The answer to this question is simple: see which candidate has the best conditions, and it is best to fulfill the presidential responsibilities of the election president stipulated in the Constitution.The main responsibilities of the election president are roughly divided into three aspects: first, as a symbol of united people; 2. Guarding national reserves; 3. The integrity and integrity of public services.

In addition, everyone knows that the head of state is also the most important business card on behalf of the country.In the interaction between the country and the country, the Prime Minister represents the government, and the head of state represents the country, and there must be such a elements.Due to multiple heavy responsibilities, the ideal candidate of the president must have appropriate political and fiscal experience, high people's hope, grounding, and good at diplomacy.There are not many people who have high requirements, so there are not many people who can be happy.It is emphasized here, which is different from the conditions of the election.

As a symbol of unity people, it can be said to be the basic function of the president.Originally, the president was recommended by Congress and surpassed politics.This is important in a country that implements political parties, because political parties politics is divided.In order to compete for more parliamentary seats and ruling power, each political party will launch its own political platform, preach different political ideas, attract different groups in the society, and establish the loyalty of followers. As a result, voters and society will inevitably split voters and society.A president with a high degree of people can play a role in bridging social differences and unite everyone under the banner of the country.

The above -mentioned second and third presidential powers were added after the president was changed to the election system in 1991. These new powers are collectively referred to as the Custodial Power, which is to protect the national reserves and ensure public services.The department's integrity and integrity, the only talent.The reason why the government decides to amend the Constitution is to give the president's new powers to the purpose of establishing an additional line of defense to prevent national reserve and public administration from being destroyed.Who would be a destroyer?Of course, it is a government of corruption and vibrant routes.When such a bad government appears, the election president can compete with it, so as not to let it conspire for personality and corruption.

Why is reserve and public administration so important?Because Singapore does not have any natural resources, survival and development depends on good governance; so -called good governance, the most important features are integrity, integrity and efficiency, strict law, judicial justice, etc.Because of these conditions, Singapore can develop into a business and financial center, attracting many foreign companies to invest in Singapore, and creating employment opportunities for the Chinese people.Therefore, we must correctly realize that this is the capital of our survival and development and must be strictly guarded.

Secondly, because there is no natural resources, once a crisis is encountered, if the crown disease epidemic that has just subsided, the economy is almost completely paused and almost paralyzed overnight.EssenceTherefore, sufficient national reserve can be emergency at any time, which is also important for Singapore's survival.The so -called Jigu to prevent hunger, the more savings can ensure safety.

However, changing the nature of the president also brings new problems.The elections have a certain division.It was originally a presidential candidate beyond politics, and now it must be generated by a campaign.The late President Wang Dingchang was elected with a vote rate of 58%. Chen Qingyan's voting rate was only 35%. Although he received the authority of the voters, he also left some regrets.President Halima had no opponent to be elected, and this layer was missing, but it also attracted other people's discussions, saying that it was true that he was really selected without voting by voters.

There is a election to face the trouble of elections like this.Looking at this election, there are three candidates, each with different backgrounds, each with their own discussions. Therefore, in the campaign, it is difficult to avoid differentiation among voters.It was originally used to resist the mechanism of a bad government. In campaign activities, it can even become tools used by some political parties.For the government, this is a bit like a dart.For voters, some voters may be confused because of this, mistakenly regard the presidential election as a parliamentary election, and treat the president as the center of power that can be difficult or check the current government.

Elections are imminent. I believe that most voters will think calmly and distinguish between right and wrong, and will not be confused.Now that more people should know the responsibilities and authority of the election president, as well as the role he should play.Most people also know that the new power given to the president of the constitution is the protection of the president, not an Executive Power.Only the government has administrative power.These new powers of the president are actually preset, which means that in the future, a corruption government who wants to pay for the reserve can come in handy.

Singapore does not have a bad government now. In fact, Singapore has a considerable national reserve now. It has been re -elected by the government for many years. It is impossible for this government to abuse reserves.Secondly, the reputation of this government is based on the integrity, and has always been strict with self -discipline and has a zero tolerance for corruption.In this case, the president we need is a president who can surpass the party and continue to unite all citizens, and a president who can preach Singapore's reputation and friends internationally internationally.Whoever can do it best, it is best to serve Singapore and Singaporeans, and carefully compare the ability and qualifications of the three candidates, and it should not be difficult to get the answer.