The two major camps in Northeast Asia constituted a new cold war.The New Cold War is the result of the interaction between the two sides. The ideology of the two camps opposite determines that the leader chooses to take the Cold War. Politics correctly leads the leader to not recognize the New Cold War, but the leaders are engaged in the Cold War.

U.S. Secretary of State Broskens acknowledged on September 13 that the world order formed after the Cold War has ended, and the relative geopolitical stability for many years has allowed the increasingly fierce competition with the wondering and the amendments of the amendment."The People's Republic of China constitutes the most significant long -term challenge because it not only eager to reshape international order, but also has more and more economical, diplomacy, military, and technical forces that achieve this goal."In the state, the China Global Times has published a series of articles to acknowledge the arrival of the New Cold War.

According to the Chinese political scholar Jin Canrong, the "New Cold War" in China and the United States has not begun.The reason for the reason is that China refuses to refuse the new Cold War or even not allow the world to slip towards the New Cold War.Jin Canrong's statement has formed a serious inconsistent situation of the alliance with the three countries of China and Russia.

The China -Russia and the Russian North Korea is a camp with the United States

China -DPRK relations with the Treaty of China -DPRK friendly cooperation and mutual assistance are military alliances.However, according to the characteristics of these two countries, the treaty on paper is far less than the personal relationship between the leaders of the two countries.For example, in 1966, the Chinese rebels proposed the slogan of "knocking down the capital of the capital".After Kim Il Sung learned, he became angry and ordered to destroy the Chinese Volunteer Cemetery and crack the monuments and tombstones.Similarly, when Kim Jong -un was dissatisfied with China, it can be said that China is "the imperialism of the Social Society."From this judgment, China -DPRK relations only need to depend on the preference between leaders.

There is no military alliance treaty between Russia and North Korea, but it does not affect the alliance between the Soviet Union and North Korea.The main conspiracy of the Korean War was Stalin and Kim Il Sung. The Chinese People's Volunteer Army fought ground war in North Korea, and the Soviet Air Force fought air.After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia had no time to take care of North Korea. North Korea relied more on China. The rise of the Chinese economy provided a strong guarantee for the existence of the North Korean regime.

The Russian and Ukraine War extremely consumed Russia's military capabilities, and North Korea's position in Russia suddenly rose sharply.North Korea's long -term military governing the country has reserved sufficient weapons and ammunition, which is exactly the supplies that Russia needs to supplement.North Korea used nuclear weapon nuclear launch missiles to obtain the legitimacy of the regime. The first military politics determined that North Korea needed Putin to provide military technology to North Korea.

It was the need for each other between the Russian and North Korea, and determined that Kim Jong -un visited Russia and Putin to be invited by the DPRK by Kim Jong -un.Russia's Minister of Defense went to North Korea in July and asked Kim Jong -un to transport more ammunition to Russia.Sho Gulu said that Moscow and Pyongyang are considering holding their first military exercises.If the Russian -DPRK military exercise is held as scheduled, political significance is great.Putin accompanied Kim Jong -un to visit Russia's advanced aerospace base, which is far -reaching, and North Korea urgently needs remote carrying tools.

The Russian North Korea is not an alliance that is like an alliance. The personal relationship between Putin and Kim Jong -un has overwhelmed the relationship between Russia and the country. The "brothers" of Putin and Kim Jong -un are getting deeper and deeper. The friendship between them naturally extends to friendship with China.The private transactions reached by Putin and Kim Jong -un are far better than the intergovernmental agreement.The China -Russia and Russia were not all the alliances.The China -Russia and the DPRK alliance does not need to write on the paper. Only with the personal wishes of the leaders, the rupture of relations between the Three Kingdoms only requires leaders to turn their faces overnight.

China -Russia -DPRK relations are not necessarily beneficial to China. China does not want its influence on Pyongyang to be replaced by Russia. Military cooperation between the Russia and North Korea has led to the more complicated Russian and Ukraine War. China's situation in the United Nations will be embarrassed.North Korea's new military technology from Russia may not be beneficial to China.The blood of the Jin family has never really respected China, and the three generations of the Jin family's grandchildren have records of scolding China.The closer the relationship between Putin and Kim Jong -un, Kim Jong -un will not take China seriously.The alliance that is combined by the interests of China and Russia relies on interests is not as good as the common values.North Korea is good at maximizing benefits from China and Russia, and it has never been a reliable ally in China.

