Wang Mang also has noble morality while having Confucianism. He also takes care of his family "mother and widow, raising lonely brothers, and doing very well."What's even more rare is that Wang Mang's "Juezhi Yi Zun, the more modest migration" is a model that is completely in line with Confucian academic character, and also fulfilled the conditions of the Lord of the opening generation.

Kang Youwei scolded "Wang Mang usurped the Han Kingdom with pseudo -pseudo, Liu Ye used the pseudo -classics to usurp the Confucianism", saying that "the two are the same as the pseudo, and the two are tamped with each other."In the words of words, Wang Zhi was studying power and Liu Zeyi, and the two were embarrassed.

Wang Mang's surnames have replaced the Han room. In the traditional concept of traditional Lun, it is really a big deal, and naturally it must be degraded.In particular, although he is "usurped the country", he is unable to last for a long time.After the descendant of Emperor Jing, Liu Xiu won the competition between the heroes, and the Han Dynasty recovered "ZTE". From then on, Wang Mang was destined that Wang Mang would be included in the history of the history of the ambitionist who violated political ethics.

But the historians since the 20th century, let us understand that to describe Wang Mang as a theft of power to the country, it may only flow in the skin.This historical fact also contains more profound meaning, and it is worthy of being able to understand from various aspects.An accessible entry point is the relationship between study and political relationships, Confucian scholars and the political entanglement of the two Han Dynasty.

From Liu Han to Mangxin's transition, it is actually a peaceful way to realize the transfer of power.The process of this regime has not been universally opposed to the upper and lower faces of the country. Only a few small -scale resistance initiated by Liu Hanzong.Although the new dynasty (9th to 23 AD) was short, it also existed for 14 years.It can be seen that the peaceful transfer of this regime is successful.This is what has not had been for hundreds of years from the Warring States Period to the Qin and Han dynasties.The establishment of a new dynasty does not need to rely on the cruel and bloody war means, but can be done by relying on the decoration of public opinion. It can be another perspective of this history.The Confucian scholars in the Han Dynasty created this historical change in the history of this historical change.

Academic Innovation Affairs Politics

In contemporary languages, Confucian students have made a "academic innovation" in the late Western Han Dynasty. As needed in the times, the "Five Elements" as an imaginative play, which made it cover the "Five Elements"Essence

According to the records of the Hanshu · Suburban Sacrifice, the Emperor Gao Zu Gaozu, Liu Xiang, Liu Ye's father and son had the theory of "pushing the five elements" theory, and there was a saying "to the mother and the mother".This is based on the order of "five elements": wooden fire, fire raw soil, soil gold, golden water, aquatic wood, and then the cycle of the wood regeneration fire, arranged (created) the inheritance of an ancient emperor.

This system, from the Fuxi of Made, from the Emperor Yan (Shennong's) that gave birth to Hunde, the Yellow Emperor (Xuanyuan), which was born, and the Emperor Shaohao of Jin De, and Shuide'sEmperor 木 顼, Made's Emperor's Emperor, Huide's Emperor Yao, Emperor Shun's Emperor Shun, Jin De's Boyu (Xia Houshi), Shuide's Cheng Tang (Shang), and Made's Wu Wang (Zhou).Mu Shenghuo, Liu Bang's Han Dynasty, was born of Made's Zhou Dynasty and inherited Dadong.In this way, Han Nai came from the week.However, the Heroes of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty were actually destroyed by Qin, so there was a Qin Dynasty between Zhou and Han, but why did this imperial score not be listed?In this regard, it has an explanation that has happened in the past.

Between the Fuxi of Made and the Shennong's Shennong, there is also a "common Gong".However, this system believes that "the Gonggong family is a morality, and the water and the fire are not the king between the water and the fire."It then follows the same thinking, saying that Qin, who was destroyed, "Judong's work, not its order."Therefore, skipping the Qin Dynasty, directly listed the Han Dynasty as the new dynasty born from Made's Zhou.This also means that Liu Han was also determined to be a generation born in Chenghuo's luck.

But we saw in the historical record of Qin Shihuang that after the establishment of the world, "the biography of the five virtues was pushed into the world, thinking that Zhou Dahuo, (then Qin as the beginning of the Qin) water virtue."Therefore, the historical book of Feng Zen said that at the beginning of the Western Han Dynasty, Gongsun Chen advocated that "Qin Lishui" advocated "the Han suffer this Han Dynasty, and the end of the push, then Han is the earth";Han Yide is still Jia Yi and Gongsun Hong.So why did the Han Dynasty change from Turkey to Huo De?The mystery lies in the thinking of Qin Weishui and Han Wei.It uses the Huangdi as Turkey, Xia Yu as Made, Shang Tang as the Zhou of Jinde, and the King of Wu.Zou Yan "shows the princes with the main transportation of yin and yang". It can be known that his doctrine is the world's explanation during the Warring States Period.Later, Qi Guo personally attracted it to Qin Ting. The emperor was deeply attracted to "adopt it", so he thought that Qin was extended by the waters and virtue.

