Source: Xinjing News

Author: Zhou Huixiao Wan

In 1990, the 11th Asian Games opened in the Beijing Workers' Stadium. Singer Wei Wei and Liu Huan sang the song Asia in the opening ceremony. "We Asia, the mountain is the high head;... "This impassioned song created by the famous noun writer Zhang Qu and composer Xu Peidong has since become a memories of a generation.In the blink of an eye, it has been 33 years since the Hangzhou Asian Games, but when Wei Wei sang the song again, it was still inspiring.Wei Wei is very grateful to the fans for their recognition. She said that when she sang the Asian male style 33 years ago, she didn't realize how important it was, but now I think this song is so much influential and so long.She thanked everyone for their love and recognition of her voice, and she also hopes that she can make more new attempts in the future so that the audience will have more opportunities to hear her new works.

As a famous singer in Chinese pop music scenes, Wei Wei has sang many popular sports events such as Chinese and Chinese blind dates and love in the life of Asian heroes.She remembers that on the eve of the Asian Games in 1990, there was a public song collection event. Each city had to submit works. The songs participating in the submission will be broadcast on the Central People's Broadcasting Station.Propaganda song: "Xu Peidong wanted to participate in the solicitation at that time. He also had an opportunity to write this song. One night he went to bed and dreamed. He dreamed of this melody. He woke up in the middle of the night and quickly wrote down the melody.As soon as I shot, I quickly wrote this song. He called me and asked me to record at three o'clock in the afternoon that day. I wondered that the adjustment was not determined, and the song did not listen.I wrote in the '. He wanted to write a song with Liu Huan at that time, which could make us two voice together, so I recorded the mentality of helping help. The recording was very smooth, and when entering the shed, Xu PeidongI have allocated all the singing sections of Liu Huan, how to sing and how to sing, the structure is very clear. My part was recorded in about half an hour, and then Liu Huan recorded it again.For a long time, it was the highest voting song that day, and finally became the propaganda song of the Beijing Asian Games. "

Exclusive dialogue

Wei Wei: No matter which generation, listening to the Asian style is still full of passion.

The Beijing News: At the New Workers' appearance and the Beijing Cultural Forum Gala, you all sang the Asian male style. What different feelings do you have every time?

Wei Wei: Every time I sing, I am very happy, because everyone likes to listen to me to sing this song, not only to sing on the stage, many people want to hear me singing (laughs).Whether it is a new worker or singing this song on the Beijing Cultural Forum, I have a deep sense of pride.It has been 33 years since the first singing song. In the past 33 years, the sports industry in our country has changed a lot. I am proud of the rapid development of our country.

Beijing News: Singing the Asian male style again, is there any new adaptation of this song?

Wei Wei: This song has been adapted three times. One is partially music, the other is partial dance, and the third adaptation is the Beijing Cultural Forum. Based on the original accompaniment, the rhythm has been added, which is even more popular.The adaptation and singing this time have also been recognized by Mr. Xu Peidong's composition of this song. He was very satisfied with hearing.Recently, singing on the short video platform, using the original accompaniment, I want to sing again when the Asian Games comes, sing again.

Beijing News: You have very high requirements for your singing. What preparations will you make in the performance of the song?

Wei Wei: Under normal circumstances, I will talk less before singing and try to keep myself quiet.In fact, self -discipline in daily life is also very important. It is best to not smoke, drink, do not eat spicy, and not eat cold drinks, because I worry that there will be adverse reactions to affect my throat.

Beijing News: Do you usually practice?

Wei Wei: When I usually want to sing, I will play a piano for practice.

Beijing News: What do you want to bring to the audience through the singing of this song?

Wei Wei: I think I am like a microphone, passing my music and the sense of strength in my heart.I hope that all these emotions will become a positive shout and turn into a positive emotion, sincere, friendly, and united.

Beijing News: What does this song mean for you?

Wei Wei: When I sang this song before, many listeners told me that this song was particularly inspired. I didn't understand it at the time. I always thought that everyone said so politely.But 33 years later, when I sang this song again, the audience had changed a generation, but everyone said that listening to this song is still full of passion.This reminds me of some of my experiences: I have a friend in a foreign country that runs the marathon. I once participated in the marathon and couldn't run in the last 30 minutes. I suddenly remembered the song of Asia.His spiritual power has been persisted; there is another experience that the heads of three different countries sang "We Asia ..." I was present at the time, and it was very touching.Crossing the mountains and the sea and spanning everything, but each impact is positive, positive, and can bring people's strength, which also moved me very much.

Beijing News: This reappearance, many netizens said that "the older generation of singers have a strong business ability". What response do you have?

Wei Wei: This is the need for the times.At that time, the professionalism had the right to speak. Music experts controlled the market. At that time, they supported the music of national singing. Because it was generally believed that popular songs were not technical, and the audience may feel that popular songs were not excited, so popular songs had no status at the time.At that time, everyone was constantly breaking through. They were "better than the ability". In terms of modern network buzzwords, it was "too rolled", and it was to break through ourselves.Works of spiritual resonance.

I have always wanted to sing pop songs, and I also want pop songs to enter the mainstream market, so when the love of cooperating with Guo Feng, it is very shocking in the music circle. This song exceeds two octaves.There are many difficulties in span and singing technology, and it is also the same as popular music that everyone thinks.However, the achievements of this song are very good. For the first time in China, there are popular songs in the mainstream market, and they have also won the gold award internationally.We are the pioneering generation, and we must have strength to survive.I have always believed in doing what I like. If you do it, you will be able to do it well.