"David Camp Spirit" realizes the institutionalization of the Three Kingdoms Alliance

Since the beginning of the former US President Trump, the United States has taken Sino -Russian as a threat to the United States and regarded China as the biggest threat to the United States.On September 1, McCell, chairman of the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, said when he visited Sweden: The cooperative relationship between Russia and Chinese leaders worried him."I think we have never seen such a large -scale threat to Europe and Pacific since World War II."

The three documents such as the "David Camp Spirit" signed by the United States, Japan and South Korea have realized the institutionalization of the Three Kingdoms Alliance.From the perspective of historical sources, this is the dream of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's "Indo -Pacific Strategy"; as far as future historical evaluation is concerned, this will be a result of the alliance of the United States President Biden's alliance.However, such achievements will only lead to the increasingly tense regional situation, and it will never make the world go to peace and development.The U.S., Japan and South Korea have become a camp against China, Russia, and the impact.

First, the determination to intervene in the situation in the Taiwan Strait has been determined.After the talks with Byndun, the Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Kishida, in January this year, he issued a joint statement based on the field of security guarantee, including the importance of emphasizing the "Taiwan Strait and Facing Stability".This is the most important breakthrough of the Japanese and American security treaty.The definition of the treaty's "surroundings" is that there is something around Japan, that is, if the Taiwan Strait broke out of war, it is determined that Japan will cooperate against Taiwan and will also fight with the U.S. military.There is a certain tacit understanding inside the political circles of Taiwan, but there is no explicit saying, fearing to irritate mainland China.Reuters said that the current military officer in Japan is in Taiwan, which is the "symbol" that Japan has increased support for Taiwan.

Second, the United States accelerates armed Japan.On August 18, the US Department of Defense and the Ministry of National Defense jointly issued a statement saying: "The development of the development of the hypersonic capacity is a urgent demand for both countries to deal with the challenges in the Indo -Pacific region." On August 21, the Pentagon Building, the Pentagon Building,A spokesman Martin Menas said: After the David Camp, the "joint development of the gliding stage interceptor will be based on the long -term cooperation between the United States and Japan's missile defense and strengthen the deterrent situation of the alliance."

Third, American aircraft carriers went to Huanghai to show off their force.Since the Washington Fighting Group trained in Huanghai in 2013, the U.S. forces will be displayed in the largest scale in eastern China in the past 10 years.The exercise may dispatch the Meridian -class amphibious assault ship, and the Harry Fax -class patrol ships in Canada and the South Korean Navy will participate in this military exercise.

Fourth, the United States provides security to South Korea.On April 14, the B-52H strategic bomber flew to the Korean Peninsula to participate in the Korean United Airlines exercise.On April 26, South Korea and the United States decided to set up a nuclear consulting team to highlight the extension deterrent to South Korea.On June 16, the US nuclear -powered submarine Michene arrived in Busan.

Of course, the Chinese and Russian dynasty also continued to show off the force.According to a report on June 15, the three Chinese navy ships drove north to the Japan Sea.From July 20th to 23rd, China -Russia went to the Japan Sea to hold a joint naval exercise.On September 11th, the Chinese aircraft carrier Shandong formulated from the southern end of Taiwan to the Eastern Airlines and entered the Western Pacific exercise.North Korea fired missiles when Kim Jong -un visited Russia.In response, on September 13, the Pentagon announced that the United States approved to sell as many as 25 F-35 fighters and related equipment to South Korea.

The two major camps in Northeast Asia constituted a new cold war.The New Cold War is the result of the interaction between the two sides. The ideology of the two camps opposite determines that the leader chooses to take the Cold War. Politics correctly leads the leader to not recognize the New Cold War, but the leaders are engaged in the Cold War.Without changing leaders' deep -rooted cognition, the world will become increasingly uncertain and risky.

The author is a commentator in Shanghai, China