Why do the doctrine of such a doctrine at the time?The key is that it takes "from what is invincible" as the main purpose.The soil is wood, and the wood is the gold; the gold is not the fire, so it is the one for it;What emphasizes this is that the follow -up of the follow -up to overcome the suppression of suppression.In the Eastern weekend and the nation to win, in the atmosphere of the contest of the courage, power is the axiom, and the strength is the standard for measuring all.The "Five Elements" logically explained the success of the destroyed city -state and the success of the people; and then to give a rationalized and legalized powder on the regime obtained by rape.This is why this doctrine is the reason for the strong and powerful winners in troubled times.

Change the regime in a peaceful way

But 200 years after the Western Han Dynasty, in Chengping for a long time, the country is rich, the people, and the prosperity of culture and education.If there is no need to have the transfer of power, the material foundation and cultural accumulation at this time have allowed it to create a peaceful manner in a peaceful manner to avoid the destruction of social roots and then violence.This is the era of the era of "five elements", putting the old theory of "incomparable", and putting it out of the side of the way, changing the "preaching the child with the mother and the mother".

Of course, in this statement, we must first have a realistic foundation.Although the Han Dynasty had the rule of Wenjing and the prosperous period of the Hanwu, the Han Dynasty came to the end of the season, and the Emperor Cheng had no children, and Pingdi died early.In people's consciousness, the number of Han Dynasty's vitality was exposed.At that time, the disaster was also very immersive, and the imperial power of the Western Han Dynasty had been crumbling.Even so, is there any sign of signs that indicate that they have appeared?

According to Han Shu Wang Mang, in addition to the noble blood of foreign relatives, Wang Mang also has the brothers who are different from his "extravagant time, and the public horses to travel high".He is "done and poverty, because of the discounts and frugality."In particular, he was "he was awarded the Book of Literature, learned diligently, and was served as Confucianism."In addition to the cultivation of Confucianism, Wang Mang also has noble morality. He takes care of his family "mother and widow, raising orphan brothers, and doing very well.", Shouyan, do not decompose for a month. "What's even more rare is that Wang Mang "Juezhi is beneficial to respect, the more modest migition", the higher the power, the more humble.It is really a model that is completely in line with Confucian academic character, and also verified the conditions of the Lord of the Kai Dynasty.

Therefore, the intention and public opinion that Han Confucianism has promoted the change of the dynasties of the dynasty has been prepared.Liu Xiang Liu's father and son's "Five Elements" emperors, the most subtle feature of the emperor, is the most subtle thing is to arrange Liu Han into the words of Emperor Yao as Hunde and shape the words of "Hanyao".Among them, the righteousness of this is clear -Liu Han is the descendant of Huandi Yao who has been transferred to the regime in a peaceful way of Zen.

During Wang Mang, who was in power for a while, people "saw" the endless layout of Xiangrui Fune, showing "Fire morality is out, Turkish Contemporary".Although he has repeatedly "humble", his "meditation" is inevitable, because this is a historical link that has to be completed under the "five elements".

The academic community once called Liu Xiang Liu's father and son with "the end of the new five virtues".However, because the political position of Liu's father and son is quite different, some scholars believe that this is said to be Liu Ye instead of Liu Xiangwen (such as Gu Jiegang and Wang Yixuan), but some scholars advocate that this is Liu Xiang's invention (such as such as the invention of Liu Xiang (such as such as the invention (such as such as the invention (such asYang Quan).

We may not have to stick to the invention right of creative transformation from "Xiangke" to "Xiangsheng" to one of Liu Xiang or Liu Ye.From the perspective of the academic environment of the Han Dynasty, it may also be a collective creation from the harmonious benefits of the Han Confucianism, or the collective creation inspired by the academic argument, but it was later hung in a name of one family.

The court respects academic debate

The concept of

"Five Elements" is visible in at least in the book of Dong Zhong Shu Chunqiu.But using it to be so magical is indeed the beginning of the Western Han Dynasty.Han Confucianism is the most important family and stricter law.But we also have to see that the Han Dynasty also highly respected academic arguments, and both Han.Xuandi Ganlu's three -year (51 BC) Shiqu Pavilion meeting, the Baihu View Conference at the Fourth Year of the Fourth Year (AD), was especially well -known.It was a peak academic forum held by the court and let the Confucian argument offset the controversy of academic science.

In this kind of defense field in this non -restricted area, the most top knowledge of intellectual elites in the country has confronted ideas, and the fierce collision can be imagined.In the contesting field, whether it is the co -suppression of the alliance or the opposite side of the tit, the sparks of ideological sparks can be made, which makes the newly speaking new saying endless.The vitality of the Han Dynasty and the living water of the creativity of the two Han Confucianism can incubate the political and academic environment of creative transformation from "Xiangke" to "Xiangsheng".

Because of this, Confucian scholars' involvement in the DPRK is also deep.However, Han Confucianism is not unaware of Wang Mang, but by the Confucian respect (by Ability) higher than that of By Blood.When you have to weigh the interests between the famous religion and the academic character, Ning She has to get the sage, and the change of Confucianism can be used.It is based on classics and Confucianism. In the eyes of farming politicians and unique ambitions, they can all be used to play a tool that can help them complete the great cause."People can Hong Dao, non -Taohong people", under the call of "Hongdao", the disciples of Kongmen are often used by the king, and they think that they can borrow politics to unify the Taoism.It's just whether the king is a politician or an ambitionist, and Confucian students often can't grasp it.