81 countries, including China and the United States, jointly signed the United Nations Agreement on Marine Biological Diversity (BBNJ) outside the United Nations ". It is the highlight of the United Nations General Assembly this year.This agreement promoted the Kunming -Montreal global biological diversity framework passed in Canada last December, which helps achieve the goal of implementing effective protection of the earth's 30%area and 30%of the degraded ecosystem of the earth in 2030.Singapore Foreign Minister, Dr. Vivian, pointed out that this is a voter voted by multilateralism in multilateralism, showing that the world may still work together to solve global problems and create solutions.

The world in front of you, the polarized competition has intensified, and the differences in key technology, trade and supply chain in a short period of time will not be resolved.Small and medium -sized countries strive to maintain their consistent survival and development space, relying on the major international stage and other international organizations of the United Nations to obtain fair treatment and peaceful environment.Therefore, the United Nations is still the best platform to solve individual problems and common problems worldwide. Small countries must pay special attention.

Nearly 80 years after World War II, most of the conflict between the country and region can be resolved between the government, and the war involving a large country has gradually decreased. Especially in Europe, the country of the two wars, strive to abandon the predecessor, go towards reconciliation to reconcileEU with the goal of common development.Except for these turns, in addition to the drive of technology and economic development, they have prompted people to change their thinking through war solving problems, the United Nations Global Platform is more effective than the International Alliance before World War II. It is also a major reason.

However, there have been many problems in the United Nations for many years, including the reality dominated by the great powers. The Security Council has been monopolized by the five countries.With more tolerance, there are more and more voices of major powers that comply with international rules.The United Nations and relevant agencies are actually very important for large powers. It is a platform for great powers to exert global words, give play to leadership, reconcile international relations, and promote the indispensable platforms for various international cooperation.More importantly, with the resolutions made through the United Nations, the international actions in the world have authoritative and moral significance.However, the major powers should not take the United Nations as a controlled institution, including the means of refusal to pay the paid fees to require the United Nations as a role in compliance with their own interests.

The "Future Summit", which is currently launched and will be held in September next year, is to re -condense global consensus and build a future contract that can be put into action for descendants of human beings.It involves education, finance, digital technology, and space specifications, which not only affects every small and medium -sized country, but also deeply affects the future of large powers.Whether human beings can create the future that is more conducive to the survival and development of future generations through collective wisdom, it will eventually rely on the United Nations platform and various multilateral systems.Only these institutions play a leading role, play their efficiency to the greatest extent, can peace continue, and can we talk about the future.

Singapore has always paid much more effort than us, including the initiative of the small country forum.The BBNJ Agreement this time was that after many years of hard work, Chen Huijing, the Singaporean Ocean and Ocean Law, led the task of the United Nations Ocean and Ocean Law.In the international reality of globalization and multilateralism, and the rapid loss of strategic trust between great powers, international collaboration space must continue to be maintained. The more countries attach importance to the United Nations, the United Nations can surpass interest groups to resolve the influence of geographical political conflicts.Then protect the rights of small kingdoms.

Solving conflicts in a civilized manner is the lesson of human pain after World War II. It has made the Russian and Ukraine War the last war that caused a major destruction of life and property.The United Nations platform should show greater tolerance in the future, as well as more cross -negotiation systems, to solve global topics that urgently need to reach consensus on marine ecology, climate change, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, etc., and so on.As Weiwen said, as long as it shows a constructive spirit, human beings do not lack the ideas of strengthening multilateralism, and what is lacking is commitment and action.