The negotiating table is better than the battlefield.The more people across the academic and political circles, the more they can lengthen the time belt of the two sides of the strait to maintain the status quo.

Entering October, there are "National Day" on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

On October 1st, the People's Republic of China National Celebrity was born on October 10th.The former was born in 1949, and the latter was established in 1912. It lost the UN seat in 1971.If political negotiations are launched, one of the disputes will be involved in the country.

In 2001, Jiang Zemin, then the general secretary of the mainland government, met a member of the Taiwan Unification Alliance in Beijing in Beijing. When talking about the issue of the national number after the unity of the two sides of the strait, it can be referred to as "China".The conversation was published in the Taiwan Left Magazine Strait Review in December 2001.

Coincidentally, former Singapore Foreign Minister Yang Rongwen predicted in Taipei in mid -September in mid -September: "In the future, there will be no People's Republic of China, nor the Republic of China, only China, which is also possible."

What is more complicated than the country is a unified cross -strait plan.Yang Rongwen threw out the idea of "a Chinese federation" on both sides of the strait.

"Federation" is not born.The academic circles on both sides of the strait have long been discussed.As early as 2001, Lien Chan, the former Vice President of the Kuomintang, proposed the federation of the Federation as the future cross -strait integration direction; the former Vice President Lu Xiulian of the Democratic Progressive Party also advocated the "China Federation of China and the Democratic Pacific National Association of Democratic Pacific."

Yang Rongwen did not define the Federation, nor did he touch the issue of sovereignty on both sides of the strait.He believes that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait should maintain a fuzzy space, and there is no precedent condition.

In terms of political science, most members of the federation have national independence. For example, the Soviet Union before disintegration, consisting of different independent countries, each has their own national names and national flags.Apply to join the United Nations.

As the biggest obstacle to the cross -strait integration, the Federation system is undoubtedly the existence of Beijing does not recognize the existence of the Republic of China.Yang Rongwen said from Beijing that "as long as you agree with the middle of the middle, you can talk about everything." He jumped directly to the "Federation of Federation's guided unified model", and the logical jump was very large.Even the heavyweight figures of the blue camp and former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou asked on the spot: "Have you mentioned it with Beijing?"

Neither Taiwan Foreign Affairs and Mainland China State Council did not respond to the Federation.The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on Yang Rongwen not to be reduced to "China's spear."A spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded to Yang Rongwen's "Taiwan is a chess piece" and American entrepreneur Musk's "U.S. Anti -Unified theory": "A Chinese principle is a common consensus in the international community.The unified cause of justice has been widely understood and supported by the international community. "

For a while, the cross -strait peaceful solutions that Yang Rongwen thrown out seemed to be unsatisfactory in the three campus three camps.

Perhaps because the relationship between the big triangle (the United States, China, Taiwan) and the small triangle (the Chinese government, the Kuomintang, and the DPP) relations are from time to time, they have not hit the cross -strait relations out of the boundary.Fang did not have the pressure of the United Federation system to avoid the war.

The Lianlian was thrown again, which made people re -examine a few problems that could not be opened.Is it possible for the mainland government to acknowledge the sovereignty of the Republic of China and form a peaceful "brothers" with Taipei?Is the Kuomintang willing to acknowledge the sovereignty of the People's Republic of China?Does the DPP are willing to acknowledge the same school on both sides of the strait?

The answers to the above questions are not.Unless the situation changes, the strength of China and the United States has caused one of the two sides of the strait to make concessions or the two parties have their own retreat.

At this time, Yang Rongwen mentioned the Federation of the Federation, and behind his thinking, it is clear that the spiritual spirit of Singaporeans is familiar.He predicts that the comparison of China and the United States will gradually benefit China. The status quo on both sides of the strait is unsustainable. The sooner in Taiwan negotiating with the mainland, the more they can strive for good results for themselves.

Singapore's long -term pragmaticism under the leadership of Lee Kuan Yew is conducive to the state solving the problem of survival and development.In Taiwan, which is highly democratized or even differentiated, this set of thinking may be dissatisfied with soil and water.

Dipping away the coats such as Federation and Chess pieces. The keywords of Yang Rongwen's speech content are "talk". The negotiating table is better than the battlefield, and the motivation is good.The more people across the academic and political circles, the more they can lengthen the time belt of the two sides of the strait to maintain the status quo.In particular, Taiwan will hold a presidential election in less than four months. Unless the Kuomintang and the People's Party successfully integrate, or an emergency similar to a "two bullets" before voting, the DPP candidate Lai Qingde probably won the voucher.

Before and after the new president of Taiwan on May 20 next year, the frequency of the "disturbing Taiwan" of the Military PLA military aircraft will increase greatly, and the tensions on both sides of the strait will inevitably increase.In the context of the continued intensification of competition between China and the United States, cross -strait relations that the two countries have moved to the growth of the two countries are more difficult to predict.Therefore, any effort to persuade the two sides of the strait is particularly important.