The resistance of

The resistance of the system (if it is not the old), resulting in Kang's thoughts only as the scriptures on the paper, and failed to act as a new method with the timeliness of change.Later, although the courtiers who presided over the "New Deal" at the end of the Qing Dynasty, the people's minds changed their minds, and it was too late. It eventually made China embarked on the sudden change of the revolution rather than the constitutional gradient.

Kang Youwei (from 1858 to 1927) affected Emperor Guangxu with writings and remarks, and promoted the "Reform Movement" of the Qing Dynasty in the twenty -four years of Guangxu (June 11 and September 21, 1898).In fact, a gentle and gradual reform attempts have tried to do "foreign affairs" since the Qing Dynasty and Li Hongzhang set up the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the future. It is not new since it has made "the skills of the teacher of Shi Yi".However, this "renovation" campaign that only maintained about "100 days", for a short time and did not achieve any practical results, still stayed in history.This is naturally due to many reasons, and one of them is the most important reason. It should be based on the basis of the foundation planted by this political reform, that is, Kang Youwei's classics of science -his interpretation of Confucianism, the reshaping of the Confucius image, the classic Confucian classicInterpretation -it has something to do.

Kang Youwei published a pseudo -examination for the new school in 1891, and in January 1898, the Confucius restructuring test was published several months before the Reform of the 1898.The main purpose of these two books echoes each other, which can be said to be a sister's work.The insights that Kang's views elaborated in these two books may help us to appreciate the historical meaning and revelation of the reform of the Reform of the 18900 from one more aspect.

The purpose of the new learning and pseudo -examination is to argue that all the writings of the ancient scriptures are created by Liu Ye.Kang Youwei believes that Liu Ye first forged Zuo's spring and autumn during the Emperor and Emperor of the Western Han Dynasty, and then "the second" forgery with the ancient text of the ancient texts of Yili.The emergence of these "fake" Confucian classics began with Liu Ye's "tampering with the Confucianism with pseudo -scriptures", while their "cloth" was "into Zheng Xuan".Therefore, Kang's concluding: Since the Eastern Han Dynasty, "Reading for two thousand years, the time of the day of the day, gathered the tens of trillion 衿 衿 学, the respect of the 20th king's ritual and music system, and the salty pseudo -sutra as the holy sanctuary is the holy sage.Fa, recite respect to the letter, and implement the implementation. "

Confucius is the "restructuring leader"

The theme of the

Confucius restructuring test lies in clarifying that Confucius was a leader of Confucianism.The purpose of his teaching is for "restructuring".The Six Classics were written by Confucius to complete the mission of his restructuring, so Confucius was actually a "leader of the restructuring" or "king of law".And Confucius implemented its restructuring in the method of "Totu". That is to say, the "Yao Shun Cultural and Martial Arts" as described in the Six Classics was actually created by Confucius.The purpose is to pin his political ideals, so that his law -making concept can be visible and specific, so that people can easily understand and accept.

Kang Youwei explained that the ancestors lived in the turbidity and troubled times of "still bravery". In the era of power is the era of axioms, the fate was extremely miserable.As a result, Shangcang is compassionate, but it does not only want people to get rescue in one generation in one generation."Dharma".Therefore, Confucius, who lives in the troubled times of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, is the Holy King who has obtained the heavenly advice to write the "restructuring" codes of the later generations of the later generations.

However, because Confucius does not have a real throne to exercise the actual monarchy, but just a "king" who is "not the master, but is the master of the law", so he comes to a "cloth coat".Walk "restructure".This is "terrifying", so if he just describes the original intention without evidence, it may be difficult to obtain trust.Because "there is no conviction or not, the unbelievable (the right) people", Confucius had to "all the systems in the three generations of the first king."This is "neither amazing and avoiding disaster."As a result, Confucius restructured, "specializing in Yao Shun Wenwu".He "King Tuo Wen's benevolence, Tuo Yao and Shun with the peace of democracy" to achieve his goal of "raising chaos and rising".

This means that only by grasping the key righteousness of "chaos and rising" can we understand that the "king of the king" and "the master of the law" is the true identity of Confucius;Where.Kang Youwei pointed out: "From the 800th year of the Warring States Period to the post -Han Dynasty, scholars in the world have taken Confucius as the king, and they have different theories."The true meaning of truth and Confucianism.However, since Liu Ye "broke the ram with Zuo's, and attacked the eloquence of this text with ancient texts, Zhou Gongyi Confucius described it with Yi, so Confucius was only a person who learned high tartars in later generations, rather than re -restructuring to restructuring.The leader of the legislative, the holy king is the master's uniform without being a monarch. "Confucius's true identity has been dismembered, from a "king" to only "Master".This is why Kang Youwei wrote a book, and the Lingshi re -recognized the relationship between Confucius and the Six Classics so that people "then" then know that Confucius' merits to chaos and causing peace. "

"The Pseudo -Pseudo Classic as the Holy Method" lets the country's foundation roll out

If this is the main purpose of these two books, how can it allow us to look at Kang's reform and the reform of the late Qing Dynasty?

