Source: China Times

Author: Shen Yanxun

The recent visit to the United States President Bynden visited Vietnam, and the United States and the Vietnam signed a historic "comprehensive strategic partner" agreement, making the United States the highest -level diplomatic relations between Vietnam, which are tied with China and Russia.Biden took the opportunity to express that it was not in the Cold War with China, and it was even more important to say that the possibility of invading Taiwan was reduced because of China's economic difficulties.Obviously, the United States is looking at the major value of Vietnam's geopolitical strategy. Therefore, Bayeng's trip to the market with high -level followers of American science and technology giants, and the means of fake economic benefits prompted Vietnam to accelerate beauty.

Such a geopolitical layout is actually used to the past.For example, in the past Cold War, in order to effectively block the Soviet Union's west expansion in Eastern Europe, the United States chose to discard the value choice of democratic ideology and act completely with realistic style.In order to weaken the geopolitical control of the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe.

At that time, Yugoslav was ruled by Tito. Although the Soviet Union and South China were both communist countries, Tito extremely resistant to the Soviet Union's ambition to interfere with the internal affairs of the Soviet Union and eventually broke with Stalin.However, due to the uniqueness of Yugoslav's consciousness and the uniqueness of the geographical position, it became a winner during the Cold War.Yugoslavia benefits from the Soviet Union's demand for survival of foreign trade; although the South Kingdom itself is a communist country, it chooses to maintain an external strategy with the camps on both sides of the Cold War.Therefore, Yugoslavs has become a window country in which Western countries enter the Soviet Union and the Soviet exports to the global market. Fortunately, they are lucky to take the geopolitical wealth train. Yugoslavs became a country that rarely compares with Western countries in Eastern Europe in Eastern Europe at that time.

When there is a good day, with the end of the Soviet Union, the end of the Geopolitage of Yugoslavia's geopolitical redness, and the southern economy of the lost window country began to decline.Differential split into six countries.

Vietnam's role in the situation in the Cold War in the United States and China is similar to Yugoslav.Vietnam also pursues checked diplomacy to seek balance of power; Vietnam also wants to use bilateral cold war to seek economic dividends; Vietnam's relationship with China and the United States has copied the South Kingdom and the United States and the Soviet Union; Vietnam also has historical friction with neighboring China;Internal regional contradictions.But the slightly different is that the Cold War of Yugoslav has not become a pawn of the US military and economic crosses; the United States can no longer copy the generous policy of the Marshall plan, providing a large number of long -lasting geopolitical dividends to Vietnam; China and the Soviet Union are different.There is no strong territorial ambition.

"God is too far, China is too close" is the environmental reality that Vietnam wants to recognize.Although Bayeng brought a group of high -level giants this time to invest in Vietnam, reviewing the "history of entry and exit" in the past in the United States in the past, showing that the United States has always adopted the mentality of nomadic nomadic peoples and locusts in national interests, locusts, locusts, and locusts.The transit style is "favorable to advance, and no profit will retreat."With the needs of American capital to comprehensively block China's policy, how much can Vietnam actually divide the dividend?

"With ancient mirrors, you can know Xingdi", the history of Yugoslavia's rise and fall as a bright mirror for Vietnam to seek national survival and economic development under the long -term situation of the United States and China, but also predicts that Taiwan's current beautiful far awayThe Sword of Damocaris, the promising of China, the heel of Achilles.