Source: Beijing Business Daily

Author: Liu Sihong

This year, China's Internet giant loan marketing war is still heating up.On August 27, a reporter from Beijing Commercial Daily sorted out and found that as of now, many platforms including Douyin, Ant,, Didi, and Ctrip have continued to launch various interest -free, withdrawals, and limited time preferential activities.From the perspective of the industry, in the context of today's flow of traffic and incremental new customers, how to promote the transformation of existing users to credit and re -loan users has become a major problem to crack the Internet giant credit business.In marketing activities, it is necessary to combine the scenes to do it, and to do a good job of liquidation and user layers to avoid inducing consumers' excessive borrowing.

Anti -price reduction activity

Recently, a reporter from Beijing Commercial Daily received marketing information from "rest assured" from Douyin for many days. Following the annual annual interest rate for users to reduce the borrowing rate to 11.88%, the next day, the "7.5%discount interest discount discount on interest discounts discountsThe coupon has arrived, and the total interest is 400 yuan (RMB, the same, the same, S $ 74) ".

In addition, a reporter from Beijing Commercial Daily learned that it was relieved to launch a "rest assured to borrow-small and micro-special enjoys" discount for another small and micro enterprise owner, which can provide new 30-day interest-free loan discounts for new Douyin e-commerce merchants.The event originated from the "Douyin E -commerce New Merchant Support Plan" opened on August 24. It launched 10 measures in the aspects of merchants' entry, exemption support, business guidance, traffic incentives, premium subsidies, etc.Management.New merchants can view and participate in the planning activities through the "Douyin E -commerce Learning Center" or "Dragan Store" website.

It is not the Douyin family who launched the price reduction event.A reporter from Beijing Commercial Daily found that the "Credit Loan" of Ant Group also launched a limited price reduction activity, with an annual interest rate (single interest) as low as 5.475%, and another borrowing of 1,000 yuan can be used for 30 days."Gold bars", there is no time to lack time -limited discounts. Among them, borrowing money can be free from interest from 1 to 30 days. In addition, you choose to pay it on schedule, and the interest can be reduced to 10.596%.

In addition, Didi has launched seven -day interest -free borrowing coupon and 30 -day interest -free voucher.The users entering through the event page can receive it. The voucher can be exempted from 30 days of borrowing interest, with a maximum interest -free amount of 75 yuan, which does not enjoy the discount.

Ctrip, as the OTA leader, is new again in borrowing service marketing.A reporter from Beijing Commercial Daily noticed that in addition to providing users to users, the platform also reminds users to recommend setting "getting flowers" as a priority payment method;In the event, the installment service fee can be exempted. In addition, the latest "6 -phase interest -free interest free interest -free every Wednesday" is also launched. When the cost of acting, the user has activated the user to buy a hotel product of 50.01 yuan within the quota.Enjoy the six -phase interest -free discount, and the ticket or car rental products can enjoy the three -phase interest -free discount.

Promoting the transformation of the stock

"It is really difficult to find an incremental user now. We also hope to dig more young users through some activities and new tricks. In addition, we also hope to promote the existing group." A Internet giant related businessThe person in charge told Beijing Business Daily reporter.

In response to the aforementioned loan marketing activities, a reporter from Beijing Commercial Daily interviewed multiple platforms. Among them, rest assured that relevant persons responded to the Beijing Business Daily reporter, "Rest assured to borrow-Xiaowei Special" to alleviate the merchants' start-up fundsIn stress, Douyin e -commerce has launched interest -free credit loans to individuals and enterprises such as individuals and enterprises holding business licenses. New merchants who meet relevant conditions can enjoy 30 -day interest -free loan services, with a maximum loan of 1 million yuan.

It is worth mentioning that the marketing of Internet giants in various ways this year is endless. Especially combined with special time nodes such as various festivals, special activities are even more tricks.In the context of today's top flow and incremental new customers, how to promote the transformation of existing users to credit and re -loan users has become a major problem in the industry that it has to crack the Internet giant credit business.

As the chief analyst of Broadcom consulting Wang Pengbo said, "The main reason for loan marketing is that the profit margin is higher, and the loan products need to be promoted.The habit of borrowing and using the old users at the same time. "

Li Ya, partner of Beijing Zhongwen Law Firm, told the Beijing Business Daily that currently financial institutions are doing loan marketing activities without exception, and natural Internet companies will not have exceptions. The purpose is to bring Internet companiesHigher market share and new profit source.However, in his opinion, companies are currently facing two problems. On the one hand, financial institutions have more funds, on the other hand, the pressure on residents increases the pressure on income, decreases consumption expenditure, and is more cautious about personal loans.Personal consumer loans need to consider their own income and debt capacity, and minimize impulse consumption. Therefore, this must also strictly control the credit standards for platforms to prevent large -scale post -loan risks.

In addition, how to avoid stimulating the problem of irrational borrowing of users, rest assured that relevant persons have said that they have launched the "rest assured borrowing" classroom and provided "rational borrowing tips" and other content.Make a reasonable plan for consumption and income.

Digging deep requirements

In addition to interest -free activities, compared with the previous period, the marketing of many Internet loan products has also appeared in a new feature, that is, in terms of loan quotas, users will take the initiative to participate in the risk control link."Self -lifting" and "self -evidence" encourages users to actively upload materials to obtain higher quotas.

In the industry, the institutional move is to promote stock users on the one hand, and in order to adopt more active market strategies, trying to obtain more users with abundant funds and rising credit demand.

"The Internet platform has a large number of personal customers and the natural advantage of issuing consumer loans. We also found the Q2 statement of the Internet platform. Most of the income and profits are growing. Therefore, the follow -up Internet platform should also seize the financial marketThe high -growth express train promotes its higher market share and new profit sources. "Li Ya said.

For the Internet giant loan service this year, Wang Pengbo commented, "On the whole, the service threshold is decreasing, the market openness and competitive intensity are increasing, and new marketing models and marketing channels have emerged.Mature, the types of Internet loan products are also richer. "Looking at the follow -up, he believes that relevant agencies still need to dig more scenes for the characteristics of the platform. If it is a relatively large and comprehensive platform such as ants, it is necessary to conduct external scene cooperation. If it is a platform such as Didi, you must target yourself.The scenes of the scene are dug in, and the deeper needs of users are developing.

In addition, Wang Pengbo added that it is best to combine with the scene with the scene, and it takes effort to do well.In his opinion, the most important thing in the marketing process is to avoid using the use of loan thresholds and concealing the actual interest fee standards to prevent consumers from lending too much.At the same time, consumers should be alert to consumer loans in non -consumer fields.In addition, after the implementation of the insurance law, it is also necessary to avoid excessive collection or use of consumer personal information.