First of all, the new school pseudo -study test provides an explanation for Shi Yingyu, which is listed in the Qing season.From the Opium War to the Sino -Japanese War of the Sino -Japanese War, the Qing national strength was exposed; Xiyi's shipbuilding artillery and the vitality of politics and commerce and commerce were reversed to the difficulties of Chinese civilization.Why do Chinese and foreign civilizations disappear?Kang Youwei explained the book read by Shizi for two thousand years.The scholar Hao has a poor scripture, but because what he reads is actually a fake book, naturally you ca n’t get solid and useful knowledge.Although the twenty -generation courts have all the rules and regulations, they are actually "pseudo -pseudo -scriptures as sacred methods."All weakness in China since the recent times is caused by misunderstanding of the "pseudo -Jing".It is clear that it can be pushed to push China's predicament.That is to return to the real code and abandon the six classics made by Confucius.But after all, this is a time -consuming project, and how should the national movement crisis of the current tiring of eggs deal with?

The Confucius restructuring test provides the answer to how to immediately vibrate, that is, "restructuring".Kang Youwei said, "Confucius restructured, with the Spring and Autumn Period, the week, so the system of the king of the king."Each generation has a new king, and it must be restructured to pay attention to destiny.He quoted the Yuan: "Confucius said: Xia Dao does not die, Shangde does not work. Shangde will not die, Zhou De does not do it. Zhou De does not die, spring and autumn does not do", which shows that "Confucius uses Xia Yin and Zhou as three generations, and spring and autumn.One generation, followed by Zhou Zaichun and Autumn. "

It can be seen that when the government and government affairs have gone to extreme decline, they can be restructured by (or must have) "Holy Kings", such as Confucius to show the old in spring and autumn.At the time of the Qing Dynasty, although there was Emperor Guangxu's incense, he still encountered layers of obstruction, especially the conservative forces of stubbornness, and more resistance.Kang Youwei lifted the narrative of Confucius's restructuring, and the intention of using it was to be obvious.

Liu Ye of Kang Youwei made a pseudo -theory that after being published in 1930, Mr. Liu Xiangzheng's father and son's chronicle was released in 1930.However, the significance of the new learning and pseudo -examination may still be worthy of our careful estimate, and there is no need to abandon because of the errors of their academic science.The tone of this book is remarkable, because it does not deny Huaxia's own civilization tradition as later as "Chinese characters are immortal, Chinese characters are immortal, and Chinese must die".It emphasizes that the weakness of China is derived from the "pseudo -meridian", so as long as these harmful tumors are removed from the body, the original healthy genes can grow up normally and allow the mother to restore the vitality.Based on this, China's wealth and strength may not be going to change the blood, and its body still has the essence of self -strengthening.This is really the old age of the new and old alternation, a categorian of the Classical Eduction of Classical Education.

In the era when the imperial imperial examination was the core of the emperor's system, the majesty of Kong Sheng and the Confucian scriptures were still there.Kang Youwei was not a six -person official. He dared to talk about high -end transformation.However, Kang Youwei has to do more than only "the use of the Western learning", but it may have touched the change ""Learning the body". Because the constitutional monarchy he admires, he will turn the monarch with real power into a deficiency monarch. Therefore, we cannot ignore that Kang's effortsPoints, the Confucian scriptures and the image of Confucius accumulated in the two thousand years of learning. It can be seen that Kang Youwei's reform is still a political reform in the system of school.

However, the divergence of the internal suspicion of the ruling group and the differences in the knowledge group circle made the political reform in this system difficult.In particular, Kang Youwei used Confucius as the leader and pushing the Confucianism as the state religion. It also caused a strong dislike of the scholars and doctors because of the great resistance with the established concept.The resistance of the system (if it is not the old) resistance, resulting in Kang's thoughts only as the scriptures on the paper, and failed to act as a new law with time -changing.Later, although the courtiers who presided over the "New Deal" at the end of the Qing Dynasty, the people's minds changed their minds, and it was too late. It eventually made China embarked on the sudden change of the revolution rather than the constitutional gradient.

Sun Yat -sen was only eight years later than Kang Youwei, Chen Duxiu was 21 years later than Kang's, and Li Dazhao gave birth to 31 years later.

Reformists or public opinists who are only one or two generations younger than Kang family have completely abandoned the path of their pioneers of their education education, and turned to the western sanctuary as the model and imported doctrine.In the blue book, China leapt from the emperor to the Republic.Due to the strong power of the system in the system, the towering Qing Dynasty then gave the initiative of the reform to the characters outside the system, and also buried themselves.

Can you think of it?

The author is the Dean of the Confucius Institute of Nanyang University of Science and Technology