Earlier this year, the Hong Kong government held a series of activities under the name "Happy Hong Kong" to try to restore social atmosphere and vitality after the epidemic.Ironically, a series of unfortunate incidents and data just reflect the low social atmosphere, the citizen's mental health is not good, and Hong Kong may not be happy.

The most sensational incident was to be regarded as a psychiatric man in June randomly cut people in Hollywood Plaza, Hong Kong, causing two innocent passers -by to die, and the entire Hong Kong people were heartbroken.The Hong Kong Government tried to make up for the dead sheep, promising to expand mental health service support, and sent people to the training of social workers.However, it has caused some doubts, especially the mental health service people are nervous, and it seems difficult to increase significantly in the short term.

The mental health of Hong Kong people is not just presented by a single incident.In 2022, the "Mental Health Index in Hong Kong", the average score of Hong Kong people was only 47.62 points, a qualified level of less than 52 points in five consecutive years.For overseas, all relevant indicators in Hong Kong are at the bottom of the neighboring areas. The happiness index is 10 points for full score. Hong Kong scores only 5.6 points., 63.6 points lower than the Asia -Pacific region.The research of the Samaria Association also refers to more than 1080 suicide death cases in Hong Kong last year. About 14 people per 100,000 were giving birth, and the number and ratio of the ratio reached a new high since 2007. The suicide situation cannot be ignored.

Randomly cut people, the mental health index is low, and the number of suicide rises. What happened to Hong Kong?

In fact, there are always common problems in developed regions, such as fierce competition and rapid life rhythm, which will affect the mental health of residents.However, Hong Kong lags behind neighboring developed countries and regions, reflecting that the problem is not only from these "developed diseases", but the shortcomings that other areas do not have.On the one hand, the social atmosphere may not be recovered from the dispute, and on the other hand, Hong Kong's mental health policy has obvious flaws.

Britain, Australia and other places currently support the "layered care mode" of mental health, that is, treat relevant services as a pyramid, from the general public at the bottom, to mild and moderate mental distress, to the top of the pyramids to the top of the pyramidSevere mental issues provide corresponding prevention measures and support from light to rearrassment.In other words, mental health services are not only for mental patients, but to formulate measures from the level of the whole people so that they can be ignored or even worsened due to lack of support.

Although Hong Kong has always had sound initiatives, and formulating mental health policies to follow the above model, it is identified as difficult to achieve. Insufficient manpower and service capacity are the main reasons.Hong Kong provides mental health services focusing on psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and social workers.Although the number of social workers is more than the previous two, it also needs enough training and internships to practice, and it is not all social workers to handle mental health after training.

According to the mental health review report released in April 2017, the service capacity and capabilities provided by Hong Kong on the first and second layers are mentioned that the needs of the overall citizens cannot be taken care of.EssenceHowever, the third -level professionals must also take into account the work of the previous level, and the number is limited. On the whole, the ability to deal with mental health cases is limited.

But instead of lack of mental health services, it is better to say that the Hong Kong government is obsessed with the established framework in terms of talent use, and does not fully use existing talents.Among them, the counselor is a good example.

Counselor is a major that is responsible for psychological counseling and intervention in addition to clinical psychologists and psychiatrists.Although there is no qualifications for diagnosis, it can provide support for people with emotional troubles to prevent the deterioration of mental problems.Their existence can divide the top layer pressure, provide the first layer of prevention and education, and provide the second -layer targeted intervention service.

At least six universities in Hong Kong start a counseling bachelor or master's course, coupled with other courses of other colleges, roughly estimate that at least 400 graduates each year are undoubtedly huge human resources.However, the counselor has no widely recognized professional certification in Hong Kong, and the government does not have relevant employment opportunities, which has led to insufficient job market positions. In addition, the wages are not high, so many graduates have paid off for counseling.

The author, as a member of the master's degree, has not been observed that there are not many students who want to become a full -time counselor after graduation.Asked the reason, the first is that it is difficult to find related work, and the salary is not enough to attract them to leave the original professional category.Some students choose to read another social worker degree, because registered social workers are easier to find tutoring work than tutoring masters.After training and internship, the counselor still has to prove itself by a social worker license. It is really sighing, and it is undoubtedly a waste of resources.

More than two months after the tragedy of Diamond Mountain, there was another murder tragedy in Ciyun Village, neighboring Ciyun Mountain.A sixties man suspected that due to noise, a 80 -year -old woman upstairs was killed and then committed suicide.The family of the old woman said that the murderer was weird during her lifetime, and she decided that the old woman would make noise, and continued to disturb and follow her, and even issued death intimidation.Although the murderer did not have a mental illness during his lifetime, these actions made the old woman suspect that the murderer had mental problems.Sure enough, this is another tragedy caused by no early discovery and treatment because of mental problems.

In recent years, Asian countries have improved the public's mental health, and corresponding support measures have also been proposed. For example, Singapore has actively trained family doctors to provide patients with psychological support and service referrals.If the Hong Kong government does not reflect on mental health policies, changing the old thinking model from the aspects of service capacity and manual use. Even if there is more investment, it cannot be effectively used, and it will only make Hong Kong a negative textbook for mental health.

The author is a Hong Kong writer, a part -time psychological counselor