Shang Daman decided to resign from the State's Governance and withdraw from the People's Action Party.During the presidential election , people agreed that this was a nuclear bomb -level candidate sacrificed by the government, so at the beginning, public opinion looked at the election with the "system VS non -system".It must be acknowledged that I am no exception.

The election results are released.Singapore voters are quite fine and independent.

First analyze from data.When I chose my former friend to ask me, how much do I think there will be a voting rate of Dalman?I estimate about 65%, and the worst is 60%.Friends remind that the presidential election is the entire Singapore election, not only the people in the Jurong setting areas.

I told him that this is estimated to have certain data support.The Yaolong collective district led by Shangdanman was 74.62%of the national election in 2020; in 2015, the death effect of the Founding Prime Minister Li Guangyao made the people's overall voting increase. The votes of this selection area were 79.28%;"In the 2011 election, they also kept 66.96%of the votes.In the pursuit of a diversified climate, in terms of nationwide, it should not be a big problem to keep about 60 % of the votes.

Shangdaman was unexpectedly elected with more than 70%of the vote. I think most of them are his basic supporters, and about 10 percentage points are the opponent's problem.

Several young friends who voted for the first or second votes in the last election told me that they tended to not choose a ruling party because they had a diverse voice.Almost the same group of people told me this time that they could not vote for candidates who could not represent Singapore. This has no ability, and she is more concerned about image, speaking and attitude.A young friend said: "Although it sounds a bit superficial, the president cannot be shameless when going out."

Think about it carefully, this is not exactly a reasonable choice under the framework of the presidential system?Because of the high threshold for the president, candidates can be nominated. In their career, the management ability must be affirmed. In addition, they must be upright, righteous, and good in their reputation in order to obtain the qualification certificate issued by the presidential election committee.

Singapore presidential election is the head of state that can represent the country, and at the same time assist the guardian of the state assets. Politics of political parties can stand aside. This spirit has been instilled in the hearts of most Singaporeans.It is divided into the national interests and political party politics, and the rationality of the Singaporeans is once again shown in the world.

Elections are gradually heating, we have to come back to review two questions about the presidential system of the election: First, is there a fair opportunity for minority races in the open election?Second, is the election presidential system only beneficial to the ruling party?

Regarding the issue of racial politics, some people think that this time Daman's high vote is elected, indicating that the problem has been resolved. Singaporeans have "color blindness" for race, but I dare not be too optimistic.

The market research institution Yougov announced the survey of the two days before the selection shows that 76%of Singaporeans are familiar with Shangdaman's campaign., Chen Qinliang and Huang Guosong's familiarity are only 47%and 40%, respectively.In 22 years of Politics, most Singaporeans have long across the race for him. His record in public services has made up for the gap between race.

The most important reason why this presidential election does not matter is because the image of Shangdanman surpasses the race.Over the years in politics, he has dealt with the projects of economy, society and people's livelihood.None of the races.

Shang Daman also said after the election that this is a campaign composed of candidates for different races. Just as politics around the world have racial factors, and the performance of the Chinese people has improved every five years, it has improved every five years.He hopes that his election is a major milestone in this process.

I don't think that racial preferences will never be eliminated, but if a good result, I declare that the ideal world is coming, and may be too optimistic.However, when our society becomes more equal, the tolerance and self -confidence between ethnic groups, including not thinking that they are "victims", we can make more open attempts.

Is the presidential system only beneficial to the ruling party?In the past few sessions, the candidates supported by the ruling party were eventually elected. This time, it was no exception. What made people question that the ruling party considers only its own political party interests.

The next national election after the presidential election may be the real watershed.The election presidential system selects a president that recognizes to protect the state's reserves, which is equivalent to "buying insurance". With insurance, can you "adventure" to choose more voices to enter Congress?This can definitely be a reason for the next election to persuade voters to give voters a reason to give opportunities.

The ruling party must be prepared. If everything maintains the status quo, the future challenges of Congress elections will be greater.The strong people's action party may be able to discuss that this time the presidential election is also in a strong Shangdanman. How can he maintain his advantages and win the support of voters.

Finally, I have to talk about the aspiring election, but the Wu Zhenhua

There is a threshold for the president of Singapore's election. Some of the election standards are very clear. Some of them are looming in the gray area. Although this can maintain some openness and flexibility, the unclear regulations also have negative effects.It reflects the problem that the presidential election regulations may be blurred, including waste of resources and even caused social cracks.Officials should allow those who are interested in running to apply early and get review, so that they have enough time to prepare for the campaign.

Regulations on the qualifications of the presidential election, there should also be a more clear statement, such as managing a shareholder's equity of 500 million yuan and the company in charge of more than 500 million yuan.Better explanation.

Observed from the people's emotions, the phenomenon of Wu Zhenhua revealed that the people still want to change.In the future, if there is a person like Wu Zhenhua who is completely independent of any party and system, he will be able to attract a considerable number of voters. This expectation of the people cannot be ignored.