Source: Taiwan United Daily News

The Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun proposed "cooperation in the wild", advocating starting from the combination of concepts, to the legislature, and then to the presidential election; he shouted constitutional reform, from disguised presidential system, to the dual head system, and finally went to the liability cabinetsystem.The party chairman Ke Wenzhe also said that the election of Taiwan has become a "election emperor" system, and the winners have all won all the issues such as the President. Like the President's issues such as the State of the Legislative Court, the political party leaders should sit down and talk.Zhu and Ke echoed the statements and preset the imagination of future political parties cooperation and the Congress system; this may not be unable to do, but the practice is extremely difficult, and the focus is on the basis of cooperation between the two parties.

Zhu Ke's statement reflects the status quo of society's "democratic dictatorship" that is currently unique in president.The people's party has not pushed the strength of regional legislators, and can only look forward to becoming a key minority under the "three parties".Especially with the expectations of the "Great League", how to give full play to the greatest benefit of a minority party, Ke Wenzhe has repeatedly mentioned the "joint government".After all, the shortest path for the people's party to grow is the possibility of participating in governance.

There have never been a "joint government" in the history of Taiwan constitutional government.When Chen Shui -bian first came to power, he used Tang Fei and wanted to create a "blue -green co -governance" space. In the end, the DPP had no intention of sharing power with his party, and it was difficult to change the deadlock towards Ono.When Ma Ying -jeou was in power, due to the dispute within the party, the power of the parliament rose, and the Malaysian government's administration was repeatedly constrained.Tsai Ing -wen exhausted the power of the president, and the Legislative Yuan became a rubber section. The key is that the DPP is unique.Such a political situation does not change, and the problem of "democratic dictatorship" cannot be changed.

In other words, in addition to the presidential election, the results of the election election will also control the governance trend of the next four years.In the wild alliance, not only should we prevent Qingde's "lying down and select" situation, but also must also start the leadership of the legislature election structure in order to allow the "Presidential Election in the Field Cooperation" to have the opportunity to stabilize the political situation under the results of the presidential election under the field.Therefore, when talking about cooperation in the opposition party, it is necessary to achieve consensus on the operation of the government in the future; if you cannot promise "the president is not fully won", there will be no possibility and basis for cooperation in the wild league.

Zhu Lilun first took the premise of constitutional reforms, and released the release of the Pavilion's highest administrative head even if the Kuomintang presidential election wins, and it is the main reason.This is of course attractive to the people's party. This is also the fundamental intention of Ke Wenzhe's throwing "United Government".The problem is that if the two sides cannot have a certain tacit understanding, and even white paper and black, the project of blue and white is very difficult.

At that time, the national relatives served as the Song Dynasty, first forming a consensus through the alliance meeting, and the white paper and black words promised to "form a professional and efficient joint ruling team. Important policies and personnel, etc.Common negotiation decision. "Before Ma Ying -jeou selected the president, Malaysia also signed a seven -point consensus on the "National Affairs Alliance". In addition to the legislators, he also made an appointment for "national relatives."Later, due to a lot of grievances, the national relatives did not achieve, and the people of the Democratic Party were slightly.Based on the "Tongyuan" of the country, the cooperation is so tossing, not to mention the Kuomintang and the people's party with a large concept gap; to establish mutual trust cooperation, this alliance will also be a difficult political technology.

Lan Baihe is not only the actual needs of the presidential election, but also to block the Green Camp for more than half, but also an important goal of legislators elections.The people's nominations in regional legislators are limited, and they can only hope that there can be no partitions. In order to promote cooperation, many constituencies have room for cooperation, but most of them are "just do not say".However, the cooperation between the two parties must have the foundation that can be operated and trustworthy in order to ensure that after the "get off the DPP", it can stabilize the political situation to promote governance.This is the problem of "execution" that Ke Wenzhe has repeatedly said.

The shouts of Zhu Lilun and Ke Wenzhe are all kinds of room for cooperation to throw goodwill from each other.However, the cooperation between the two parties must also leave the arrangement of Guo Taiming's plan. This is the difficulty that Zhu Lilun's "in the field" must overcome.Time is urgent. In addition to the policy of co -attorney in the DPP, the Blue and White Party must also have a specific actions in the cooperation of political parties in order to flip the political situation.