The reading interest of paper media cannot be replaced by electronic media.Opening a newspaper, accepting information in a short period of time is more comfortable, more intuitive and smooth than turning on mobile phones and computers on the Internet, facing limited screen reading.

The 92 -year -old media tycoon Robert Murdoch is about to retire, allowing the eldest son Laklan Murdoch.

There is no doubt that Murdoch, full of legendary color, is a hero who leads the paper media era.Murdoch's control of the news group is the largest English newspaper publisher in the world. It has issued more than 100 different newspapers in the world, and sales and circulation ranks first in the world.The news group's gathered newspapers such as the Thames of the Wall Street Journal of the News Group are boutiques in global media.Wall Street Journal has become the largest financial newspapers in the United States with more than 2 million circulation.The Sun Daily is the largest distribution newspaper in the UK. It is facing the middle and lower levels of society and has a variety of themes.

Although the paper media accounted for only 15%of Murdoch's empire, his paper media complex was very deep. Even after testing the new media, he was still optimistic about the fate of the paper media and believed that the newspapers would not die, but the era of change has already been in the era of change.advent.

The Internet era more than 10 years ago, "Paper Media Dusk" seemed to be an irresistible spell.On August 17, 2009, American readers with a monthly issue of 77 years and a monthly circulation of 17 million copies announced bankruptcy.In 2012, the three major German paper media giants Nuremberg Evening News reported that the German Financial Times reported bankruptcy.When the paper media contracted the positions under the impact of the new media, Murdoch insisted that the emergence of new media is an opportunity and a new communication channel, but it does not involve the survival of traditional media.

It is undeniable that the decline of traditional paper media is both the sinking of history and a realistic bond.For more than 400 years, the newspaper industry has basically been sponsored by advertising sponsorship. It has rarely made breakthroughs and innovations in the business model.

However, the decline of paper media does not mean that it will die.The reading interest of paper media cannot be replaced by electronic media.Opening a newspaper, accepting information in a short period of time is more comfortable, more intuitive and smooth than turning on mobile phones and computers on the Internet, facing limited screen reading.The newspaper has a colorful layout design, with a variety of pictures, charts, and unique title, fonts, and stylistic combinations. It has formed very mature craftsmanship for hundreds of years.

The newspaper can completely use a more comprehensive, in -depth, professional report and interpretation style, so that those busy officials, businessmen, or other busy readers can learn from the editors' carefully selected information and viewpoints in a short time in a short time., Happy body and mind, grow knowledge, and broaden their horizons.Paper media also has other unparalleled advantages. It has the characteristics of poison and invasion, and it is difficult for viruses, hackers and other electronic intruders to start.More importantly, paper media can continue history. In people's minds, paper media archives have a thick and credible and credible.

With the advent of aging, more elderly readers are more willing to read newspapers because of the need to protect their vision, avoiding multimedia news on mobile phone screens for a long time, leading to vision loss.

In a word, reading newspapers is more effective, more effective, and more charm of text than browsing webs.

Although the timeliness of the new media is winning the paper media, due to the low professional standards, rough production, reporting more reports, original content, coupled with the fragmentation and shallow levels, whether it is authentic or authoritative, authoritative or authoritative, authoritative, authoritative, authoritative, authoritative, authoritative or authoritative.Or, it is difficult to stand up with the paper media.

The impact of the

network is an opportunity for newspapers, and it is the opportunity to counterattack and salted fish.Integration with the Internet and penetration of it is a trend.If you ca n’t beat your opponents, you will unite with your opponent or imitate your opponent's tricks.Looking at the current global paper media, from the global Thames to report to the world's leading Wall Street Journal, from the financial newspapers to the financial newspaper to report the popular newspaper daily post, they are trying to grafted the strengths of various media styles and promote the "newspaper newspapers.+Video+Website "full media model, kill a blood path under the impact of the new media, maintain the traditional status of paper media.

Whenever the paper media that still stands proudly in the game with the new media, it is all to win with the characteristics of personalized Zhuoer.Take a scoop in the market segment, do not rely on selling large roads (compilation: refer to general products), and do not follow the road of marginalization. This is almost all unique and arrogant paper media.

In short, when the paper media halo fads, it does not mean that the mountains are exhausted, and the paper media is still hopeful. Even the temporary dusk is a call for another rising sun.The curse of "paper media dusk" will definitely be broken because the era of transformation of paper media has come.

Therefore, Murdoch's retirement does not mean that paper media disappear.I believe that his heirs will not be a prodigal, and will definitely continue the paper media business and carry forward.Moreover, Murdoch will continue to participate in corporate affairs as a honorary chairman, and will care about the paper media business as always.

The author is a Chinese financial media columnist

Chief Analysts of Jingsu Media