Source: China Times Society

The stage has been set up, and the script is written well. More importantly, the polls have obviously picked up; under favorable conditions and the environment, the KMT presidential candidate Hou Youyi set off to visit the United States.If the goal is set as a high -standard "perfect attack", in addition to the need to lift his personal momentum, Hou Youyi also should also target the bilateral relations of the United States and Taiwan and enhance common interests; and under the premise of ensuring Taiwan's security, in the dynamic relations between the United States and mainland China, in the dynamic relations between the United States and mainland ChinaSeeking a balanced cross -strait relations and putting forward clear claims and practices, this is definitely a difficult mission and challenge.

The identity or endorsement of the United States is always an invisible force in the Taiwan election, but Hou Youyi is not a "test to Beijing" or "to play the United States" with the DPP.The most important task of Hou Youyi visited the United States is to convey clear messages to US officials, members of parliament, think tanks and opinion leaders: the Kuomintang does not have the so -called "suspicion theory" and "pro -China" issues.By bilateral relations between the Mai and Cross -Strait.

Hou Youyi went to the United States to visit major cities such as New York, Washington, San Francisco.According to the existing itinerary, he will go to the United States Association (AIT) headquarters (AIT) headquarters to meet the chairman Rosen Berg to meet with the US members of the United States.Overseas Chinese Banquet and Toppy Conference.Compared to Lai Qingde's identity of Vice President, he can only "transit" the United States, cannot enter the Washington and Dahuofu area, and cannot meet government officials, parliament members and think tanks.Invisibility and sound volume.

The foreign policy of Bayeng's government emphasizes the strength of strength, and the strength of candidates will inevitably affect the attitude and enthusiasm of all walks of life in the United States.Hou Youyi has gone out of the valley. The latest polls show that he has temporarily surpassed the people's party Ke Wenzhe. Although Lai Qingde is still behind, if the field forces can effectively integrate, it does not rule out the possibility of later residence, which also makes this visit significance more significant.It is likely to be the turning point of the election. For Hou Youyi, it will be a very serious challenge.

In order to visit the United States, Hou Youyi must propose clear and clear discussions on major issues such as the most sensitive, complex diplomacy, cross -strait, national defense, and security, and there is no room for avoidance.He has successively proposed related issues, such as the overall concept of "Democracy, Defense, Defrost", that is, deepening democracy, strengthening national defense and reducing hostility.It is just that the principle abstract statement cannot satisfy the expectations of the United States. He must separate the concepts and routes that are very different from the DPP, indicating that Taiwan ’s demands goals, and at the same time win the recognition and respect of the United States.

Under the ideological "anti -China" ideology, the Democratic Progressive Party is a agent of extreme anti -China forces in the United States. It loses the autonomy of national defense and foreign policies, causing the current situation of the soldiers of the Taiwan Strait.In addition to thanking the United States for their support and commitment to Taiwan's security and promise, Hou Youyi must also firmly express that Taiwan is unwilling to become a power confrontation.Political wisdom and courage.

Hou Youyi proposed to restore four months of military service, which immediately caused the worshipeng government's concern; a sentence of Taiwan's "chess is not a strong country" was immediately buckled with the "suspicion of beauty theory" hat by the green camp.Independent and independent defense policies accepted by the United States will be a highlight of access.

Similarly, in deepening the US -Taiwan relations, the DPP government vigorously promotes the first batch of agreements on the "21st Century US -Taiwan Trade Initiative" is the biggest achievement and breakthrough in recent years, but Taiwan's most urgent "free trade agreement" in TaiwanAnd the "avoiding double taxation agreement" is still far away, and Hou Youyi has the responsibility to express Taiwan's needs seriously to the United States.

The development of US -Taiwan relations is developing cross -strait relations. The mainland has no doubt that Hou Youyi's trip to the United States is undoubted.The second consensus "and other clear discussions should be given. He should also express the need for communication and dialogue between the two sides of the strait at the same time. It will only increase the risk of military conflicts alone from strengthening pure military means such as military reserve.

Former President Ma Ying -jeou, Master Harvard Professor Nei and Ellison, Professor of Chicago Miris Hermo, etc., recently expressed dialogue, avoidance, and peace of the Geophytic Political Summit.To a certain extent, it has spread the future direction of Taiwan, which is a reference and guidance for Hou Youyi to speak in the United States.

Hou Youyi has a long way to go and is deeply challenged. He must specifically explain the concepts of relations with the United States and cross -strait relations, put forward the actual roadmap to show the national leadership pattern.He is the best candidate to remove the DPP and lead Taiwan to get out of the predicament.