Source: Hong Kong Ming Pao Agency Review

It has not encountered heavy rain in Hong Kong for a century, and many districts are severely immersed in water. The road has a rivers. The disaster is more serious than the previous super typhoon Sula. The official must do a good job in the aftermath and let the society restore the comprehensive operation as soon as possible.Compared with the typhoon path, the rainstorm is more random.It is precisely because the weather forecast is limited, and the official should be prepared on weekdays.The heavy rain in Hong Kong has become a severe disaster area. Whether there is insufficient daily canal work must be reviewed in detail; global warming extreme weather is frequent.It is necessary to strengthen the work of flood prevention and water and deal with extreme weather threats.In response to the heavy rain disaster, the government announced the "extreme situation" for the first time. Many citizens felt that the instructions were not clear and timely. The official needs to learn lessons and improve the issuance of emergency information.

"Extreme situations" have unprecedented governments to improve information distribution

In two consecutive Fridays, Hong Kong was affected by bad weather and was paralyzed.The super typhoon Sarah hit Hong Kong last week. The government has long been prepared, plus some coincidental meteorological factors, which leads to the lighter than expected by Sula.Unexpectedly, Hong Kong was affected by low -pressure tanks related to tropical cyclone anemone. It began to pour in heavy rain on Thursday night. Multi -districts are like Ze Guo, deep water and waist, and hundreds of vehicles are "dead".The MTR service was also blocked. The Huangdaxian MTR station was like a pond, and there were many mountain mud pouring. The disaster was serious and rare for decades.

Observatory stated that the rainfall of more than 158 millimeters of more than 158 millimeters was recorded on Thursday at midnight, which was the highest since 1884. Cumulative 24 hours of rainfall, the Observatory headquarters recorded more than 600 millimeters, which is equivalent to 1/1/ total annual total rainfall.4.Chen Guoji, the director of the Government Affairs, described it that the heavy rain was "unprecedented" and "one encounter in five hundred years". The government departments had responded overnight.There is an unpredictable wind and cloud, the 21st century technology is clear, but the weather forecast has always been limited. Rainstorms come from the rain, and it is very random. It is difficult to warn early as early as possible.The rainfall is amazing and the duration is also long. The signal of the Observatory's dark rain warning is up to 15 hours, breaking the previous record.All these have undoubtedly increased the difficulty of disaster response. However, disaster prevention is originally depending on the work and preparation of the weekdays.The heavy rain became a disaster, from the crisis to daily disaster prevention and water, and the official zone officials needed to review.

Hong Kong and Shenzhen were affected by heavy rain on Thursday night. The Shenzhen Reservoir must drain floods at midnight. Due to the rainy and sudden and sudden, Shenzhen official can only notify the Hong Kong side 45 minutes before the flood discharge.It can be understood.Over the years, some people have liked to provoke contradictions between the two places. During the time of Sula's attack, some people spread rumors such as "Shenzhen floods and Hong Kongs" on the Internet.This time, although Shenzhen officials were discharged, the Shenzhen River was not flooded. Hong Kong's water immersion area was concentrated in urban areas and even Hong Kong Island, and it was impossible to be related to Shenzhen flood discharge.On the contrary, after receiving the notice of Shenzhen flood discharge in the Hong Kong government, in addition to the preparation of different departments in the real time, the public should also be notified simultaneously to improve transparency, instead of waiting until more than ten minutes before the flood discharge.

Emergency information distribution is a place where the disaster should be reviewed.Many citizens are most concerned about whether they should go to work and go to school the next day.Calling the employer to refer to the practice of the eighth wind ball and adopt the elastic work arrangement, but announced that the "extreme situation" is always the first time.The processing is the same.The labor office will issue a press release afterwards to detailed the "extreme situation" precautions, including the employer should not require non -necessary personnel to go to work, which reflects the problem.

Regarding whether the government should "orde it to stop work", there have been many discussions after Yamage Bamboo raid Hong Kong in 2018. The reality is that some work and services in the society must be maintained, and it is difficult to cut off the work in a legal way.And, when the black rain, eight to 10 windballs, or "extreme situation", if the employee was accidentally casualties on the way to and from the employer's instructions, the employer must take the liability for compensation.Officials should explain to the society clearly that once the "extreme situation" is announced, what exactly does it mean and the legal responsibility of all parties.The government has spent a lot of money to engage in the "emergency warning system" of the national mobile phone. This time the rainstorm became a disaster, and the incident was suddenly, the situation was serious, and it was the whole of Hong Kong. It was when the warning system came in handy.The citizens inevitably want to know what kind of "one hundred years of encounters" and "no" situation, and the official feels that it needs to be used.

Channel stasis must be reviewed to strengthen flood control and welcome extreme weather

Once upon a time, from time to time, Shanghuan, Mong Kok, horse -raid land, Yuen Long and other places were immersed in water from time to time. After years of governance of the government, these regions have rarely caused severe water immersion in recent years.Earlier this year, the Dutch Department also stated that it has eliminated a total of 127 water immersion black spots from 1995. At present, there are only 4 black spots in Hong Kong. However, the flood disaster shows that the urban flood control management is necessary.

The government emphasized that the severe water immersion in some areas is mainly because the intensity of rainfall is far exceeding the flood discharge capacity, and the rainwater fails to discharge through the canal in time.Whether the canal work is in place, it is necessary to review it in depth.Global warming has led to extreme weather. The heavy rain attacks Hong Kong. In the future, the special zone may be frequent. The SAR must strengthen water management, enhance flood discharge flood storage capacity, and reduce risk of water immersion in urban areas.In the past 20 years, the government has built large underground flood storage ponds in the east of Dakeng, horse race, Shanghuan, and Kwun Tong Anxiu Road, and the overall effect is satisfactory.The threat of climate change is getting bigger and bigger. The official must learn from the lessons of the flood, rewrite the "water immersion black spots", give priority to improving the rainwater discharge system in related areas, and accelerating the construction of more underground flood storage ponds.