statistics at the beginning of the year.The communiqué of the National Health and Health Commission of China disclosed the proportion of the two and three children, which further explained the fertility situation in China.

Since the implementation of two children in 2016, "one child" and "two children" (later three children) became the topic of social concern, and also became an important data indicator to solve the problem of population and encourage fertility policies.

Therefore, since the statistical bulletin of the China National Health and Health Commission in 2017, the two -child proportion data began to announce, 51%of the year, and showed a trend of rising year by year, and reached 59.5%in 2019.Since then, 57.1%in 2020, 55.9%in 2021, and 53.9%in 2022. Thanks to the continuity of the two -child and three -child policy effects, the proportion of two children and above has remained above 50%.

The proportion of two children and three children is the result, and it is also the cause.In solving the problem of China's low birth rate and aging aging, the trend of changes in such structural data is the fact that the policy is further adjusted.

From the perspective of the changes in the proportion of the two -child, combined with the overall birth of the population data, the two -child effect is stable, but the situation facing is not to be underestimated.Especially with the launch of the threshold policy, the emotional drive that wants to live and dares to be weakened at first.From individuals (families) who are suitable for weddings, to governments at all levels that assume policies to help characters, rationally replace impulses, combine their own and local reality, comprehensively and long -term co -construction of friendly society, becoming more core than urging data to promote dataProposition.

From two children to two children, to comprehensive two children, three children, and the full release of a lot of voices, "allowing a few" is important, how much money to subsidize a few baby is also important.The policies for marriage and childbirth are important.In terms of maternity subsidies, in the past one or two or two, there are a major momentum of competing for money in various regions and regions of various provinces and cities. For each beneficiary family, it will issue 10,000 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 1876). Of course, it is 5,000 yuan.It is attractive, but 10,000 yuan per year is not the end of fertility, 30,000 yuan is not, and 100,000 yuan is not.

Yangwa is not a forever and for all. Employment, marriage, housing, medical, education, pension ... Encouraging fertility is a combination fist+marathon.

On the day before the release of the communiqué, the Guangzhou Housing Provident Fund withdrawal policy was adjusted. Among them, the two children of childbirth or more (at least one child minor), the monthly withdrawal amount of the depositor rented house can be floated by 30%.

Similar policies, local governments are constantly taking out the toolbox.For example, this communiqué first released data for childcare services. In 2022, the total number of national nursery service institutions was 75,700, with a trustees of 3.624 million, and 2.57 across the country.

On the road of encouraging fertility, the importance of childcare care services does not need to be repeated.Knowing the whole leopard, with the achievement of co -construction consensus, in addition to the government, social forces such as enterprises and institutions are also joining the ranks of construction -friendly society.Optimization and so on.

In short, the data should be paid attention to, the action must be consolidated, and the fertility is encouraged. It does not achieve overnight.