On September 13th, the big coffee gathered in the Starlight of the U.S. Congress Mountain may not be the most glorious group of people in the world, but it is almost a group of people who can change the fate of human beings because they represent the most advanced scientific and technological level in the world today.With the potential of sustainable development, it also leads the direction of the future.These people include Microsoft founders Bill Gates and current presidents Satya Nadella, Tesla and SpaceX president Musk, Meta president Zuckerberg, OPENAI president Sam Altman, andHuang Renxun, president of Nvidia (President of Nvidia), Sundar Pichai, president of Google, and IBM President Arvind Krishna.They received a invitation to receive the invitation of the major party leader of the United States Senate, Chuck Schume, to participate in an event called the "AI Insight Forum", and discussed the current situation, trends, problems and regulatory supervision of AI.

Musk said when leaving Congress Mountain, "This will be a meeting that will be recorded in history and is extremely important for human future civilization."The XAI company, which is about $ 20 billion, has to send it to the first step -by -step business giants from Google, Microsoft, Openai, etc., can it be officially operated. The latter technology giants have long been ahead of AI.

Shu Mo warned these technology giants in the forum, "If you go too fast, it will damage a lot of things; just like Europe has gone quickly, now they have to go back."Reference, on behalf of the US government, the US government demands to strengthen supervision of the development of these companies, and believes that it has now reached an urgent point.

Regardless of their specific dialogue in the forum and what extent they have developed in the AI field, such a forum has revealed at least three layers of information to the world.I. The latest progress and the highest level representing the AI field and the highest level are all in the United States, and they have an overwhelming advantage in other countries.Destiny; 3. The development of AI accompanied by various uncertainty and even harmfulness. It is urgent to consider the necessary regulatory measures in advance when it is not mature and popular.

This is a group of people who know the development status, inside and dangerous in the development of AI. Their gathering can be regarded as a kind of communication to cope with possible challenges.Only the United States has this ability to consider such things to reach this extent.They once again stood on the outlet of the technological revolution and were part of the person closest to changing history.

In history, no country can stand on the two technological revolution.According to usual, the steam revolution of the first technological revolution occurred in the UK, the second electrochemical revolution occurred in the European continent in Germany and France. The third information network revolution occurred in the United States. The fourth technological revolutionIt seems that it is appearing in the AI field, and the United States is creating a miracle that controls the dominance of the technological revolution two times in a row. While not being challenged too much, it is worth reflecting on all other countries.

What is most likely to challenge the United States in the field of AI is currently only Europe and China. Other countries may only build their own individual comparative advantages in some sectors, such as Japan, South Korea and India;The three technological revolutions have worked hard to climb, including the vast number of Asia -Africa and Latinarian regions; Russia originally had a good foundation, but unfortunately went wrong.

Europe does not seem to work hard on fund investment and corporate support, but is busy restricting the US's technical advantages at the institutional level. In the future, it may be more mature and advanced in conceptual specifications.For example, on September 6, the European Commission (DMA), which was formulated by the European Commission (DMA), listed Microsoft, Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, META, and bytes to beating six technology companies as "watchmen" and "watchmen".Enterprises are defined as large companies that provide social networks and search engines such as core platforms. The market value must reach 75 billion euros or annual turnover of more than 7.5 billion euros.Named commercial users, and these companies must promise not to abuse their status, otherwise they will face a fine of 10%of the highest turnover.In the corporate issue of the technical revolution, the system design of the "watchman" is a good attempt.

As the United States says, as the United States says, it is chasing the United States in a comprehensive system.From the perspective of investment, Alibaba will invest 100 billion yuan (about S $ 18.7 billion) in the next five years. It is used to research and develop AI technology. Baidu and Tencent announced their three -year plan, reaching 100 billion and 500 respectively.The scale of 100 million yuan, such as Huawei, 360, Xiaomi, JD, and some state -owned enterprises are eager to try.From the perspective of technological development, China has shown the trend of all flowers. Tencent's mixed Yuan model, HKUST Xunfei's Xinghuo, Netease's Fuxi, and Baidu's words have begun to take shape.Of course, all these are obviously subject to the "small courtyard high wall" policy that the United States deliberately formulated. The restrictions and stuffing of the most cutting -edge technologies still have a certain gap between China and the United States.a long time.

Standing at the air outlet is to be able to fly and control it, otherwise it is either falling or loss.Kissinger compared the development of AI to the nuclear weapons of the year, thinking that it was enough to change the world situation and human life and way of thinking.From the perspective of the common destiny of human beings, the United States is now closest to the development of AI development. I hope they can lead the world to a more scientific and healthy development path!

The author is Yangzhou current affairs commentator