Recently, Muhammad, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Middle East country, visited and signed five memorandums of understanding with Singapore to enhance each otherCooperation.The two sides further established the consensus of friendly cooperation.Qatar is an important country in the Middle East. The total area of more than 10,000 square kilometers is not large in the Persian Gulf region, and millions of population is similar to Singapore.However, the political system is relatively enlightened in the Arab countries, and the foreign economy is also very active.Especially in the past few years, despite the hostility and target of near neighbors, they did not yield and were knocked down. The toughness it showed was impressive.

The historical proof of Singapore and Qatar has proved that small countries do not necessarily be weak internationally. If they are not bullied, they will gain the right to speak.Power, stable internal and regional environments are indispensable, and continuous economic development is closely related to international cooperation. Therefore, a stable international environment is important to small countries.

The impact of international geopolitical turbulence on small countries is often larger than medium or large countries.In the 1970s, the continuous fire on the Central and South Peninsula caused long -term disturbances in the region, and many elderly people still remembered.Among them, there are shadows involved in strategic competition, and there are also international ideological struggles, which makes people feel more fragile and unsustainable for small countries.

Based on this cognition, Singapore led the "Small Country Forum" in the United Nations in 1992, which evoked the importance of small countries for its own weight and the importance of the unity of the small country. This can be said to be the world's initiative.Singapore has participated in the launch of Asia's fine security, and has actively participated in the region's affairs for decades, and has made a significant contribution to the growth and stable and peaceful development of Asia. It is also a concept of mutual benefit and prosperity.From our experience, it can be seen that the active investment in regional affairs in small countries will not only help maintain peace, and it is also vital to the interests of all aspects.

Recently, Premier Lee Hsien Loong led a group to visit Vietnam to improve the "New Vietnamese Creation Framework Agreement" that supported the economic cooperation between the two countries.Singapore and Vietnam are exploring the existing strategic partnership to comprehensive strategic partnership.The overall development, improvement and stability of Asianan can bring well -being to the people of every country in the region.

Maintaining flexible diplomacy and adaptability at all times is also vital to small countries.In the aspect of maintaining dignity and serious response to other countries, small countries pay attention to integrity, and clear attitude can win respect.Singapore and Qatar have long been actively participating in regional and international affairs, including playing the role of international folding bottle, and leading international organizations and conferences.

In the international environment of the international and the United States, the corner of the big country, the international supply chain reorganization, the emerging BRICS countries and the Western group form a camp, the small country needs to work hard to maintain a certain international status and maintain the correlation with international affairs with international affairsIn addition to long -term and stable diplomatic accumulation, it also depends on economic strength, diplomatic wisdom, and certain national defense strength.In the international environment of small nations, the right to speak to put forward its own views, clarify its own interests, and maintain independence diplomatic space.The unity of Xiaoguo is not just to heat up, but to play a multiplication effect in international affairs.Small nations can also respect each other and cooperate with each other.

Active contact between small countries, finding a common point of cooperation, complement each other, and consolidate development consensus is a smart decision.Premier Li said at the meeting of the new cards that the digital field and artificial intelligence are the future driving force for the global trading system and can cooperate in the future.

Qatar is located in a rich resources in the Middle East. Singapore is located in the prosperous Southeast Asia. It has its own advantages in geography to help complement each other.Small countries in different regions are conducive to the growth of each other's national diplomatic and economic strength, and facing a multi -polarization and uncertain future.