Source: Surging News

Author: Lin Jing

The principal's position was terminated, the director of the primary school dismissed, and the vice president was dismissed. The class teacher and the life teacher of the involved in were dismissed. Just now, Datong officially reported the investigation and processing of the bullying incident of the underage school bullying incident of Dacheng Bilingual School.Relevant staff of the school involved were punished seriously.

This bullying incident is really sensational: the 10 -year -old boy was repeatedly insulted, assaulted, and bullied by his classmates at school.Those who are heartache and heartbreak.

Because both violence are minors, the public security organs have admonished the two in accordance with the law in accordance with the law of the People's Republic of China to prevent the criminal law of minors, and order them to receive psychological counseling and behavior correction.The guardians of the two were commanded and ordered to receive family education guidance.

Although the perpetrators and guardians are dealt with, both perpetrators are 9 years old, and even one year younger than the victims. What is their connection with the lack of family education?At a young age, they will do such a bad behavior. What is their state inside and outside the campus, and what kind of living environment is they growing up?It is also a question that netizens are very concerned.

What is even more incredible is that in the encountering violations of the victim students, for a year and a half, the school did not perceive. It was not until the parents reflected the situation through the Internet that the school was "later conscious."For students, the school should have protected them the first line of defense.However, why this line of defense in the above -mentioned harsh nature has not played a due role, it is worth pondering.

As early as 2016, the nine departments of the Ministry of Education of China jointly issued the guidance of the prevention and treatment of bullying and violence of primary and secondary school students, and clarified that the timely reporting system for primary and secondary school students should be established in various places.In 2021, the General Office of the Ministry of Education issued a special governance action plan to prevent primary and secondary school students' bullying operations, requiring to carry out in -depth special governance actions to prevent primary and secondary school student bullying.

Relevant regulations are in front of the white paper, why do the school involved in the case for a long time make students suffer such a shocking evil in the school?It is true that there is a certain concealment of campus bullying. The perpetrators invade the weak in the "hidden corner".However, there is such a large safety dead end in the campus, which can not be said.

At present, the people involved in Bilingual School in Datong Datong are seriously held accountable, but the lessons left by the matter are still profound.For campus bullying incidents that may be "lurking", we must not take it lightly, and we must strengthen prevention and observation.

On September 22, Shanxi Province revised the regulations for the protection of minors in Shanxi Province to clearly stipulate the problems of student bullying and minor human sexual assault, sexual harassment, and other issues.Article 21 of the Ordinance states that the school shall establish a student bullying prevention and disposal mechanism, and regularly carry out education and training to prevent students' bullying on faculty, students, students, etc.

The victims in the incident have been in a state of being isolated or helpless for a long time. It is conceivable how harmful it has suffered.Therefore, the line of defense of campus safety should not be just "replenishing the dead sheep", but also strictly implemented in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations.

Parents and care about the state of the child, and talk to the children more. It is not difficult to do these things.As the official report said, related education systems and units should learn from the lessons, strengthen school management, and create a good environment for the healthy growth of minors.Hope, don't repeat such a tragedy.