Source: Surging News

According to the WeChat public account Chongqing Network Police on October 3, recently, the telecommunications network fraud cases with the "city contract" as a gimmick have occurred.Scammers have pasted the two -dimensional codes of the same city in the nation's vehicles and the households in many places across the country. The following apps can be used to recharge the "members" and "task" to "on -site service".

Related cases show that in April this year, Liangshan Public Security in Sichuan received a report from Xiao Wu (pseudonym), saying that he had suffered a single fraud.Xiao Wu Ben was an office worker. He had dinner with his friends that night and was preparing to drive home. He found that he had a QR code on his vehicle rearview mirror.

Curiosity, Xiao Wu Code downloaded an app that came unknown.After some tossing, the platform "Miss Sister" asked him to do a few "tasks" to make an appointment with the beauty of the same city.In the end, Xiao Wu was deceived more than 140,000 yuan.According to the description of Xiao Wu, the investigation police analyzed that the "passenger" was still activated in its jurisdiction, and then conducted investigations for parking spaces in the public areas in the area, quickly locked and arrested two suspects.

Investigation police have further dug the case and found that the small QR code is only one of the means for scammers to implement fraud.The two suspects were employed by multiple different go online, and they were launched nationwide to draw recruiting members to produce and distribute "QR code stickers" involving yellow frauds to calculate commissions.The two -dimensional code is also a way to obtain the victim's personal information through hackers. As long as the code scan the code, the virus will invade the mobile phone to steal the album, address book, and browse records.

In order to crack down on the arrogance of criminals, Liangshan Public Security, Sichuan, has strengthened its strikes in response to such cases, and conducted timely research and judgment according to the case, special deployment and centralized network collection.

As of now, the police have arrested 6 suspects in Liaoning, Henan and other places, seized more than 10 mobile phones, 4 computers, and freezing funds involved in the case.The case is under further investigation.