After China's economic data was announced in the first half of the year, Western media generally saw the Chinese economy of this year and the next three to five years.

Economists' articles in recent months are very pessimistic about the Chinese economy. On July 17th, how difficult it is to publish the Chinese economy on the day of the main economic indicators?One article believes that the Chinese economy is now difficult.On August 24th, the Chinese economy was urgently needed to rescue the article in the desperate state.The Wall Street Journal has also published a series of articles that declined the Chinese economy in the past month: the China Confidence Crisis in the six charts has greatly reduced interest rates, stopped the younger unemployment data, and the Chinese economy has changed down to China in 40 years. Where is the road?EssenceIn August, Adam Prin, chairman of the Piidson Institute of International Economics (PIIE), published an article on the end of China's economic miracle in foreign affairs, pointing out that the Chinese economy not only did not have a strong recovery in the first half of the year, but increased its weakness and low downward pressure.The article believes that China is facing the predicament of the more we want to retain foreign capital, the more the foreign investment has a sense of insecurity, and the economic miracle that lasted for more than 40 years has ended.

At this time point, in addition to the United States Biden government, in addition to continuing key issues such as high -tech and safety around China, it also contains China, but also increases public opinion offensives for the Chinese economy under the circumstances of lack of confidence in China in the international market.EssenceBiden has recently sang the Chinese economy at least twice recently.In early August, Biden said in a campaign fundraising event in Utah that for the global economy, the Chinese economy was a "ticking time bomb";At the meeting, "the weak international economic growth and the incorrect Chinese policy have led to China's economic difficulties."

Bayeng himself rarely publicized the Chinese economy before July this year.Earlier this year, the international market generally believes that the Chinese economy will have a strong recovery. If the fundamentals are good, and Bayeng regardless of the facts to force China, it will not only do nothing, but also harm the US government's international reputation.When the Chinese economy performed far less than market expectations after half a year of adjustment, the Bayeng government joined the tide of singing decline, and undoubtedly wanted to help the territory and fall down the stones.This marks the overall strategic competition of the Biden government to all levels of China's comprehensive strategic competition.

Before that, the Bayeng government mainly "tied the neck of the country" in the high -tech field in terms of economy, and worked hard to actively take the initiative in the elasticity of the supply chain and the diversified supply of rare earth.Although the "Indo -Pacific Economic Framework" proposed by the Biden government has a strategic intention to implement the US "supply chain elasticity" initiative, it is mainly to strengthen the United States' Alliance Relations Network in the Indo -Pacific region and weaken China's influence in the Indo -Pacific region.

The essence and foundation of finance is confidence.Although China is different from the United States, and manufacturing instead of finance, the confidence is also playing an important role at the critical stage of China's economic development.The outbreak of the crown disease epidemic and the Russian and Ukraine War objectively promoted Western Europe to seriously implement the supply chain elasticity initiative.This has led to foreign capital out of China, and the manufacturing industry has shifted to India and Southeast Asian countries.China's exports in the first half of the year only increased by 3.7%year -on -year, and exports to developed countries fell by nearly one -fifth.

At the same time, local government debt is too high (up to 38 trillion yuan, about 7138.9 billion yuan), Wanda and Country Garden real estate giant debt mines. Domestic capital continues to flow out in the context of the Federal Reserve's continuous interest rate increase.When the private economy is insufficient, at the time of internal and external troubles, the Bayeng government tries to form a trend of "the wall falls to everyone".Although Biden and its officials have repeatedly claimed that China's economic collapse does not meet the interests of the United States, but on the special stage of the international community, the relatively powerful rather than absolute strength, China's economic collapse or stagnation is more in line with the long -term interests of the United States.

The impact of

The impact of the epidemic and the curbing of the United States, the difficulty of China's economic encounter in 2022 was even greater than 2020.In the face of the lower base of 2022, China sets the economic growth rate of about 5%instead of higher targets this year, indicating that the Chinese government's difficulties that may encounter this year and the next three or five years have fully known than foreign countries.Economist Lin Yifu believes that the United States "掐 掐 经济" will reduce the growth rate of 1 to 2 percentage points of the Chinese economy.

In August, the consumer price index rose year -on -year, and China's economy showed signs of stability.The implementation of the "recognition of houses and not recognizing loans" in Beishang, Guangzhou and Shenzhen is likely to revitalize real estate in first -tier cities.Huawei's new mobile phones have made the world see China's breakthrough in high -tech fields.China does not have a 4 trillion yuan stimulus plan in 2008, indicating that it is full of confidence in the difficult period.Bayeng's government singing down the Chinese economy this round can only raise soup to stop boiling, and it is difficult to draw salary.

The author is an associate professor at Sichuan University of Foreign Languages