Source: Hong Kong Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

This year is the 10th anniversary of the “Belt and Road” initiative. How Hong Kong has participated in and plays a role. It has been talking more and doing less for many years. There are historical factors and mentality issues.The role of Hong Kong in the world economic system has long been attached to the West, but the Belt and Road Initiative is not a system that is the main body in the West. It is more oriented to develop countries and pursues common prosperity, rather than serving Western economic.For Hong Kong, this is a way to re -adapt to find opportunities by themselves, and it is also a way that is not familiar with nor as soon as possible.The spirit of adventure, dare to fight.The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government held the Belt and Road Summit Forum yesterday (September 14). The Belt and Road Commissioner's position for more than half a year has recently settled.Hong Kong must speed up their steps and establish their position and role in the Belt and Road.

Belt and Road Initiative does not arrange him in the West "counter -control" to catch the wrong use of God

Belt and Road Initiative, China has signed more than 200 cooperative documents with more than 150 countries and more than 30 international organizations.Beijing will hold the third Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit Forum next month. While commemorating the 10th anniversary of the initiative, it will discuss high -quality construction cooperation.In Hong Kong, the Belt and Road Summit Forum organized by the SAR Government was held yesterday. More than 6,000 people participated, including official delegations from more than 70 countries and regions.These records of records indicate that Hong Kong has returned to the world stage.

It has been proposed all the way all the way, and many people still don't know what it is.In the West, some people still think that it is a large infrastructure development project that exports the remaining production capacity in China, so the focus is often focused on individual project delays or debt burdens.Recently, Europe and the United States and Saudi India have signed a memorandum of understanding, and proposed to build a shipping and railway transportation corridor connecting India, the Middle East and Europe. There are Western think tanks that this "road of modern spices" can "counter -control" the Belt and Road.It reflects the misunderstanding of Western misunderstandings.

The Belt and Road Initiative has never been infrastructure.The West dominated the world 200 years, and the global economic system from the division of labor to production-consumption relationships in the industry chain, which has been centered on the West for a long time, and the distribution of interests has also been significantly tilted.In the past half a century, developing countries have provided raw materials and cheap consumer goods for the West, while Western camps have controlled cutting -edge production technology and technology. Even if there are occasional non -Western economies, they are ranked among the developed worlds.; Some backward areas have been abandoned from this system for a long time.China's rise has broken this pattern, and the Belt and Road Initiative is a new construction of the existing world economic system. Qi Qi larger the cakes, and everyone divides more.

It is not connected, unreasonable, but not connected (the ideological culture is similar but the geographical barrier is blocked), and it is not connected (although there is a psychological barrier such as exchanges but existence of culture or ideology), all of which are factor that hinders world cooperation.The core of the Belt and Road Initiative is interconnection and mutual promotion. In fact, the globalization of the Chinese version is the region and market with more development potential into the international economic system. Infrastructure investment is just one of them."Do not connect", create needs in infrastructure, and drive development.It is true that as China is committed to upgrading and transformation, and strive to become a developed industry. One area will help China to become another core of the global economic system, but to promote world development, multi -engine must be better than single engines.The West talks about the "counter -control" Belt and Road Initiative. This is the concept of opposition, but the Belt and Road Initiative does not discharge him.If the "road of spices" only focuses on Unicom in transportation and logistics infrastructure, it is only to deepen the relevant countries' economic attachment to the West;It can also be benefited from it.

The risk of the New World Bureau is to be able to adjust the mentality of the "people's heart".

In the past 10 years, Hong Kong's role in the Belt and Road Initiative has not been obvious.In terms of regional cooperation, in addition to the close economic and trade relations with Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and the Middle East and other Belt and Road partners have limited communication. Until the last year and a half of the year, the SAR official has a big move. On financing, Far behind Xingma; on the advantages of the legal system, the International Mediation Institute is still in the preliminary preparation stage, becoming a long way to go to the International Arbitration Center.Yesterday, the Chief Executive Forum mentioned that Hong Kong has the advantages of relying on the country and the Unicom world. In the future, it will strengthen cooperation with partners in the Belt and Road in different fields.EssenceHong Kong has the conditions to play a greater role in the Belt and Road. The key is to change their mindset, recognize the World Bureau, and jump out of the past comfort zone.

Hong Kong has a long history of doing business in the West, and there are many networks. In contrast, the Belt and Road region is a new market, and the cultural background is not familiar. Risk factors have caused some Hong Kong people to try to try.With the comfort zone, some people even look down on these markets.However, in recent years, the world pattern has changed hugely, US -British politicians are full of hostility to China, and Hong Kong has also become targets.The wrestling and geopolitics of the great country are risks that Hong Kong had never faced when doing business in the West in the past. On the other hand, it has national support for the development of the Belt and Road market. The risk factors have disappeared and can become a burning agent that promotes Hong Kong to accelerate the participation of the Belt and Road.

In the last century, Hong Kong's economy took off, and the entrepreneur spirit of daring to fight hard has played an important role. Now it is necessary to invest in the Belt and Road Construction, which also requires this spirit.Hong Kong's development of the Belt and Road Initiative and continuing to deal with the West can be parallel, but Hong Kong people must deepen their understanding of the Belt and Road countries as soon as possible.Ding Xuexiang, Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council, delivered a video speech at the Belt and Road Summit Forum yesterday. Talking about the "four hopes" of Hong Kong, in addition to deepening regional cooperation, improving financial services, focusing on professional services, and deepening human education, and promoting people's hearts.The Western world has a lot of prejudices and misunderstandings about the Islamic world and other. To play the role of promoting the communication of the people, Hong Kong needs to get rid of the past pure Western perspective and learn from different regions and civilizations from a wider field of perspective.