Source: United Daily

Author: Xin Cuiling

If "Global South" is the main keyword of the international political and economic situation in 2023, it should not be too much.In the past month alone, there are three important international activities that advertised the south of the world: South African BRICS Summit, which is located in the "Global Southern Agenda" in late August, and the "Voice of Global Southern G20 Summit" held in India in early September, in early September,Then to the G77 + China Summit, which has just ended in Cuba and emphasized the global southern position.The visibility and volume of the global south are getting higher and higher.

The so -called global south does not refer to geographical southern hemisphere countries, but to describe a comprehensive identity label of the country's institutional value, economic development, and geopolitical relationships.In fact, the word "global south" that appeared in the 1960s did not have a clear definition, and there were different connotations with the times.

It has the use of synonyms with the third world as synonymous, which is called a country that has been invaded by imperialism in history, or has been colonized and developed backward.Before the 1980s, West Germany Prime Minister Berrant specifically drawn a north -south dividing line called the Brandt Line on the world map. The north of the boundary line is a rich country in North America, Northwestern Europe, Japan, and previous.The Communist countries of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, etc.; The rest of the countries were painted south of the boundary.Another common rules of use appeared in the international political discussion after the end of the Cold War in the 1990s, to accommodate countries with different political and economic systems, different consciousness, and less wealthy countries.

Whether it is the third world in the early days, or later non -Western countries, the north and south are self -coming.The southern world has long been dissatisfied with the leading international organizations and rules of Western countries. On the contrary, the Western international political circle talks about the global southern south, and there is often a joke.

In the past few years, the north and south have been intensified.First, there was a trade war to disrupt the supply chain, the operation and arbitration function of the WTO, and then the Ukrainian war affects the energy prices of Russia, coupled with the U.S. dollar rush to raise interest rates, etc., the global southern countries are implicated.The three -year vaccine distribution problem of the crown disease has made many southern countries angry.At the closing ceremony of the Global Financial Cooperation Summit held in Paris in June this year, South African President Rama Tosa's closing ceremony was that the northern countries were shared by the northern countries during the epidemic, which made South Africans feel begging like a beggar.Southern countries considering being unfairly treated and betrayed, therefore even more inconsistent in Europe and the United States; after the Ukrainian war, the United States cannot establish an anti -Russian alliance with most southern countries, which is also evident.

On the other hand, the global south accounts for 80 % of the global population, including China, Indonesia, India, Brazil and other economies. After years of growth, these countries cannot be underestimated.As the global southern movement is getting bigger and bigger, the northern (western) countries headed by the United States are becoming more and more cautious.In particular, the south of the world is headed by China, Russia and other countries, so that the North -South issues and geopolitical issues are sometimes overlapped. This also makes Western countries prone to the dilemma of advancing and retreating Vegan.

For example, in the Hiroshima G7 Summit in May this year, the host Japan invited several big southern powers as a guest to express their attention to the south, but also deliberately not mentioned the south of the world in the summit.For another example, although the Biden government has expressed his willingness to return to multilateralism and rebuild the WTO, there are almost no specific measures.The reform of the United Nations Security Council is also an example.Although the United States claims to be open -minded to expand the permanent member of the Security Council and the seat of a very member of the country, it also opposes the organizational method and veto system of the Reform Security Council.

In the global new order that has gradually become polarized, the key impact of the global south has an indisputable fact.This also reminds all places including Taiwan. In addition to the thinking of geopolitics, it is necessary to understand the development context of the differences between the north and south of the country to face the international power structure in the evolution.