Source: Taiwan United Daily News

BRICS Summit decided to increase six member states in one fell swoop.Including Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE in the Middle East, Egypt, Ethiopia in Africa, and Argentina, the second largest country in South America, will be officially joined on January 1 next year.Faced with the strong rise of the "BRICS +", the seven major industrial countries (G7), which barely retain several advanced technologies (G7), is inevitable.

After more than ten years of development, the "BRICS country" has become synonymous with emerging forces, and the core thinking that condenses it is "Southern Global".group".After China and India start to start a revival train, the total economy is overwhelmed by the United States, and Russia has also regained its power from the dismissal of the Soviet Union. It has gradually become the threat of the "Global Northern" leadership of the United States and Europe.Even, it is changing from the original geopolitical platform to a geopolitical platform, shaking the United States' single -pole structure in a super -powerful country in the back of the Cold War.Global power territory is facing rewriting, and world order will be redefined.

This summit has abandoned the complicated "to the US dollar" agenda and focuses on expansion.The lineup after the preliminary expansion is the most noticeable in the Middle East country with the main oil producing countries. If you add Russia, there are two in the world.Energy to make the country has become a powerful strategic asset of BRICS.Argentina is a large animal husbandry country, and can play a role in grain supply with Russia and Brazil; after Argentina's citizenship, BRICS laughed South America.The African single takes Egypt and Ethiopia is a geographical strategy consideration: Egyptian Susi Canal, Ethiopia's economy is weak, and it is not coastal.For China, the throat on the sea of the sea can be avoided.

The addition of the three countries in the Middle East and Africa has different historical meanings.First of all, the three countries of the Middle East are Islamic countries. The Global Organization of BRICS, which is already the first echelon, can be regarded as the first historic rise of Islamic forces after the collapse of the Outman Empire with the end of the battle.In addition, Egypt is also a former member of Ouman. Muslims return to the world's power stage 100 years later, helping to say goodbye to the annual turbulence and terrorism in the Middle East.

Secondly, including South Africa, Africa has joined the BRICS. This is that Africa has gained independence from colonial after World War II, and once again leaps in status.Although the independence of Africa after World War II brought formal independence, it was still a prisoner of modern Western economic colonial prisoners, and even fell into a unsolvable cycle of slaughter and civil war.This time, many nations scramble to join the BRICS, that is, to squeeze into the modern geese array and completely get rid of the fate of colonial.

From these two perspectives, it can be seen that the expansion of the BRICS is not just the reorganization of the global geographical sector, but it reflects the unable to respond to the fairness of global resources, equality and democratization of rights, thereby causing it.Conversion of power.At the China -Africa dialogue after the meeting, Chinese President Xi Jinping, in addition to declared supporting African modernization proposals, also emphasized to jointly promote the fair and reasonable international order, oppose colonial poisoning and hegemonism, and pursue justice in developing countries.Africa expands the representativeness of developing countries and the right to speak.

Seeing that many developing countries are struggling to enter the brick, Western worry may lose trust in southern countries.In fact, during the anniversary of the Russian and Ukraine War, the "Munich Safety Conference" had asked a big question: Why do many countries outside the West do not want to support Ukraine or condemn Russia?The conclusion is, "If you do not face it, do not resolve the resentment of the international order that does not always meet its interests in Africa, Latin America and Asian countries," the West will not be able to fight for these allies.

It is undeniable that the "Global South" and "Global Northern" contest still have the shadow of the US -China hegemony.In mainland China, it is an eternal southern country. If the map is spread out, Mainland China will be able to pass through Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt from five Stan State in Central Asia.Coupled with the remote South America, it can form a long -term economic radiation network.As for whether mainland China will fall into the trap of "Guoqiang Big", it is a subject that must be cautious.In any case, when the southern Xiong rises, Taiwan will think about how to stop and advance!