Source: Science and Technology Daily

The Russian National Aerospace Group released on August 20 that the "Moon-25" detector he launched was deviated from the scheduled track, lost contact with the moon's surface, and the task ended in failure.According to the original plan, the "Moon-25" will be softened near the Bo Guslavsky meteor pit in Antarctica of the moon.

Just when people think that landing on the moon's Antarctic is hopeless, things will soon "reverse".On August 23, the "Monthly Boat 3" detector launched by India achieved soft landing on the Moon Antarctica, and released the "Praigian" moon vehicle on the 24th, set foot on the surface of the moon, and opened a 14 -day scientific test.India has also become the first country to land in Antarctica of the moon.

The Russian National Aerospace Group does not seem to have failed. His president Yuri Borisov appealed on August 25 to learn from the mission of the "Moon-25" detector, continue to carry out lunar exploration plans, and plan to be inFrom 2025 to 2026, it fired the Moon Antarctic detector again.

For a while, the moon and its Antarctic region became the focus of attention.What are the significance and difficulty in landing on the moon in the moon?A reporter from the Science and Technology Daily interviewed relevant experts from Yunnan Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Exploring the moon's South Pole Risk huge

Since ancient times, people have been curious and longing for the moon in the night sky.Since modern times, the moon has become the key goal of human deep space exploration, and it is also the longest celestial body that humans are currently involved.According to the data obtained by the laser ranging from the moon in China for the first time in China in China in 2018, the moon -moon distance is 385823.433 kilometers -387119.600 kilometers.

"The terrain of the moon is very complicated, and the surface is covered with large and small meteoritic pits, which makes the lunar probe's landing risk. At present, the major aerospace countries in the world have successively carried out more than 100 lunar detection activities, but the success rate is only a success rate, but the success rate is only a success rate.About 50 %. "Li Yuqiang, a researcher at the Yunnan Observatory.

Before landing on the moon in China Chang'e -4, human lunar exploration activities were mainly targeted at the surface of the earth facing the earth.In January 2019, with the help of the "Qiaoqiao" relay, Chang'e -4 realized the first landing on the back of the moon and launched a scientific exploration of the moon back, but the human exploration of the moon was basically blank.

"The risk of exploring the Moon Antarctica is huge, the main reason is that the Moon Antarctic terrain is complicated, with boulder and huge meteorite pits. The complex terrain makes it very difficult for high -speed flight aerospaces to land steadily in the designated area.There is no light and extremely low temperature for a permanent shadow area throughout the year. "Li Yaqiang said.

Provide resources for deep space detection

At present, the focus of the world's major aerospace country's lunar exploration activities points to the Moon Antarctic.What are the magic of the Antarctic Antarctic of the moon that is full of risks and huge challenges to the spacecraft?

The data collected by the National Aeronautics Aviation Administration in the 14 -year lunar survey orbital aircraft showed that some of the moon may exist in the ring -shaped mountains covered by shadows in the moon.It was detected that the near -infrared absorption spectrum of solid water ice directly proved that the moon contains water ice.According to the Russian satellite news agency, one of the main tasks of the falling "Moon-25" is to confirm the possibility of water in the Antarctic area of the moon."Our primary task is to find water on the moon. I hope that this water can be stored in the bottom of the polar meteorite pit that the sun never illuminates in the form of ice, or at least find the traces of water." Russian scientist Aismond said.

"There is a deep meteorite impact pit near the Moon Antarctica. Compared with other areas of the moon, the Moon Antarctic has the largest and most concentrated permanent shadow area, which makes a large number of impact pits not be subject to sunlight." Yunnan Observatory Assistant ResearcherAccording to Yang Yongzhang, according to the current theoretical research, these impact pits are likely to be rich in large amounts of water ice.Studying these water ice will help scientists trace back to the hydrogen records of the early solar system and other volatile fossils.

If there is a large amount of water ice in the Antarctica of the moon, it can not only be used for drinking and manufacturing oxygen, but also prepare the hydrogen fuel required by the rocket.Compared to loading a large amount of fuel launch rockets from the earth and obtaining energy on the moon, it helps humans to detect celebrities such as Mars and asteroids more effectively.

"In addition to water and ice resources, the Moon Antarctica is located on the edge of a huge meteorite impact pit." Huang Kai, a doctoral graduate student in Yunnan Observatory, told reporters that the diameter of this meteorite is 2500 kilometers and a depth of 8 kilometers. It is in the solar system.One of the oldest landforms can provide important clues for exploring the early evolution of the solar system.At the same time, there is still a polar day phenomenon similar to the earth. Long -term continuous light may occur during the polar day, which is more conducive to the long -term development of the detector.