Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Zheng Zhen

On September 13, at the Russian Oriental Aerospace launcher, after a lapse of four years and five months, the second meeting between Russian President Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong -un.Putin accompanied Kim Jong -un to visit the Eastern Aerospace launcher. Russia and North Korea held a large -scale talks including the heads of state, foreign minister, and many major members of the anti -phase, and Kim Jong -un Putin had a one -on -one talks.

It is reported that after meeting Putin at the Oriental Aerospace launcher, Kim Jong -un went to the next stop to visit the Russian destination. Next, he will also visit the Sukhoi aircraft manufacturing enterprise and Foradvo on the Communist Qingcheng on the Alumur River.Stoke (Vladivostok) Russian Pacific Fleet Base.

DPRK media said that the two sides "consistently discussed a number of major issues and current cooperation matters" and "satisfactorily reached agreements and consensus."However, neither North Korea and Russia announced the details of the talks, and they did not sign a common document or declaration after the talks.

The only thing that can be determined is that when the Eastern launch site greeted Kim Jong -un, Putin answered a question from a reporter- "Whether Russia will help North Korea make satellites."Putin replied, "We came to the Eastern Aerospace launcher for this reason"; he also said that Kim Jong -un showed a "great interest" in rocket technology and seemed to seek development in the aerospace field.

Russian -DPRK military cooperation that is very concerned about all parties, Russian presidential spokesman Peskov said that all consensus reached by both sides will be implemented.The two sides did not discuss the DPRK's deployment of the Russian and Ukraine battlefield.

Kim Jong -un visited Russia for satellites?From the aerospace launch site to the aircraft manufacturing company to the Pacific Fleet base, this trip was just to inspect the Russian military industry?Obviously not.Although Russia denied weapons transactions, the significance of Kim Jong -un's visit was well known.

The key event node of the Russian and Ukraine conflict, the cooperation between Russia and the North Korea cannot be just announced that Kim Jong -un visited the Russian military industry.Kim Jong -un visited the Russian military industry instructions that Kim Jong -un's visit was to investigate and put forward the collaboration conditions of the DPRK.

Kim Jong -un invited Putin to visit North Korea, and Putin agreed to the invitation.According to Peskov subsequently, the specific matters will be "discussed" as soon as possible by the two foreign ministers. It is expected that the two foreign ministers will meet in North Korea as early as the beginning of next month.Putin's visit to North Korea has been put on the preparatory schedule so quickly. It can be seen that the military cooperation between Russia and North Korea is not a fixed pronunciation.

Putin personally received the interviewed Kim Jong -un when he was trapped in the quagmire of the war in his country. It was not for the sake, nor the help of North Korea's military technical help.Advanced military technology is a bargaining chip that Russia can still get it.Russia came up with sincerity.Putin uses these chips to leverage the core interests.Weapon support is on the one hand. If North Korea can make efforts on the peninsula, Russia's pressure on the Russian battlefield will be reduced accordingly.

Fully supports the "sacred battle" of Moscow's "fighting power forces". "We will always support the decision of President Putin and Russian leadership. We will jointly oppose imperialism."The far -reaching friendship tradition "is the consistent position of North Korea.These quite nicknames were said to Putin.

Not to mention what China ’s use of Kim Jong -un will use the“ best priority ”in Russia and the North Korea’ s relationship. At least Kim Jong -un worked with Russia's trust in verbally.Next, the interaction between the Russia and the North Korea is not a question of whether it will cooperate, but how to cooperate and bargain.Kim Jong -un first visited Russia with his own interviews, and invited Putin to visit the DPRK to win the time.