It must be as good as one yin and one yang in the beliefs and scientific rationality of God, and the faith will make the rationality from being arrogant and arrogant.Extreme enthusiasm, alienation as a demon outside.

Reading the controversy caused by the news of the Fukushima nuclear emissions in Japan, remembered a pen battle more than 10 years ago.At that time, I wrote an article about the emancipation of ideology, criticizing the religious precepts, and attracted a correction of a reader, thinking that the article was wrong with the conclusion of religious precepts and scientific opposition.At that time, due to lack of experience, I wrote an article response, and the controversy was gone.Thinking now, I am really ashamed, because the reader's advice really makes sense.

Fukushima nuclear discharge water is disturbed, mainly because many people politically politically.As long as you follow the news carefully, you will know that the discharge of Fukushima discharged water has been treated with multiple processes, and the certification of the international atomic energy agency and Korean experts participated by Chinese scientists, and the real -time sampling test of the subsequent seawater area of the atomic energy agency.There is no problem with safety.Among the opposed emissions, part of it is out of ignorance, and the other part is to be clever and confused. It is not purely a scientific issue.

On the issue of climate change and crown vaccine safety, it may more reflect the attitude towards science.Due to the increasing number of reports of serious cases of vaccine side effects, more and more cases have caused various conspiracy theories.Similarly, controversy about climate change has become increasingly the focus of international public opinion.The UN Secretary -General Gutres warned at the end of July: "The era of warming globe has ended, and the era of global boiling has arrived."The label of the "climate warming negative", scientific issues seem to have a tendency to be politicized.

The controversy of climate change can indeed be used as an example of scientific and religious relations.At the factual level, the data of climate change is controversial. The questioners cited a lot of historical data, indicating that the climate of the earth has been changing, including the small ice period from the 14th century to the 19th century; the temperature in the recent period has not exceeded the normal historical value.

At the policy level, the suspects feel that overly highlighting the expensive and unstable renewable energy sources, negating nuclear energy and petrochemical energy, will unnecessary to push high energy prices, immediately harm the huge and low -income people in the world, and it is easier in the long run.Increase the vulnerability of the existing production system and endanger modern civilization.In addition, the media reported that this kind of news with strong end -of -life theory may cause young people to fall into despair and even refuse to give birth.

At the theoretical level, the suspects firmly believe that the existing prediction model is still seriously defective, the theory is also incomplete, and the facts have repeatedly proved that the prediction of the model has been accurate.At the same time, the questioner also believes that only carbon dioxide, which only accounts for only 0.04%of the atmosphere, cannot cause the earth to warm and be magical.Their biggest complaints are the slogan of the climate change faction repeatedly: "((climate change) science has been settled."

People who know a little about science will agree that this slogan is essentially unscientific or even anti -scientific.Science has always been an endless exploration process. As Hu Shi said: "There is a bit of evidence, saying a bit." The mainstream science theory is just the assumption that the existing evidence is best explained at the moment. Once new disruptive evidence is foundThe theory must be revised or even overturned.Therefore, it is not established to assert that any scientific theory is asserted by "covering the coffin".

To the first level, the reason why modern natural science only occurs in Western civilization is inseparable from Christian faith.This may be the conclusion of the above readers' opposition to religious precepts and scientific confrontation -Christianity is not only a scientific natural enemy, but it is even a mother who breeds science.Scholars who put forward this view believe that Westerners believe in God's creation of the world, so everything in the world reflects God's will. Not only does human moral society must follow God's precepts, but also in nature.Therefore, the purpose of exploration of nature is to discover God's will.

The mathematical principles of natural philosophy published in 1687 by

The moral precepts promulgated by God cannot be violated, and the stars are accurately operated according to the trajectory designed by God.This religious feelings from the Creator's faith have opened up the original scientific knowledge of the West.

John Lennox, a lifelong honorary professor of the University of Oxford, who combines the honor of mathematicians, scientists, and philosophers, described Christianity that Christianity is not superstitious, but evidence -based religion.He said that scientists who won the Nobel Prize from 1901 to 2000 have 65%of belief in God and prove that Christianity is rational.

James Lindsay, American mathematicians, writers and critics, further analyzed that Christianity emphasized rationality and also ensured that rational division was also ensured.He pointed out that the beliefs and scientific rationality of God are like one yin and one yang, and each other is a balance -faith makes rationality from being arrogant and arrogant; rationality ensures that faith will not become extremely enthusiastic, alienation, and alienationFor the demon.

Under the circumstances of insufficient evidence, it is advocated that the heating of the earth will lead to the destruction of civilization. There is a gesture of God's self -proclaimedness.Instead of humble scientific spirit, examine all kinds of evidence that is not conducive to warming assumptions, and revise the existing theory on the matter.

The current scientific spirit of western traditional science is reduced to paranoid ideology, perhaps it is the minor portrayal of Christian faith.When German philosopher Nietzsche shouted "God is dead", he had predicted that science would be astormant by mistake.When the American people insight, when analyzing the current confrontation of the American society's opposition and suspicion of science and even all authority, they all concluded similar conclusions in the same way.The motto of the country of culture and spirit, which is endangered to the foundation of the country.

90%of Americans considers Christians in 1972, but by 2021, this ratio has fallen to 63%; the ratio of self -considers no religious belief increased from 5%to 29%during the same period.If the secularized natural science originated from God's beliefs, after excessive secularization, people have lost cultural self -confidence and basic common sense. It is undoubtedly the biggest irony without the correct judgment of major events.Do you dare to eat seafood in the future? Perhaps it is the best reagent to test whether you are still humble.