Changi Airport, which has received countless international awards, has already been broadcast. It was a long time in Scotland in June and July this year.The half -month journey was driven by a daughter working in London and visited many cities and towns in Scotland. On the way, I accepted many plateau ancient castles in many places along the way, but there were countless sheeps in the mountains.One day, I came to a small restaurant in a small town to rest for lunch. The waiter was a black male young man who was a locals.He was curious where we came from, and I replied, "We are from Singapore." I thought he would be blank, but he knew he said, "OH, Singapore! A Beautiful Airport!"

Singapore was an airport in his impression, and felt a little funny and a little happy.The beautiful airport in his impression represents Singapore's efficiency and creativity.The Town of Scotland is called Tyndrum, so I remember this cute name.

After the crown disease epidemic, Changi Airport has almost fully restored the grand occasion before the epidemic. The government has confidence in the number of passengers of Zhangi, which will fully recover from 2024 or earlier.

Xu Fangda, Minister of High -level and Minister of Finance of the Ministry of Finance, announced in early August that with the strong recovery of the aviation industry, the size of the aviation industry's labor team has returned to nearly 95%before the epidemic.To be filled, including aircraft artists, mechanical operators and air traffic controllers, the development prospects are bright.

A good one in front of it, the Singapore Civil Aviation Administration immediately launched the "Aviation Industry Transformation Blueprint 2025" to establish a safe and sustainable aviation hub through the four major strategies; make good use of technology to allow the airport to operate with the times; lead the field of emerging development areas;; Establish a tough, future -oriented labor team to ensure that the Singapore aviation hub continues to maintain a competitive advantage.

Zhangi Airport has played the "fear of losing the spirit" to the fullest, and it is the so -called "Zhangi DNA" (Zhangyi successful gene).Jianguo Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yao once said that moving the civil aviation airport from Bayerat to Zhangi is the most correct decision in his life.

Li Guangyao said on July 1, 2009 and the establishment ceremony of the Civil Aviation Administration and the establishment of the new Changi Airport Group that one of the best investment in the government is to cancel 800 million yuan that originally invested in the Bayerine Airport.1.5 billion yuan to build two runway Changi Airport, which was a decision in 1975.He said that if he did not intervene in time, we may have obeyed the opinions of foreign experts and built a second runway at Bayerine Airport, and Singapore would lose the opportunity to become an aviation hub.

When the Changi Airport was launched in July 1981, it became the largest airport in Asia.Li Guangyao was invited to host the host of the new airport, but he gave this glory to then the then National Defense Minister Hou Yongchang, so that his name was kept on the plaque forever.Because Hou Yongchang has actively promoted the development of Zhangyi Airport since 1975, a group of senior civil servants who have a high degree of dedication, including Shen Jiwen, have completed this historic project in just a few years.Li Guangyao was grateful to Hou Yongchang's unlimited heart, so he did not take the credit on himself.At that time, the society and the media warmly suggested that Zhangi Airport was named after the three words of Lee Kuan Yew, and there was no following. It must not get his own consent.

The government announced two or three years ago that the Bayerine Air Force Base will be migrated in the 2030s.Total housing in the town.

Prime Minister Li Xianlong pointed out at the National Day Mass Conference on August 20 that before the development of the Bayley Air Force Base to Changi and the development of the location, there were no other locations for the large -scale development of the new town.

In the past 58 years, the name of Singapore has often made Westerners think of it. Some people will use dictatorship, authoritarian, whipping, death penalty, lack of freedom of speech, and even think that the Singaporeans lack the human rights association.These prejudices just confirm that Singapore has embarked on different success paths in many aspects.

For example, after the division of new horses, Malaysia -New Airlines in the joint association of the two countries have also broke up a few years later, which is an inevitable consequence.In October 1972, Singapore Airlines and Malaysia Airlines each started another stove. The two voyages were separated. Malaysia Airlines retained domestic routes in Malaysia. New Airlines took over the land reduction of the original Hong Kong, Tokyo, Sydney, Jakarta, and Bangkok.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the international civil aviation industry prevailed protectionism, and airlines in emerging countries were not easy to compete in the international environment full of unreasonable atmosphere.Therefore, Malaysia Airlines was satisfied with domestic routes. It was a more insurance and safety choice. They may also wait to watch the end of the new air in international competition.From scratch, Shinhang must fight even if it does not take over the original international routes, otherwise there is no need to survive at all.

The survival of Xinhang is the same as Singapore, which is completely lacking in Singapore, which lacks natural resources and economic hinterland.This is a path that all small countries must take, but successful examples such as Singapore are rare.

Li Guangyao sent a century warning when he visited Australia in 1988: Does Singapore still exist in 100 years?Since then, this issue has become a rational torture that spur the Chinese and have been provoked.

Smart Cultural and Creative Publishing Company recently launched a collection of political papers, does Singapore still exist in 100 years?For the title of the book, the former Congress Councilor Cheng Hantong set up a group of Chinese reports of retired colleagues Wu Shuheng, Zheng Wenhui, He Ying, Yang Ruifeng, Pan Xinghua, Xie Yanyan, plus Li Guoliang, a literary and historian, and others., Sudu greedy, housing, labor and government relations, global metropolis, elite governance of the country, water resources, bilingual policies, gardens and livable, cultural and artistic and other fields, in -depth explanation of the achievements since the founding of Singapore, highlighting Singapore's survival.Essence

However, is this book answering the ultimate proposition?Maybe the answer can only be found in the future.The changes in the international environment in the future will test the ability to adapt to the time due to the time and the resilience to cope with the crisis.The question is that in the future, will it inherit the "Changyi DNA"?

For 100 years, it is said that after 10 years and 20 years, when foreigners heard Singapore, after "OH!", Maybe a sigh or sighing.

Two weeks will be on September 16th. I would like to commemorate this article to the selflessly dedicated to the country and the people.