Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Author: Tang Shaocheng

This year's "Taipei Shanghai Shuangcheng Forum" was held in Shanghai. As the fourth generation of the Jiang family, Jiang Wanan, the mayor of Taipei, led a group to participate, which has attracted much attention.The exchange of the city forum highlights its important value.In particular, in the face of the 2024 election, if Jiang Wanan's trip can be fulfilled, it can also add points to the election of the Blue Camp.

On the 29th, Jiang Wanan stated at Songshan Airport that the Shuangcheng Forum conveyed "the value of peace" and "the urgency of dialogue" in cross -strait relations.On the same day, the Ministry of National Defense stated that the PLA had 12 secondary fighters, the drone crossed the Taiwan Sea midline and invaded the Southwest airspace. Jiang Wanan, who had just arrived in Shanghai, responded that when the environment was more difficult and more nervous, the more he needed to strengthen communication and dialogue.Jiang insisted on the "peace card" of "dialogue" also avoided the opportunity to make green camps.

Since 2010, the Taipei and Shanghai Shuangcheng Forums have been held once a year. The first session is held in Taipei. The two cities officials and exchanges. Since then, each forum is held in Shanghai and Taipei.Both sides dispatched first -level administrative heads to participate.Even during the epidemic, the forum was not interrupted, but it was held in the form of video. It can be seen that the attention and persistence of exchanges between the two sides of the strait can be seen.

Furthermore, the value of the Shuangcheng Forum must be interpreted in a structure.When cross -strait relations are friendly, for example, during the period of President Ma Ying -jeou, it can be regarded as icing on the cake. On the contrary, since Cai Yingwen came to power, the situation on both sides of the strait deteriorated, and the forum became charcoal in the snow.

During the period of the Taipei City, Ke Wenzhe proposed the position of "a family on both sides of the strait", which continued the Shuangcheng Forum.At that time, because the Democratic Progressive Party rejected cross -strait exchanges, the government had almost no room for dialogue with the other side, and the Kuomintang was in the wild, making Ke's official exchanges on both sides of the strait.

After returning to the Kuomintang Party in Taipei, the Shuangcheng Forum can only hold a video conference during the epidemic. This time Jiang Wanan personally led a group to Shanghai to attend the meeting.Limit the number of people.Since the Kuomintang is the opposition party, Taipei Mayor is currently the highest -level government officer of the Kuomintang. Through the only official communication channels on the two sides of the strait, you can not only convey the expectations of the people of Taiwan for peace and development to the other side.The advantages.

It is understood that during the preparation of the Shuangcheng Forum, the problem of designing has been extremely sensitive, and the consensus of 1992 is especially.In particular, in the near future experienced unsuccessful operations such as main military exercises, investigation of Taiwan -Taiwan trade barriers, and ECFA might be suspended, and unblocked operations with land forgiving mango input, Jiang Wanan's tone of cross -strait discussions when he visited Shanghai.

In addition to Jiang Wanan's descendants of the Jiang family, because of the election period, the dual -city forum is more significant.Jiang Wanan set the forum as "peace and dialogue", and hoped to reflect the four principles: the two principles of peer, dignity, kindness, and reciprocity of the Shuangcheng Forum, and pushed out the mutual benefit and prosperity of both sides of the strait.Although the Shuangcheng Forum is only a city forum on both sides of the strait, if land can release more kindness to Taiwan on this occasion, it will make the Shuangcheng Forum play a greater role.

The author is the Dean of the Institute of Institute of Asia Pacific