Lianhe Morning News commemorates one of Li Guangyao's 100th birthday activities, and is a podcast program for making different themes.Recently, the production team made a recording interview with me to talk about Li Guangyao's language policy, so that I watched the video clips of Li Guangyao at the National Congress of the National Day in 1971 and 1979.EssenceAfter watching it, I couldn't help but be shocked by Li Guangyao's Fujian dialect.

After Li Guangyao entered the politics, he learned from the radio Xiamen Dialect News Broadcastingman. Therefore, his Fujian dialect also had a strong "old Fujian" accent, and his words were clear.In the case of a phrase "To explain to the people" and "explanation", his pronunciation is "Kuay Sue", and then immediately corrected the saying "Kai Sue". In fact, both pronunciation is correct.What was even more surprised was that he also used an idiom "BI Wu TIU BIU".Those who can accurately pronounce in Fujian dialect to say "planning ahead", I am afraid that there are very few today. I also suspect that there were several people who could understand the idiom at the scene at the time.

On September 7, 1979, Singapore's vigorous speaking Chinese movement kicked off. Li Guangyao's Fujian speeches a month ago became a history of history.

Lianhe Zaobao · Speech Edition previously published a new pattern (original Asian Weekly), a new pattern (originally included in Asian Weekly), a lifelong honorary professor Guo Zhenyu, a lifelong honorary professor of Singapore Nanyang University of Technology, and reviewed the general trend of Chinese development.

Professor Guo said that since 1949, because of the different politics and political opinions on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, the Chinese writing of Chinese worlds and the dual structure of Chinese writing and speaking applications.He uses Chinese and Chinese and Chinese and Chinese -oped Chinese and Chinese as an observation object based on the three places (mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong) and the New Malaysia region.

He said that the Chinese character system has evolved for many years, and has not caused major political disputes.As far as modern Chinese is concerned, the generally common writing forms generally used before 1949 are not only for many years, but they have never been called traditional or positive characters.However, the recommendations of Chinese characters have never stopped since the May 4th Movement.

The differences between contemporary Chinese, in addition to the disputes between simplified and traditional Chinese characters, there are also Chinese Pinyin universal in the mainland and the binary and historic and historic and historic and long -standing phonetic symbols.

Professor Guo's conclusion is that the diversification of Chinese in the 21st century has a deep impact on all levels of politics, culture, and identity, and it is worthy of in -depth discussions.Will the future Chinese continue to coexist in dual (or even diversified), or will it tend to unify?This is not only a language subject, but also a political issue, but also a cultural topic.

Professor Guo has comprehensively sorted out the development and future prospects from a larger pattern, providing a clearer idea for Singapore's future bilingual education.

Qin Shihuang's unified text and measurement, but could not unify the voice, but this did not cause the Chinese nation to split. This may be a great contribution to the 1300 -year maturity system.Readies and generations of all dynasties must be out of place, and they must first pass the national unified examination (imperial examinations); Xueba from all parties, from a young age, to talk about different dialects, to be official in the court of the Central court, you have to learn about the official talk.

The official words are elegant words, and the elegant words are elegant and standardized language.Ancient scholars did not resist the learning officials and thought it was taken for granted.Since the Ming and Qing dynasties, the official dialect has been subject to the northern language. The Manchu people have been affected by Han culture for many years. The text has adopted Chinese characters to speak northern Chinese language.When the Republic of China was established, Sun Yat -sen, the father of Xiangshan County (now Zhongshan City), Guangdong, was deeply righteous and still supported the language north.

At the beginning of the Chinese movement in Singapore that year, Singapore had a conflict between the older generation of books and never studied Chinese books and had not learned Chinese.On the one hand, they have to abandon the dialect audiovisual entertainment that has been used to many years. On the other hand, they have to speak Chinese boldly, not afraid of being joked.Instead, some of the educated educated people, the dialect is the reason for their mother tongue, and the Chinese movement is insufficient.

Singapore's implementation of simplified characters and Chinese Pinyin. It is parallel to the Chinese movement with the Chinese movement.The implementation of simplified characters has almost no resistance, but it is just a small controversy that does not matter. For example, simplified characters have destroyed the beauty and laws of Chinese characters.

The origin of Chinese characters can be traced back to the Oracle era. For thousands of years, simplifying and traditionalization is the phenomenon of natural development of Chinese characters.In the Han Dynasty, the simplified characters were very common, and the words "chaos" (chaos) in the Northern Wei Dynasty had appeared.After the Song and Yuan Dynasties, there are more simplified characters, which can be seen from the ancient calligraphy.Some common words in ancient times were also replaced by simplified versions.For example, after the Tang and Song dynasties, the word "holy" replaced "Holy".The word "Sheng" belongs to the "referring to things" in the Chinese character "Six Books".The word "holy" is not simplified, it is a orthodontic word like a fake bag.

Taiwan calls traditional characters as "positive characters", which has the meaning of self -reliance, and even regards the simplified characters of the mainland as "bandit characters".In fact, many so -called simplified characters have already appeared in ancient books, such as: House, Recommendation, Question, Qi, Net, Qi, Rites, Grain (see Wang Li edited ancient Chinese).Some simplified characters are in this character, which is more positive than "positive characters".

Because of the lack of political thrust in Malaysian Chinese society, many Chinese school students went to Taiwan to study in Taiwan.Binary "phenomenon.This is not the same as Singapore's political leadership and promotion.

Lee Kuan Yew's Chinese policy affects the fate of Chinese newspapers and Chinese Chinese. This is also the long -term heritage he left to Singapore. It is politically and cultural.Today, when I commemorate Lee Kuan Yew's centenarians today, Lianhe Zaobao also celebrated the century -old history in the same month, which is a coincidence of a century.With this opportunity, both Singapore and Lianhe Zaobao must look at a larger Chinese ecological pattern and strive to strengthen the practicality of Chinese in Singapore.Looking forward to the encounter again in this century.