When the mooncakes are hot again, the major supermarkets in China are filled with Mid -Autumn Festival. All kinds of moon cakes are placed on the most eye -catching booths, attracting consumers to stay.E -commerce also promotes in various forms.Due to the formal implementation of the most stringent moon cake packaging "slimming order" in history on September 1 this year, the regulations of the most stringent moon cake packaging order (food and cosmetics) are restricted (food and cosmetics).Packing moon cake sales and gifts, aiming at individuals and SME users, personalized customization, launching low sugar and low fat, and even injection of cross -border intellectual property elements, for consumer group needs of different ages, and even invited consumers to perform experiential immersionFormulating, promoting the consumer market that personally experienced production, is ingenious.

But there are still some merchants who do it. The luxurious packaging of the sky -high moon cakes still sway through the city. It is against the new consumption concept and is worthy of attention.

The harm of excessive packaging of moon cakes is obvious. The first one is a waste of resources and creating garbage.Excessive packaging refers to extra packaging far beyond the role of product packaging. It is mainly manifested in excessive packaging levels, excessive materials, excessive volume, excessive structural design, excess packaging function, and high packaging costs, forming a large amount of domestic waste.

Secondly, the price is virtual and the lag consumption.Under luxury packaging, the price of moon cakes was pushed to virtual height, which made consumers hesitate and affect the sales of festivals.Although overpacking is luxurious and rich, it is not affordable. Consumers may not like it. Even as gifts as gifts, they are also vanity on the surface.

Then it is a wasteful and wastefulness to promote extravagance.Moon cakes pursue overly luxurious packaging, enlarged the gift function, and mutated into "buying crickets and beads", causing moon cakes to deviate from the origin of traditional culture, promote the extravagant social atmosphere, and even mix the group guys and interests under the guise of human relationships.It may be alienated into a carrier of corruption.

Over -packaging of moon cakes has been repeatedly banned, and merchants, consumers, and regulators are responsible.

The merchant is upside down.In order to attract consumers with differential competition, some companies do not hesitate to use a large number of workers on the packaging design. They are bright and eye -catching to snatch consumers' attention. In fact, they may not be realistic.Even the old moon cakes are full.

Consumers blindly compare.The Chinese pay special attention to face. Gift gifts are more luxurious packaging and expensive. They must support their faces.The merchant is seizing the psychological weakness of consumers and launching excessive packaging products, which invisible to consumer comparison.

The lack of supervision.In the past, the supervision of the supervision, the strength was scattered and thin, and the effect was not great.Some are walking through the field, appearing before the holiday, and inaction after the festival.So there are more dirt, and it is difficult to return.

To stop the overwing, it is necessary to clarify that the merchant is the subject of responsibility.It is necessary to educate merchants to correct business guidance. While selling moon cakes, while creating business profits, it is also necessary to take into account social responsibility, rather than taking the opportunity to use luxury packaging design to make huge profits.

Consumers must establish new consumption concepts and respect fate.The new consumption concept is focused on simple and appropriate amount, rich and personalized.Food carries the spiritual core of the traditional festival culture. Through the seasonal food of moon cakes, the family reunion consciousness is enhanced.A piece of moon cake, which means reunion, and the simple moon cake can also eat the taste of reunion.

Strict supervision, iron face accountability.Market supervision departments at all levels should take the main responsibility in accordance with the principles of the rule of law, actively actively, closely integrate daily supervision and key supervision, and form a strong deterrent on excessive packaging illegal acts, and resolutely hold accountant to let moon cakes truly return to food and truly return to food andCultural standard.

The author is the chief analyst of the Chinese financial media columnist Jing Su Media