In August 2023, the National Bureau of Statistics of China announced that it would not announce the data of China's youth unemployment rate.Previously, the unemployment rate in China was at a high level, about 25%.Professor Peking University said that the unemployment rate in China may be around 40%.Many data point out that the current employment of Chinese youths is not optimistic.

China's GDP (GDP) can create 10 million jobs every 5 percentage points.However, after the epidemic, the rapid rebound of China's GDP did not appear, and reality was the slowdown in China's economic growth.This also means that China's employment opportunities are almost the same as the past and have not increased.There are about 20 million undergraduate graduates in China, and half of them may choose to continue their studies; half chose to work.In this way, millions of people "graduate will be unemployed" every year.

In order to find a job, don't worry about family, many people will choose "pretend to go to work", that is, pretend to go to work in the morning, but go to the library, coffee shop and other places to consume time, submit resumes online or find employment opportunities,Go home at 6 o'clock in the evening to create the illusion of going to work seriously.

During the epidemic, many people lost their job opportunities.Some of them were forced to resign and some were dismissed.Many people choose to pretend to go to work in order not to worry about family members in their hometown.

Some people have filmed a documentary and recorded how to work in Guangdong.In the library or some cafes, you can see many fake people who go to work, searching for recruitment advertisements or looking for interview opportunities in the computer.

One billion people in China, wanting everyone to have a job, is a very difficult task.If China can continue the previous GDP growth myth, the above problems will not appear.However, the crackdown of the epidemic and the slowdown in China's economic growth have further enlarged and deteriorated the unemployment rate.

The trend of international confrontation is becoming more and more obvious, so that many enterprises and foreign capital have realized that they cannot rely too much on Chinese supply.Western countries have encouraged domestic companies to move out of the production chain out of China.In addition, the continuous control of the epidemic period has caused many foreign capital to unable to bear losses and withdraw from China.For each factory, there are dozens of or even hundreds or thousands of employment opportunities.Some interviews found that if you work in the factory, you can work hard for 10,000 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 1870).

In fact, there are still many employment opportunities in China, but the salary or hardships may not be acceptable to many people, such as cleaners, takeaway, courier, and online car drivers.Many people were forced to be helpless or realistic pressure, and finally chose the above industry.This has also caused the "inner volume" of the above -mentioned industries because of the unchanged demand, but the young fresh blood continues to enter and the supply continues to increase.

Recently, it can be said to be a difficult period in China, internal and external problems.There are blockades in the United States and even the Western world and targeted; there are problems of real estate bubbles and slowing growth in the inside.These are eventually reflected in the unemployment rate, and the overall days of the people are becoming more and more sad.In the wave of unemployment, "pretending to work" appeared.Behind these people who pretend to work every day in the city are the social situation of struggling on the life line.

The author is a graduate student in Malaysia of Tsinghua University